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BCVE 301



Ing. Laudina Gloria Mends

Learning Objectives 2
At the end of the course, learners should be able to:
 identify the types and purposes of different foundation
systems and structures
 discuss the systematic methods for designing foundations
 discuss and evaluate the feasibility of foundation solutions to
different types of soil conditions considering the time effect
on soil behavior
 build the necessary theoretical background for design and
construction of shallow foundation systems.

Ing. Laudina Gloria Mends 11/02/2022

Course Content 3
 Introduction: Introduction to foundation engineering,
performance requirements, strength and serviceability
 Earth retaining structures: external and internal stabilized
systems, lateral earth pressures. Cantilever retaining walls,
external stability.
 Shallow foundations: Design requirements, settlement
analysis methods, differential settlement, Design of shallow
foundations under different types of loading, Design of mat
foundations, rigid methods, non-rigid methods.
 Bearing capacity of soil.

Ing. Laudina Gloria Mends 11/02/2022

Mode of Delivery 4

Ing. Laudina Gloria Mends 11/02/2022

Recommended Reading List 5

 Coduto, D. P., Kitch, W. A., & Yeung, M. C. R. (2001).

Foundation design: Principles and practices (Vol. 2). Prentice
 M. Budhu. (2008). Foundations and earth retaining structures.
John Wiley & Sons.
 Clayton, C. R., Woods, R. I., Bond, A. J., & Milititsky, J. (2014).
Earth pressure and earth-retaining structures. CRC press.
 Das, Braja M. (2015). Principles of foundation engineering.
Cengage learning.
Students are encouraged to visit the Nunya library for other
sources of reading materials.

Ing. Laudina Gloria Mends 11/02/2022

Introduction to Foundation Eng. 6
 Foundation elements or systems are structural units that
transfer various load combinations from the superstructure to
the underlying soils or rocks
 The major role of the foundation is to spread and moderate the
highly concentrated stresses in the structural units (i.e., wall,
column, or piers) with the normal magnitude of 10–200 MPa
and transfer them to the subsoil with the usual tolerable
compression stresses of 0.05–0.5 MPa.

Ing. Laudina Gloria Mends 11/02/2022


Lateral Earth Pressure

Ing. Laudina Gloria Mends 11/02/2022
Learning objectives 8
At the end of the LEP lesson, learners should be able to
 Explain the difference between passive, active, and at-rest lateral
earth pressure
 Compute the Rankine active and or passive lateral pressure
coefficient for a given cohesion less soil
 Solve the equivalent lateral earth force (active or passive) acting
on a wall, including the possibility for multiple soil layers, water
behind the wall and a surcharge at the top of the wall.
 Explain three reasons why clay backfill behind a retaining wall is
a bad idea
 Compute equivalent lateral force behind a wall (active and
passive) using the coulomb method.

Ing. Laudina Gloria Mends 11/02/2022

Earth Retaining Structures 9

 A soil mass is more stable when the slope of the surface of the
soil mass is flatter than the safe slope.
 At some locations where the space is limited and it is not
possible to provide flat slope and the soil is to be retained at a
slope steeper than the safe one.
 In such cases, a retaining wall is required to provide lateral
support to the soil mass.
 The soil that is retained can sustain the force acting on the wall
by virtue of its shear strength and this force is called the earth
pressure and the material that is being retained by the wall is
called the backfill.

Ing. Laudina Gloria Mends 11/02/2022

LEP 10

 The lateral earth pressure is usually computed using the classical

theories proposed by Coulomb (1773) and Rankine (1857).
 Vertical or near vertical slopes of soil are supported by retaining
walls, cantilever sheet-pile walls, sheet pile bulkheads, braced cuts,
and other similar structures.
 The proper design of such structures requires an estimation of
lateral earth pressure which is a function of several factors such as ;
 The type and amount of wall movement
 Shear strength parameters of the soil
 The unit weight of the soil
 The drainage conditions in the backfill

