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Bainis Sofi (21144700017)

Grace Margareta A. Fangohoi (21144700022)
Tiara Wulan Aprialin (21144700027)
Hana Safitri Estianings (21144700024)


Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan
Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta
Table of Contents

CHAPTER 1....................................................................................................................................3
A. Background.................................................................................................................................3
B. Formulation of the problem.......................................................................................................3
C. Paper Purpose.............................................................................................................................3
CHAPTER II...................................................................................................................................4
A. Definition of Humanistic learning theory..............................................................................4
B. Definition of Humanistic learning theory according to experts...........................................4
C. Application of Humanistic Theory in learning......................................................................5
D. Advantages and Disvantages of Humanistic Theory.............................................................5
E. The role of Humanistic Learning Theory in Language Development.................................6
F. Definition of Cognitve learning Theory.................................................................................6
G. Definition of Cognitive learning Theory according to experts.........................................6
H. Application of Cognitive Theory in learning.....................................................................7
I. Disvantages and Advantages of Cognitive learning Theory.................................................7
J. The Role of Cognitive learning Theory on Language Development....................................8
CHAPTER III..................................................................................................................................9
A. Conclusion................................................................................................................................9
B. Bibliography.............................................................................................................................9


A. Background
Learning is a conscious effort process carried out by individuals to a change from not
knowing to knowing, from having no attitude to being being right, from being unskilled to
being skilled at doing something. Study not simply mapping the knowledge or information
conveyed. However how to involve individuals actively making or revising learning
outcomes which he received became a beneficial experience for himself. Learning is a system
that helps individuals learn and interact with learning resources and the environment.
Theory is a set of principles that are composed of certain eventsin the real world stated by
McKeachie in grendel 1991: 5 (Hamzah Uno,2006:4). While Hamzah (2003:26) states that
the theory is a set of prepositions that contain ideas, concepts, procedures and principle
consisting of one or more variables that are related to each other others and can be studied,
analyzed and tested and verified. From the two opinions above The theory is a set of
principles about events that occur it contains ideas, concepts, procedures and principles that
can be studied, analyzed and tested for truth. Learning theory is a theory in which there are
procedures for applying teaching and learning activities between teachers and students,
design of learning methods that will be carried out in the classroom and outside class.

B. Formulation of the problem

The formulation of the problem that we raise in this paper, namely:
1. Definition of Humanistic learning Theory
2. Definition of Humanistic learning Theory according to experts
3. How to apply humanistic learning theory
4. Disvantages and Advantages of Humanistic learning Theory
5. The Role of Humanistic learning Theory on Language Development
6. Definition of Cognitve learning Theory
7. Definition of Cignitive learning Theory according to experts
8. How to apply Cognitive learning theory
9. Implementation of Cognitve learning Theory
10. Disvantages and Advantages of Cognitive learningTheory
11. The Role of Cognitive learning Theory on Language Development

C. Paper Purpose
The purpose of writing this paper, namely:
1. To know about the definition of humanistic learning theory and cognitive
learning theory.
2. To find out how to apply and implement humanistic learning theory and
cognitive learning theory in learning.
3. to find out what the role of humanistic learning theory and cognitive learning
theory on language development.

A. Definition of Humanistic learning theory

Humanistic learning theory is a theory that states that humans have the right to
recognize themselves as a step to learn, so that they are expected to be able to achieve
self-actualization. That is why, this theory assumes that the learning process is
considered more important than the learning outcomes themselves.
This understanding also applies if this theory is applied in learning activities. That is,
the notion of humanistic learning theory can be equated with the notion of humanistic
learning theory.

B. Definition of Humanistic learning theory according to experts

a. According to Charlotte Buhler is the basic human tendency is self-actualization, or
self-realization, so that the peak experience of life arises through creativity. Buhler
emphasized the active role that humans play through their own initiative in meeting
Life Phases of Buhler
Development Phase
- Phase 1: 0 – 15 years Progressive biological growth; child at home; life centered on
narrow interests, school, family
- Phase 2: 16 – 27 yrs Advanced biological growth, sexual maturity; expansion
activity, self-determination; leaving the family, entering independent activities and
personal relationships
- Phase 3: 28 – 47 th Biological stability; peak period; better periods of professional
and creative work; lots of personal and social relationships
- Phase 4: 48 – 62 yrs Loss of productive function, decreased ability; decrease in
activity; personal, family, economic loss; the transition to this phase is characterized
by a psychological crisis; period of introspection
- Phase 5: 63 yrs & > Biological decline, increasing disease; resignation from the
profession; decrease in socialization, but increase in hobbies, individual pursuits;
periods of retrospect, feelings of fulfillment or failure

