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Types of Microscopy


• Microscopy is the technical field of using

microscopes to view samples and objects that
cannot be seen with the unaided eye
• Microscopes are instruments that produce an
enlarged image of the object
• Reflection involves a change in direction of light when it
bounce off a barrier; refraction of light involves a change in
the direction of light as it pass from one medium to another;
and diffraction involves a change in direction of light as it
pass through an opening or around a barrier in their path.
Types of Microscope
• 1. Bright-Field Microscope
• 2. Dark-Field Microscope
• 3. Phase contrast microscope
• 4. Fluorescent Microscope
• 5. Electron Microscope
1. The Bright-Field Microscope
• It produces a dark image against a brighter background.
• The microscope consists of a stand composed of a base
and arm to which the remaining parts are attached.
• A light source, either a mirror or an electric
illuminator, is located in the base.
• Two focusing knobs, the fine and coarse adjustment
knobs are located on the arm and can move either the
stage or the nosepiece to focus the image.
• Substage condenser is mounted within or beneath the
stage and focuses a cone of light on the slide.
• The curved upper part of the arm holds the body
assembly, to which a nosepiece and one or more
eyepieces or ocular are attached.
• More advanced microscopes have eyepiece for both
eyes and are called binocular microscopes.
• The nosepiece holds three to five objectives with lenses
of different magnifying power and can be rotated.
Working of bright field microscope
The path of light through a bright-field microscope is shown in fig.
• The objective lens forms an enlarged real image within the
microscope and the eye piece lens further magnifies this primary
image. hence, the enlarged specimen image called the virtual
image, appears to lie just beyond the stage about 25cm away.
working distance
distance between the front surface of lens and surface
of cover glass or
Image of Bright field microscopy
2. Dark field microscope
It produces a bright image of the object against a
dark background.

Working of dark field microscope

Living, unstained cells and organisms can be observed by simply
changing the way in which they are illuminated. A cone of
light is focused on the specimen in such a way that unreflected
and unrefracted ray do not enter the objective.
Only light that has been reflected or refracted by the specimen
forms an image.
The field surrounding a specimen appears black, while the object
itself is brightly illuminated
Because the background is dark, this type of microscopy is called
as dark field microscopy.

• Used to observe living, unstained preparations.
• The dark field microscope is used to identify bacteria

Image of dark field

3: Phase contrast microscopy

• Phase contrast is a widely used technique that

shows differences in refractive index as
difference in contrast
• It was developed by the Dutch physicist Frits
Zernike in the 1930s (for which he was
awarded the Nobel Prize in 1953).
• Different parts of object affect light differently, one base of this
difference is the refractive index
• It enhances the contrast between intracellular structures having slight
differences in refractive index (the ratio of the velocity of light in a
vacuum to its velocity in a specified medium).
• A phase-contrast microscope is a type of light microscopy that intensifies
contrasts of transparent and colorless objects by influencing the optical
path of light.
• Small unstained specimens such as living cells are difficult to seen by
/with bright filed microscope. So, Phase contrast microscope make
transparent objects more visible .
• the various organelles of a cell have different
composition . Regions of different composition likely
having different refractive indices.
• Phase contrast microscope converts differences in
refractive index into differences in relative intensity
(relative bright and darkness), which are visible to eye
• The phase-contrast microscope is a type of interference
• Interference of direct light and diffracted light
occurs ,resulting in the phase contrast image.
Working of phase contrast microscope
• Transparent living cells are not clearly visible in the bright field

microscope because there is little difference in contrast between

the cells and water. Thus microorganisms must be fixed and

stained before observation to increase contrast and create
variations in color between cell structures.
• The condenser of a phase contrast microscope has an annular
diaphragm, an opaque disk with a thin transparent ring, which
produces a hollow cone of light. As this cone passes through cell,
some light rays are bent due to variations in density and refractive
index with the specimen.
• The deviated light is focused to form an image of the object
and undeviated light rays strike a phase ring in the phase plate
while deviated rays miss the ring and pass through the rest of
the plate.
Phase contrast microscopy is useful for studying microbial
motility, determining the shape of living cells and detecting
bacterial components such as endospores and inclusion