Ing. Laudina Gloria Mends 11/02/2022

LEP illustration 11

a) The wall may be restrained from moving. The lateral earth pressure on the wall at any depth is called the “at-rest
earth pressure”.
b) The wall may tilt away from the soil that is retained. With sufficient tilt, a triangular soil wedge behind the wall will
fail. The lateral pressure for this condition is referred to as active earth pressure.

c) The wall may be pushed into the soil that is retained. With sufficient movement, the soil wedge will fail. The lateral
pressure for this condition is referred to as passive earth pressure.
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Lateral Earth Pressure 12

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Lateral Earth Pressures 13

Anchors Level grounds Retaining wall

Passive Condition At rest condition Active condition

Soil is in compression No movement of soil Soil in extension

Wall moves towards the soil System is in equilibrium Wall moves away from soil

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Lateral Earth Pressures 14
 The effective horizontal stress can be deduced by multiplying a
certain factor k to the effective vertical stress. The k is known as
the horizontal earth pressure coefficient.

 When the soil is at rest, at rest earth pressure coefficient

 When the soil is in tension, active earth pressure coefficient
 When the soil is in compression, passive earth pressure coefficient
The soil that is retained can sustain the force acting on the wall by its shear
strength this force is called the earth pressure and the material that is retained
by the wall is called the backfill. When the wall is rigid and unyielding, the soil
mass is in a state of rest and there are no deformations and displacements. The
earth pressure corresponding to this case is called the earth pressure at rest.

Ing. Laudina Gloria Mends 11/02/2022

Lateral Earth Pressure at Rest 15
 Consider a vertical wall of height H, retaining soil having a unit weight of x.
A uniformly distributed load, the q/unit area, is also applied at the ground
surface. The shear strength of the soil is
 S = C+
 Where; C = cohesion, = effective angle of friction, = effective normal stress

Ing. Laudina Gloria Mends 11/02/2022

Lateral Earth Pressure at Rest 16
At any depth z below the ground surface, the vertical subsurface stress is;
If the wall is at rest and is not allowed to move at all, either away from the soil mass or into the soil
mass, the lateral pressure and a depth z are;
K0 + u
Where u = pore water pressure, = coefficient of at-rest earth pressure
For normally consolidated soil, the relation for (Jaky 1994)
K0 ≈ 1 –
N/B. If surcharge q = 0 and the pore water pressure u = 0, the pressure diagram will be a triangle. The
total force, per unit length of the wall in Cal, can be obtained, d from the area of the pressure diagram
in (b) and is
= q K 0H +
Where; = area of rectangle 1, = area of triangle 2
The location of the line of action of the resultant force can be obtained by taking the moment about the
bottom of the wall. Thus,

Ing. Laudina Gloria Mends 11/02/2022

At-rest earth pressure ( 17

 For normally consolidated soils (clays and sands)

, typical range = 0.4-0.6

 For over-consolidated soils (clays and sands)

 increases when soil is over consolidated why??

Horizontal stresses tend to get locked in more than vertical
stresses do.

Ing. Laudina Gloria Mends 11/02/2022

Rankine Earth Pressure Theory 18

Rankine (1857) considered the equilibrium of a soil within a soil

mass bounded by a plane surface. The following assumptions
were made by Rankine for the derivation of earth pressure.
i. The soil mass is homogenous and semi-infinite.
ii. The soil is dry and cohesionless.
iii. The ground surface is a plane that may be horizontal/inclined.
iv. The back of the retaining wall is smooth and vertical.
v. The soil element is in a state of plastic equilibrium i.e. on the
verge of failure.

Ing. Laudina Gloria Mends 11/02/2022

Rankine Theory for Active and 19
Passive Pressure for Cohesionless
Soils (1870’s)

 If we adjust the lateral load,

 What will happen if we keep reducing the lateral load? Fail in

lateral extension
 What will happen if we keep increasing the lateral load? Fail
in lateral compression

Ing. Laudina Gloria Mends 11/02/2022

Rankine Theory for Active and 20
Passive Pressure for Cohesionless
Soils (1870’s)
 Using geometry and trigonometry on the Mohr-Coloumb
(45 - ), (45 + )

 For any retaining wall problem, there is always a combination

of active and passive pressure acting at the same time.