b. As a Humanist, Maslow believes that self-actualization is a vehicle for humans to

achieve their complete self. Every human being, has a fundamental potential that can
be developed into a force from which humans will be able to move towards self-
actualization.Maslow divided human needs into five main parts,
 Physical Needs (Physical Needs). Namely the basic human needs related to the
human body and a sense of comfort. Such as the need for food, drinking, shelter and
so on.
 Safety Needs (Security Needs). Namely the human need for a feeling of comfort and
security for himself which is expected to come from his environment. For example,
fair attention in the family, equal rights and obligations, a safe environment and so on
 Social Needs (Social Needs). Namely the need for interaction with the surrounding
environment. As recognized in friendship, treated equally in groups, given a role in
participating and so on.
 Esteem Needs. Namely needs related to individual psychological demands that must
be met. Such as being loved, loved, trusted, appreciated, praised and so on.
 Self Actualization (Self-Actualization Needs). That is the highest need in an
individual's life which includes a complete ability to integrate and implement self-
potential proportionally. For example, the ability to adapt to the environment, be able
to face problems, be tolerant of differences, and so on.

c. Theory of Humanism according to Carl Rogers looks more at the side of the
development of the human personality. Humanism focuses on the problem of how
each individual is influenced and guided by personal desires that are linked to their
own experiences. Carl Rogers' theory is based on a "life force" called the tendency of
actualization. The tendency of actualization is defined as the unified motivation in
every living being and aims to develop its full potential as much as possible (Rennie,
D. L., 2008).

C. Application of Humanistic Theory in learning

1) Teachers can give rewards to students who have succeeded in doing something, so
that students are more enthusiastic and motivated in learning.
2) Learners need to be avoided from pressure on the environment so that they feel safe to
learn more easily and meaningfully.
3) Provide opportunities for students to develop their abilities so that students get a
meaningful learning experience.
4) Teachers must facilitate students by providing varied, interactive learning resources to
support learning activities.

D. Advantages and Disvantages of Humanistic Theory

 Students will naturally be motivated and feel happy in learning.
 Because they understand the soul and mindset of the students, the teacher will accept
them as they are.
 Students have meaningful knowledge.
 Humanistic theory has a character that focuses on the development of attitudes,
personality, mental and analytic.
 Students in the long run can reach their potential well.
 One of the characteristics of successful application of humanistic learning theory is
that students feel motivated in learning
 Students will have a new subtle mindset and feelings.Students will have a strong
mentality and character.
 Being a whole person is brave, strong, free and can control his personality with full
 Students will be more innovative in mastering learning easily.
1) For students who have a passive tendency and lack initiative in learning will be
left behind in learning.
2) The application of learning theory will be hampered if students are not supported
by good motivation and environment.
3) The application of theory will be difficult to actualize in a more efficient form.
4) For students who are lazy to explore their potential, they will be left behind in
5) The implementation of humanistic theory will make students tend to be more self-
6) The function of the teacher in the growth of the character of students will be
further reduced.
7) The factor of learning success is more influential on the students' own actions.

E. The role of Humanistic Learning Theory in Language Development

The role of humanistic theory in language development is to highlight the freedom of
each individual student to understand the learning material to obtain new
information/knowledge in his own way, by using good and correct language during
the learning process. In this theory, students act as students, the teacher's role in
humanism learning is a facilitator. By knowing about the role of humanistic learning
theory, teachers are able to help improve students' language development optimally.
This can be done by setting a good example, motivating students and applying good
habits to students.

F. Definition of Cognitve learning Theory

Cognitive theory is a psychological approach to understanding how the brain works.
We can use cognitive theory to help us understand how human beings learn
languages. Cognitive theory is grounded in the idea that individuals must first
understand a concept before they can use language to express it. It argues that, in
order to understand new concepts, children (or adults) must develop their cognitive
abilities and build their own mental image of the world. Cognitive theories are
characterized by their focus on the idea that how and what people think leads to the
arousal of emotions and that certain thoughts and beliefs lead to disturbed emotions
and behaviors and others lead to healthy emotions and adaptive behavior.