Image of phase contrast

4. Fluorescence Microscopy
• exposes specimen to ultraviolet, violet, or blue light
• specimens usually stained with fluorochromes (rhodamine or flourescein)
• shows a bright image of the object resulting from the fluorescent light
emitted by the specimen
• The advances in live- cell imaging are made possible by use of a
fluorescence microscope
• Flurochromes are the certain chemical compounds which absorb the
invisible ultraviolet radiation and release a portion of the energy in ,the
longer visible wavelength, a phenomena called fluorescence.
• The light source in flourescence microscope produce a light of ultraviolet
light ,that travel through the filter .
• The filter absorb/ blocks all wavelengths except that which is capable of
exciting the fluorochrome.
Working of Fluorescence microscope
• Mercury vapor arc lamp or other source produces an intense beam of light that passes
through an exciter filter.
• The exciter filter transmits only the desired wavelength of excitation light.
• The excitation light is directed down the microscope by a special mirror called the
dichromatic mirror. This mirror reflects light of shorter wavelengths (i.e., the
excitation light), but allows light of longer wavelengths to pass through.
• The excitation light continues down, passing through the specimen and to objective
lens , which is usually stained with special dye molecules called fluorochromes. The
fluorochrome absorbs light energy from the excitation light and fluoresces brightly.
• The emitted fluorescent light travels up through the objective lens into the
microscope. Because the emitted fluorescent light has a Longer wavelength, it passes
through the dichromatic mirror to a Barrier filter, which blocks out any residual
excitation light.
• Finally, the emitted light passes through the barrier filter to the eyepieces.
• The fluorescence microscope has become an essential tool in
medical microbiology and microbial ecology.
• Bacterial pathogens (e.g., Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the
cause of tuberculosis) can be identified after staining them
with Fluorochromes or specifically labeling them with
fluorescent antibodies using immunofluorescence procedures
• There are many different ways that fluorescent compounds
can be used in cell and molecular biology.
• In one of its most common applications ,a fluorochrome (e.g
rhodamine or flourescein) is covalently linked (conjugated)
to an antibody to produce a fluorescent antibody that can be
used to determine the location of a specific protein within
the cell a technique called immunoflourescence.
• Fluorescently labeled proteins have been used to study the dynamic processes as they

occur in living cell. For example ,a specific fluorochrome can be linked to a cellular

protein ,such as actin or tubulin ,and then this fluorescently labeled protein is

injected into living cell. Then the labeled protein take part in normal activity of cell

and their position can be followed microscopically so in this way we can reveal the

activities in which the given protein participates.

• A recently discovered fluorescent protein, from the jelly fish Aequoera victoria , is

named as green fllourescent protein (GFP) .

• Many GFP varients that exibit different spectral properties (i.e fluoresce in variety of

distinguishable colors) have been generated by direct mutagenesis of the GFP gene.

• E.g BFP ,YFP, etc that fluoresce in shades of blue and yellow.
5. Electron Microscopy
• beams of electrons are
used to produce images
• wavelength of electron
beam is much shorter
than light, resulting in
much higher resolution
Working of Electron microscope
• Recall that the resolution of a light microscope increases with
a decrease in the wavelength of the light it uses for
• Electrons replace light as the illuminating beam.
• A heated tungsten filament in the electron gun generates a
beam of electrons that is then focused on the specimen by the
• Condenser lenses of an EMS are placed between electron
source and specimen .They Focus the electron beam on the
specimen .
• The specimen is supported on small thin metal grid insert into
a grid holder . which in turn inserts in column of MS.
• Electrons that passed through specimen are brought to focus
on phosphorescent screen situated at the bottom of the
• Since electrons cannot pass through a glass lens, doughnut
shaped electromagnets called magnetic lenses are used to focus
the beam. The column containing the lenses and specimen must
be under high vacuum to obtain a clear image because Electrons
are deflected by collisions with air molecules.
• The specimen scatters some electrons, but those that pass
through are used to form an enlarged image of the specimen on a
fluorescent screen.
• A denser region in the specimen scatters more electrons and
therefore appears darker in the image since fewer electrons strike
that area of the screen; these regions are said to be “electron
• In contrast, electron-transparent regions are brighter. The image
can also be captured on photographic film as a permanent record.
Types of EM
• Transmission electron microscopes (TEM)
form images by using electrons that are
transmitted through the specimen.
• Scanning electron microscopes (SEMs) utilize
the electron that have bounced off the surface
of the specimen.
Transmission Electron Microscope

