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5 JULY, 2022
Structure of Presentation

1. What is curriculum & “Kurikulum Merdeka” (KM)?

2. Similarities and differences between The 2013 Curriculum
and “KM”
3. Aspects that should be paid attention to in KM
4. Benefits and challenges for teachers and students

… can be seen as the planned learning experiences that formal institutions

provide to learners, suggesting both the different theories of knowledge as
well as different purposes for knowing. Typically, or classically, curricula
reflect orientations to knowledge, or ways that curriculum carries the primary
missions, or social purposes, that underlie educational delivery (Bianco,
2008, p. 117).
• A curriculum is all the learning experiences planned and directed by the school to attain its educational goals (
Tyler, 1957, p. 367).
• The concept of ‘curro’ (I run) is of Latin origin and refers to a race, a track, or a race track (see Pinar et al, 1995).
• Bobbitt (1918, p. 43) defined curriculum as entire range of experiences, directed and undirected, concerned in
unfolding the abilities of the individual.
• Curriculum is composed of all experiences children have under teachers’ guidance (Caswell & Campbell,
1935, p. 66).
• It can be synthesized that curriculum is a plan for teaching and learning process with particular objectives to help
students succeed as students and as individuals in their society. The practical implications from the definitions
show that establishing a curriculum is not an easy task because it requires long processes, considerations, and
observations of the elements ( see Maryono & Emilia, 2022).
AIM of “Kurikulum Merdeka” for English is to develop:
1. students’ English communicative skills in different text types
(as part of life skills);
2. intercultural competence t understand and respect Indonesian
and foreign cultural perspectives, practices and products;
3. Students’ self confidence to express themselves as independent
and responsible individuals;
4. Creative and critical thinking skills (Kemdikbud, 2022: 151).
The curriculum needs to emphasize on what
students’ knowledge can do as the most important
thing in 21st century skills (Silva, 2009 in
Maryono & Emilia, 2022)
The learning process should be focused on text in different
types and modes (written, spoken, visual, audio and
multimodal) ( CP Bahasa Inggris, p. 150).

Why text?

“When people speak or write, they produce texts, and text is

what listeners and readers engage with and interpret”(Halliday
& Mathiessen, 2014: 3, in Kemdikbud, 2022:150).
Learning different texts types through text-based instruction can support the students to have characteristics of
Pelajar Pancasila.

1. “Beriman dan berakhlak mulia”

2. Independent
3. Critical thinker
4. Creative
5. Gotong royong
6. Berkebinekaan global. (Kemdikbud, 2022: 151).
Capaian Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris ini tertuang dalam Lampiran Keputusan Kepala Badan
Standar, Kurikulum, dan Asesmen Pendidikan, Kemendikbudristek Nomor 008/H/KR/2022
 tentang capaian pembelajaran pada PAUD, Jenjang Pendidikan Dasar dan Pendidikan
Menengah pada Kurikulum Merdeka.
Ideology of the Curriculum

• Academic rationalism focuses on language teaching to develop ‘students’ intellect, humanistic

values, and rationality.’
• Social-economic efficiency believes that language is meant for practical use and functional skills
to make students’ lives better.
• Learner-centeredness values different individual needs, experience, awareness, and thinking. This
principle emphasizes on what the students do, not what the teachers do (Tyler, 1949).
• Social reconstructionism focuses on social injustice eradication based on Freire’s Critical
Pedagogy (Freire, 1970).
• Cultural pluralism focuses on minorities, tries to raise the self-esteem of minority and redress
racial issues (see Emilia, 2021; Maryono & Emilia, 2022).

Konsep merdeka belajar sebenarnya merupakan konsep inti dari pedagogi kritis, yang pertama kali
dikembangkan oleh Freire (1971) di Brazil dalam program pengajaran literasi.

Konsep merdeka juga telah dibahas dalam salah satu buku yang berjudul Education of Freedom (Freire, 1998).

Program literasi Freire juga telah menjadi dasar pengembangan program literasi oleh UNESCO sejak tahun
1970an (UNESCO, 2003)

(see Emilia, 2021).

Kata “merdeka” tidak berarti tanpa batas atau limitless, tetapi
memperhatikan kemerdekaan serta otoritas orang lain, termasuk
otoritas orang tua, keluarga, dan bahkan negara (Freire, 1998, in
Emilia, 2020).