G. Definition of Cognitive learning Theory according to experts

1) The "Cognitive Developmental" theory is attributed to Jean Piaget. According to
Piaget's thesis, thinking is an intellectual activity that gradually progresses from the
concrete to the abstract. According to Piaget's thesis, thought is a gradual intellectual
activity that progresses from the concrete to the abstract. Piaget's studies on the stages
of individual development and how aging affects learning capacities have made him a
developmental psychologist. According to Piaget, the development of mental capacity
results in the emergence of new mental capacities. Intellectual development is
qualitative rather than quantitative. In other words, children of different ages will
likewise have fundamentally varying levels of thinking ability or mental fortitude.
2) The Discovery Learning of Jerome Bruner
Bruner underlined that if the teacher gives pupils the chance to discover a concept,
theory, rule, or knowledge through examples that he experiences in life, the learning
process would proceed smoothly and creatively. According to Bruner, learning can
take the following three forms: enactive, iconic, and symbolic. In Piaget's hypothesis,
active learning and sensory intelligence are related. Learning anything through object
manipulation is known as active knowledge, which involves applying knowledge
rather than just understanding it.
3) Cognitive theory according to Vygotsky is the knowledge of children obtained
through social interaction activities between individuals and individuals or individuals
with groups and in an environment, there are several Vygotsky theories that are
applied in classroom learning
4) Ausubel's Meaningful Learning Theory The educational psychology applied by
Ausubel is working to find the law of meaningful learning. The following is David
Ausubel's concept of meaningful learning. Understanding Meaningful Learning
According to Ausubel, there are two types of learning:
• learning that is meaningful (meaningful learning) and
• rote learning.

Meaningful learning is a learning process in which new information is linked to the

structure of understanding that is already possessed by someone who is learning.
While learning to memorize, students try to accept and master the material given by
the teacher or read without meaning. As an educational psychologist, Ausubel pays
great attention to students at school by paying attention to or putting pressure on the
element of meaning in learning through language (meaningful verbal learning).

H. Application of Cognitive Theory in learning

1) Ask students to reflect on their experiences through journaling or daily reports on
what activities they did.
2) Encourage discussion based on what is being taught by asking students to explain the
learning material in front of the class and invite other students to ask questions.
3) Help students find new solutions to a problem to develop critical thinking.
4) Ask students to explain their ideas or opinions.
5) Assist students in exploring and understanding how ideas can be connected.
6) Improve students' understanding and memory through the use of visualization and
games in conveying the material.

I. Disvantages and Advantages of Cognitive learning Theory

1) This theory is considered closer to the psychology of child learning, so its application
to the child's learning process is not easy.
2) This theory is considered difficult to practice because it is often impossible for us to
understand the structure of the cognitive theory into clear parts.
3) This cognitive learning theory of learning success cannot be measured by only one
4) This theory can be comprehensive for all levels of education.
5) This theory is difficult to put into practice, especially for the elderly.

1) This cognitive theory can improve students' ability to solve problems (problem
2) This theory can also increase student motivation.
3) This cognitive theory can also make you more creative and independent.
4) This theory can help students understand learning materials more easily.

J. The Role of Cognitive learning Theory on Language Development

The fundamental requirements of cognitive theory, according to Santrock and Yusen
(1992), are that children's intelligence develops and that language acquisition is aided
by their desire to convey meaning and parental language input. The semantic and
pragmatic levels of language receive greater attention from the cognitive perspective
than the syntactic, morphological, and phonological levels.Learning can help people
increase their cognitive capacities. utilizing cognitive powers effectively and
efficiently, increasing linguistic proficiency to express thoughts and ideas. Learning
can also help you improve your language abilities. Memory and thought are two
components of cognitive aptitude that can help people learn language. The process of
remembering entails learning from the past or recalling information that has already
been stored in memory. Thinking is mental awareness of something expressed in
verbal symbols, replies, understandings, or conceptions.


A. Conclusion
1. Humanistic Theory
Humanistic learning theory can help teachers to be able to achieve learning
goals in a deeper and broader scope. This can be an effective breakthrough for
teachers in mastering the directions that must be implemented and steps to
achieve goals.
2. Cognitive Theory
It can be said that cognitive learning theory has an important role in changing
the mentality of students. Therefore, cognitive learning theory prioritizes the
learning process rather than the results of the learning itself. A teacher who
applies cognitive learning theory always believes that the learning process can
change mental and quite complex ways of thinking. Simply put, cognitive
learning theory does not have to be seen from changes in student behavior, but
is more concerned with what students have in seeing or assessing something.

B. Bibliography
Santrock dan Yusen (1992)
Baharuddin dan Esa Nur Wahyuni. 2007. Teori Belajar dan Pembelajaran.
Jakarta : Ar – Ruzz Media.(

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