Ing. Laudina Gloria Mends 11/02/2022

Question 1 21
There is a vertical cut with a backfill.
Properties of backfill
The angle of internal friction - 30°
Height of backfill - 5m
Unit weight - 18KN/m3

 Calculate the earth pressure at the base of the cut

 Determine the coefficient of active pressure
 What is the total active earth pressure

ɤ = 18kN/m3

Ing. Laudina Gloria Mends 11/02/2022

Rankine Earth pressure 22

Cantilever wall



 So how do we solve problems regarding active and passive earth

pressure? We will follow these steps proposed by Dr. Kevin
Franke, CEEN 341 to successfully solve these problems.
Ing. Laudina Gloria Mends 11/02/2022
Solving LEP problems 23
 Draw and label the problem – include all soil layering, geometry
of the wall and any water behind the wall
 Select your LEP case- Active, passive or at rest
 Compute the appropriate k for each soil layer
 Compute the vertical effective stress behind the wall
 Compute horizontal stress on the wall from the soil
 Compute any hydrostatic stress on the wall- if there is water
behind the wall, compute the hydrostatic stress versus depth.
Remember that you do not multiply hydrostatic stress by k
 Compute the equivalent force on the wall. Sum the area beneath
horizontal stresses and hydrostatic pressure distributions to
compute the equivalent force on the wall.
Ing. Laudina Gloria Mends 11/02/2022
Step 1 24

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Step 2: The problem is active 25
 Most geotechnical engineers design retaining walls to be in
the active pressure , the wall supports a smaller amount of
material as the soil assures its equilibrium position behind the
wall. Also, there is no force pushing the wall into the soil,
therefore, the problem is active.

Ing. Laudina Gloria Mends 11/02/2022

Step 3 26
 Because the wall is assumed to be frictionless, we must use the Rankine.
 = = = 0.31
 = = = 0.24

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Step 4 27

 Compute vertical effective stress behind the wall (…include the surcharge)

 Surcharge weight acts uniformly at all depths and is infinite. (Assured)

 At z = 0m = q = 15KPa

 At z = 4m = q +

 = 15 + 16(4) = 79KPa

 At z = 6m 6m = () + ( -) (H -)

 = 79KPa + (19 – 9.81) (6 - 4)

 = 97.47KPa

Ing. Laudina Gloria Mends 11/02/2022

Step 5 28

Find Horizontal stresses.

At z = 0m = = 0m = 15 x (0.31) = 4.7KPa.

At z = 4m = = 79 x (0.31) = 24.5KPa

Because there is a boundary / different soil ….

At z = 4.001 = 79 x (0.24) = 19.0KPa

At z = 6m = 97. 4KPa x (0.24) = 23.4KPa

Ing. Laudina Gloria Mends 11/02/2022

Step 6 29
At 6m, = (H -) = 9.81 (6.4)
= 19.6KPa
Compute and sum the areas of all the shapes.

Ing. Laudina Gloria Mends 11/02/2022

Rankine Lateral Earth Pressure in 30
Cohesive Soils
 With cohesive soils, the cohesion in the soil resists the
increase in lateral earth pressure, so it must be accounted for

Ing. Laudina Gloria Mends 11/02/2022

Rankine Lateral Earth Pressure in
Cohesive Soils
 Cohesion does not want the wall to tip over so we must take it out of our
 For long-term active loading, use the drained strength parameters c and
 = Ka - 2c , Ka =
 Pp = + (H) , Pa = - (H)
When a tension crack forms behind the wall, these things are likely to occur