Penggunaan kata merdeka (atau berdaya, atau memerdekakan) juga

harus melibatkan pertimbangan “merdeka dari apa?”, atau
“merdeka melakukan apa?” (Lankshear, 1997, dalam Wallace:
2003: 60 in Emilia, 2020).
Dalam kasus pengajaran bahasa, menurut Wallace (2003), tujuan pengajaran adalah membantu peserta didik
(untuk merdeka), dengan menjadi pengguna bahasa yang kuat, apakah sebagai bahasa ibu, bahasa kedua, atau
bahasa asing.

Sejalan dengan apa yang dikatakan Chomsky (1973), bahwa orang yang tahu satu bahasa adalah orang yang
merdeka, karena dia mengetahui aturan dan prinsip-prinsip dalam bahasa itu, sementara penggunaan bahasa
merupakan proses kreasi yang bebas. Aturannya baku, tetapi cara dan prinsip penggunaannya bersifat bebas dan
bervariasi, melibatkan kreativitas yang tinggi. Interpretasi dan penggunaan kata melibatkan proses kreasi yang
bebas. Pengguna bahasa bisa memahami ungkapan atau kalimat yang belum pernah dibaca atau didengar
sebelumnya (see Emilia, 2020)
Bahasa memainkan peranan sentral karena bahasa merupakan formative
organ of thought (Chomsky, 1973) atau instrument of thought (Bruner, 1975
dalam Cummins, 2000: 61). Dengan mengutip Rousseau, Chomsky
mengatakan bahwa “great ideas can come into the mind only with the aid of
words and the understanding grasps them only through propositions.”
(Chomsky, 1973

Suatu teori bisa berlaku tidak hanya karena teori itu menggunakan data
yang transparan, tetapi karena disajikan dalam wacana yang bisa dipahami
oleh masyarakat ahli bidang itu (Thomas Kuhn dalam Bizzel, 1992: 9).
Characteristics of English Subject in KM

1. Focuses on learning different text types (written, oral, visual, multimodal)

2. The teacher can determine the text type he/she wants to teach referring to CP (capaian
3. The learning process is learner-centred: Focusing on what the students do, changing the
students’ behaviour.
4. The learning process is focused on the development of language skills (learners’ ability to use
the language) in line with their language development: Listening, reading, viewing, writing,
speaking, presenting.
5. Learning outcome refers to CEFR: Phase E (B1), Phase F (B2)
Aspect Curriculum 2013 Curriculum Merdeka

AIM To enable students to use the The same

language in different contexts in
different text types
Focus of learning Text Text
Levels of Year 7 - Year 12 Year 1-Year 12 (Primary schools which have not been
schooling ready to implement the curriculum can integrate the
teaching of English to the local content or extra
curriculum program).
Learning and Syllabus, Kompetensi Inti (Main CP (Capaian Pembelajaran) (Aim), Tujuan Pembelajaran
teaching Competence), Kompetensi Dasar (Learning Objectives), Alur Tujuan Pembelajaran (The
references (basic Competence), RPP (Leson sequence of learning objectives), Lesson Plan.
Benefits and The teacher just teaches, The teachers can be creative, teaching based on the
Challenges following the Syllabus, Basic needs of the students in line with their language
Competence & Samples of development.
Lesson Plans. The teachers are required to do a need analysis, to create
The teachers should follow what learning objectives, and determine the sequence of the
is stipulated in the documents in learning process based on the difficulty and language
line with text-based instruction. skills following the steps of text-based instruction.

By the end of Phase F students use oral, written, and visual English texts appropriate with
the purpose, situation in different texts such as narrative, descriptive, exposition,
procedures, argumentation, discussion … . .

Students explore different text types in different topics … .

They read written texts … .
They produce texts oral, written, visual … . (Kmdikbud, 2022: 161).
Teachers need to understand conceptions of a curriculum sequence

A classic statement of sequence is associated with Smith, Stanley, & Shores (1950). They identified four sequential
approaches to curriculum design and organisation:
1. From the simple to the complex
2. A successive identification of prerequisite
3. Teaching from the part to the whole
4. The chronological.