• electrons scatter when they pass through thin

sections of a specimen
• transmitted electrons (those that do not
scatter) are used to produce image
• denser regions in specimen, scatter more
electrons and appear darker
• Transmission electron microscopes (TEM) form images
by using electrons that are transmitted through the
• The TEM can provide vastly greater resolution then
the light microscope.
• * Unlike a photon of light , which has constant
wavelength, the wavelength of electron varies with
speed at which particle is traveling and which in turn
depends on the accelerating voltage applied in the
Preparing specimens for TEM

The TEM will also disclose the shape of organelles within microorganisms if specimens are

prepared by the freeze-etching procedure. First, cells are rapidly frozen in liquid nitrogen

and then warmed to 100°C in a vacuum chamber. Next a knife that has been precooled

with liquid nitrogen (196°C) fractures the frozen cells, which are very brittle and break

down the middle of internal membranes. The specimen is left in the high vacuum for a

minute or more so that some of the ice can sublimate away and uncover more structural

detail. Finally, the exposed surfaces are shadowed and coated with layers of platinum and

carbon to form a replica of the surface. After the specimen has been removed chemically,

this replica is studied in the TEM and provides a detailed view of intracellular structure.
Scanning Electron Microscope
• uses electrons reflected from the surface of a
specimen to create image
• produces a 3-dimensional image of specimen’s
surface features
• TEM basically used to examine intra cellular
structures of cells but in contrast SEM primarily used
to examine surfaces of objects ranging in size from
virus to an animal head.
Working of Scanning electron microscope
• Specimen preparation for SEM is relatively easy, and in
some cases air-dried material can be examined directly.
• Most often, microorganisms must first be fixed,
dehydrated, and dried to preserve surface structure and
prevent collapse of the cells when they are exposed to the
SEM’s high vacuum.
• Before viewing, dried samples are mounted and coated
with a thin layer of metal to prevent the buildup of an
electrical charge on the Surface and to give a better
• To create an image, the SEM scans a narrow, tapered electron
beam back and forth over the specimen.
• When the beam strikes a particular area, surface atoms discharge
a tiny shower of electrons called secondary electrons, and these
are trapped by a special detector.
• Secondary electrons entering the detector strike a scintillator
causing it to emit light flashes that a photomultiplier converts to
an electrical current and amplifies. The signal is sent to a cathode-
ray tube and produces an image like a television picture, which
can be viewed or photographed.
• The number of secondary electrons reaching the detector depends
on the nature of the specimen’s surface. When the electron beam
strikes a raised area, a large number of secondary Electrons enter
the detector; in contrast, fewer electrons escape a depression in the
surface and reach the detector. Thus raised areas appear lighter on
the screen and depressions are darker. A realistic three
dimensional image of the microorganism’s surface results.
The actual in situ location of microorganisms in ecological niches
such as the human skin and the lining of the gut also can be
Two important techniques for preparing specimens for SEM

1. Negative staining
• In negative staining, the specimen is spread out in a thin film
with either phosphotungstic acid or uranyl acetate., heavy
metals do not penetrate the specimen but render the
background dark, whereas the specimen appears bright in
• Negative staining is an excellent
way to study the structure of viruses,
bacterial gas vacuoles, and
other similar objects
• In shadowing, a specimen is coated with a thin film of
platinum or other heavy metal.
• In one commonly used imaging method, the area coated with
metal appears dark in photographs, whereas the uncoated side
and the shadow region created by the object is light.
• This technique is particularly useful in studying virus
morphology, prokaryotic flagella, and DNA.

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