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To be reported by : Kent Carlos Rafael Pasoquin
 Katie Eriksson
 Caritative theory means that we take ‘caritas’ into use when caring for the human being in
health and suffering. Caritative caring is a manifestation of the love that ‘just’ exist. Caring in
a spirit of caritas alleviates the suffering of the patient.
(Eriksson, 1992c, pp, 204, 207)
 A professor of health sciences at Abo Akademi University in Vassa.
 Katie Eriksson a Finland-Swedish nurse.
 And became a nurse instructor at Helsinki Swedish Medial Institute.
 1. A model of nursing which distinguishes between caring ethics, the practical relationship
between the Patients and the nurse, and the nursing ethics.
 2. Nursing ethics are the ethical principles that guide a nurses decision making abilities.
 3. Caritative caring consist of love and charity, which also known as caritas, respect and
revenge for human holiness and dignity.
 4. According to the theory, suffering that occurs as a result of lack of caritative care is a
violation for human dignity.
 1. The human being : Patient and Caregiver/Nurse.
 2. Suffering and Health
 3. The Caritas Motive – The Ethics of Caring
 4. Caring – Compassion, Invitation and Commitment to the relationship, Faith, Hope and
 5. The Caring Communion.
 In terms of Eriksson theory, the Patient is suffering human being or human being who suffers
and patiently endures.
 3 Forms of Health and each contains suffering:

- Related to illness
- Related to Care
- Related to Life
Caring Culture Concept
Characterizes the total caring reality based on cultural elements.
Transmission of value preferences.
Preserving respect, dignity and holiness of human
Caritative Care Ethics makes a basic distinction between caring and nursing ethics.

Caring ethics the core of nursing ethics, deals with the patient-nurse relationship. Nursing ethics
deals with ethical principles and rules that guide nursing decision.
(Tomey & Alligood 2006)
 Wikiberg A. and Eriksson performed a concept analysis of intercultural caring literature in
relation to the theory of Caritative. The study goal was to determine the use of Eriksson’s Care
Theory developing a transcultural caring model for education and implementation.

Conclusion : It is useful with limitation.

 Mrs. X. Is a 33 year old Hispanic female who was originally from Puerto Rico. She works in a
factory and many of her co – workers became concerned about her talking about controlled by
voodoo. The employee Assistance Program Evaluated Mrs. X. and thought she might be a
danger of herself since she was so distraught over the consequences of the voodoo. The
complete full assessment revealed that was perceived as a thought disorder was actually
instead cultural related. She was presenting a severe anxiety related to voodoo beliefs. Mrs. X
report not sleeping and she wakes up frequently throughout the night and reports somatic
symptoms of anxiety. Of particular note was the nurses sensitivity to the patients presentation
of symptoms related to the culture. What might been perceived as delusional was normal
within the culture.
Eriksson stresses the importance of the logical form from being created on the basis of the
substance of caring not on the basis of method.
1. Deduction
2. Induction
3. Abduction or Retroduction
 Eriksson’s fundamental idea when formulating theoretical assertions is that they connect four
levels of knowledge:
1. Meta – theoretical
2. The Theoretical
3. The Technological
4. Caring as art
caritas means love and charity. In caritas, eros and agape are united, and caritas is by nature
unconditional love. Caritas, which is the fundamental motive of caring science, also constitutes
the motive for all caring. It means that caring is an endeavor to mediate faith, hope and love
through tending, playing and learning
CARING COMMUNION. Caring Communion is characterized by intensity and vitality, and by
warmth closeness, rest, respect, honesty and tolerance. It cannot be taken for granted but pre-
supposes a conscious effort to be with the other. Caring communion is seen as the source of
strength and meaning in caring.
THE ACT OF CARING. The act of caring contains the caring element( faith, hope, love,
tending, playing, and learning), involves the categories of infinity and eternity, and invites to
deep communion. The act of caring is the art of making something very special out of
something less special.
 Caritative caring ethics comprises the ethics of caring the core of which is determined by the
caritas motive. Caring ethics deals with the basic relation between the patient and the nurse,
the way in which the nurse meets the patient in an ethical sense.
DIGNITY. Human dignity us partly absolute dignity, partly relative dignity. Absolute dignity is
granted the human being through creation, while relative dignity is influenced and formed
through culture and external contexts.
INVITATION. Invitation refers to the act that occurs when the career welcomes the patient to
the caring communion. The concept of invitation finds room for a place where the human being
is allowed to rest, a place that breathes genuine hospitality and where the PT’s appeal for charity
meets with the response.
SUFFERING. Suffering is an ontological concept described as a human being’s struggle
between good and evil in a state of becoming. Suffering implies in some sense dying away from
something, and through reconciliation, the wholeness of body, soul and spirit is re-created, when
the human being’s holiness and dignity appear.
CLARITY. Eriksson main thesis has always been basic conceptual clarity is needed before developing
the contextual features of the theory. Eriksson has used concept analysis and analysis of ideas as
central methods, which has led to sematic and structural clarity. It has at the same time meant that the
concepts may have been assumed dimensions that have been regarded as strange to those who are not
familiar with theoretical perspective in which the development of the factory has taken place.
SIMPLICITY. Simplicity of the theory by showing the general in a clear and logical conceptual
entirety. The hermeneutic approach has depended the understanding of the substance and thus
contributed to the simplicity of the theory.
GENERALITY. Eriksson’s theory is general in the sense that aims at creating an ontological and
ethical basis of caring, while at the same time it constitute the core of the discipline and thus involves
epistemology as well, Eriksson’s theory is a also general as a result of the wide convincing force of
receives through its theoretical core concepts and its theoretical axioms and thesis.
ACCESSIBILITY. Eriksson’s thinking as a whole has reached an understanding that extends to other
disciplines and professions. She has developed a language and rhetoric that has reached researchers as
well as practitioners in the human scientific field.
IMPORTANCE. Eriksson’s work on developing her caritative caring theory for 30 years has been
successful, and particularly in the Nordic countries there is abundant evidence that her thinking is of
great importance to clinical practice, research, and education, and also to the development of the
caring discipline.

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