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Types of Clauses

Faiz Ardiansyah (21144700023)

A Clause is a group of words that contain a subject and a verb.
There are two kinds of clauses :
Independent Clauses (also called Main Clauses/Induk Kalimat).
Dependent Clauses (also called Subordinate Clauses/Anak Kalimat).

An independent clause is a complete sentence and can stand alone

because it contains a complete thought/mengandung suatu pikiran
utuh. (S + V)
Ex : The teacher always comes to class fully prepared.

A Dependent clause is not a complete sentence and cannot stand

alone because not expressing a complete thought/tidak
mengungkapkan suatu pikiran utuh. It must be connected to an
independent clause. (Conjunction + S + V)

Ex : They ignored me as if I was invisible.

There are three kinds of dependent clause :
● Adverbial Clauses,
● Adjective Clauses, and
● Noun Clauses.
Adverbial Clauses
An adverbial clauses is a dependent clause that starts with a
subordinating conjunction (A conjunction at the beginning of a
subordinate clause).

An adverbial clauses function as adverbs and modify verbs,

adjectives, or other adverbs in the independent clauses. or
To build a relations between the ideas of the subordinate clause and
the main clause.

Whenever I take the bus to class, I always arrive late.

While she was cleaning the kitchen, she found a cooking oil spill.
Noun Clauses
A noun clauses is a dependent clause that starts with a question
words, if or whether, and that.

A noun clause functions as a noun (kata benda). Because it

functions as a noun, a noun clause can function as a component of
a sentence such as a subject, object of verb, object of preposition
and subject complement.

What she cooked was delicious.

I don’t know if he lives in West Java.

Many people had proved that the method was ineffective.

Thank you!

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