Leonard (1950) identified the following arrangements:

5. Time or chronological order
6. Logical order
7. Difficulty
8. Geographical expansion
9. The developmental unfolding of the child. (in Emilia, 2021).
Perhatikan contoh dan alur tujuan pembelajaran berikut.
Setelah belajar unit ini, siswa diharapkan mampu:
• Mengidentifikasi berbagai karakteristik cerita, termasuk karakter, seting,
plot, struktur organisasi cerita, termasuk orientasi, komplikasi, klimaks,
resolusi, coda, moralitas.

• Mengidentifikasi unsur kebahasaan cerita: keterangan lampau, kata kerja

aksi, kata yang menunjukkan urutas waktu.
• Memahami informasi eksplisit dan implisit (gagasan utama dan informasi
rinci) dari teks yang didengar dan dibaca.
• Menulis cerita dengan struktur organisasi dan nsur kebahasaan yang
• Menyajikan atau menceritakan secara lisan cerita yang sudah ditulis.
Tujuan pembelajaran:

Merancang dan memproduksi teks deskriptif lisan, tulisan, dan multimodal sederhana tentang jati diri.

Tujuan pembelajaran Unit 1:

1. Mengidentifikasi konteks, gagasan utama, dan informasi terperinci dari teks deskriptif lisan, tulisan, dan
multimodal tentang myself.
2. Menjelaskan konteks, gagasan utama, dan informasi terperinci dari teks deskriptif lisan, tulisan, dan
multimodal tentang myself.
3. Mengemukakan ide dari teks deskriptif lisan, tulisan, dan multimodal tentang myself.
4. Menggunakan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks deskriptif lisan, tulisan, dan multimodal tentang
Sejalan dengan CP yang dibelajarkan pada bab ini, Kegiatan belajar bertujuan
menjadikan peserta didik mampu:
•mengidentifikasi kharakteristik dari teks naratif, termasuk fungsi sosial
dan struktur teks;
•mengidentifikasi ciri-ciri kebahasaan dari teks naratif, pada bab ini
difokuskan pada pembahasan past tense, action verbs, and sequence words;
•memahami informasi implisit dan eksplisit (ide pokok dan informasi
detail) dari teks yang dibaca dan didengar;
•menulis teks naratif dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks,
dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai konteks; dan
•mempresentasikan teks naratif yang telah ditulis dengan memperhatikan
fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai
Some ATPs are made with inappropriate sequence.
Misunderstand about the verb “Memirsa” for “Reading images”.
Be careful with the word “to facilitate”

1.Waktu yang disarankan: 10 menit


Memfasilitasi peserta didik untuk mengaktifkan

pengetahuan awal mereka mengenai teks legenda yang
akan dipelajari.
Waktu yang disarankan: 15 menit

b. Tujuan

Memfasilitasi peserta didik untuk belajar beberapa kosakata terkait elemen dari
cerita. Selain itu, kegiatan ini dapat mengembangkan kemampuan bernalar
kritis, komunikatif, dan kemandirian mereka.

c. Petunjuk Pembelajaran

•Mintalah salah satu siswa membacakan instruksi untuk Activity 1. Secara

klasikal, tanyakan apakah mereka memahami instruksi tersebut.

•Jelaskan kepada peserta didik bahwa untuk memahami isi dari cerita yang
mereka baca dan/atau mengungkapkan ide atau informasi, mereka perlu
memahami elemen atau komponen dari cerita.
Kemdikbud. (2022). Keputusan Kepala Badan Standar, Kurikulum, Dan Asesmen Pendidikan
Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, Dan Teknologi Nomor 008/h/kr/2022 tentang capaian
pembelajaran pada pendidikan anak usia dini, jenjang pendidikan dasar, dan jenjang pend.
Emilia, E. . (2020)Merdeka belajar-kampus merdeka dalam pengajaran bahasa Inggris. In Ali, M.
(2020). Pendidikan menuju Indonesia emas. UPI Press.
Emilia, E. (2021). Ralph W. Tyler and his contribution to the development of curriculum of
English. In Hardini, T. I., & Wirsa, Y. (2021). Learning strategies and learner autonomy. Struggles
and opportunities in language learning education. UPI Press.
Maryono & Emilia (2022). An analysis of International Baccalaureate – English language
curriculum for middle year program. Parole . Journal of Linguistics and Education. Volume 12 (1).
Thank you

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