Ing. Laudina Gloria Mends 11/02/2022

Rankine Lateral Earth Pressure in
Cohesive Soils
If the crack fills up with water, then would have lateral earth pressure and
hydrostatic pressure to deal with. A lot of loading and movement will therefore
be on the wall.
1. Tension crack can fill with water
2. The moist unit weight of clays is higher than other soils because they do not
drain quickly and because of that, add more loading to the wall.
3. The wall is designed to rotate so that the active state is achieved and the wall
supports a small amount of load. (A little amount of wedge of soil). But clays
are thixotropic (can heal themselves). When the failure plane develops, and it
is assumed that the wall holds up a small wedge of soil, the clay goes back to
its original shape by healing itself and this cycle continues. This causes the
wall to keep rotating on its toes several times back and forth between active
loading and at–rest loading and gradually the wall tips over.
4. Clays cannot retain the active condition due to thixotropic.

Ing. Laudina Gloria Mends 11/02/2022

A 5m retaining wall is shown in the figure below. Determine the Rankine active pressure
on the wall
a) Before the formation of the crack
b) After the formation of the crack

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Solution 34

 Ka = = = 0.333
 Pa = KaH – 2c'
 Where Pa is the horizontal stress at point ‘a’.
 Pa = 0.333 x 17.5H – 2 x 5
 Pa = 5.82Z – 5.77
 At z = 0 (the top) Pa = - 5.77kN /
 At point B, Pa = 0.0
 0 = 5.83Z – 5.77
 5.77 = 5.83Z
 Z = 0.99m

Ing. Laudina Gloria Mends 11/02/2022

Solution 35

a) bottom z = 5m, Pa = 5.83(5) – 5.77 = 23.38KN/

Negative pressure (Before the formation of the crack).
 = 2.86 kN/m
Positive pressure
 = 46.88kN/m

Net Pa = 46.88 – 2.86 = 44.02 kN/m.

 After the formation of the crack, eliminate the negative pressure;
 Therefore, = 46.88 kN/m
 This will act as a height of ) m above the base.
Also z can be evaluated as = = = = 0.99m.

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So how is friction accounted for??

Lets look at the Coulomb Earth Pressure

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Coulomb Lateral Earth Pressures 37
 Pa =

 Ka =

 Kp =

 Ka =

 Refer to Das book for explanation on parameters

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Coulomb Lateral Earth Pressures 38

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Culmann’s Graphical Procedure 39

 This is used to estimate LEP on very complex retaining walls.

It will not be covered in this lesson, however, if you’re tasked
to use this method for any computation, I am confident you
will find your way around it.

Ing. Laudina Gloria Mends 11/02/2022

Concluding remarks 40

 NB. Nowadays, most engineers do not use bulky earth retaining materials but use
mechanically stabilized Earth (MSE) walls. Soil is now reinforced so that soil holds
itself up and the wall is there to prevent erosion and for aesthetics.

 Firstly they lay out the drainage, then compact the soil, add the reinforcements and
we’re good to go.

Ing. Laudina Gloria Mends 11/02/2022


Bearing Capacity
Ing. Laudina Gloria Mends 11/02/2022
Bearing Capacity on Shallow
 Recall that foundations are members of an engineering
structure with a core function to transmit the superstructure
load to the soil for support.
 There are two types of foundations depending on the
placement depth of the foundation within the soil.
 A shallow foundation , and a deep foundation
 A shallow foundation is adopted whenever the soil near the
surface is capable of adequately supporting the superstructure

Ing. Laudina Gloria Mends 11/02/2022

Types of foundation 43

Shallow foundation(for small loads) Deep foundation(huge loads)(bridges)

(residential buildings) (D<B) (D>B) where D=depth, B= Width

According to Tezarghi,

Pile and Caissons


Isolated Spread Strip Combined Raft/Net

footing footing footing Footing

According to the condition of the soil, any of these types of foundation can be used

Ing. Laudina Gloria Mends 11/02/2022

Shallow Foundations 44
 Isolated Column footing or  Combined footing: single
spread footing reinforced concrete slab
 This can be seen when they supporting two or more
construct communication masts columns o f a structure
and so on.
Column footing

 Strip footing  Raft/Net Footing

 This supports load bearing walls


Strip footing
Huge slab provided to support huge
Ing. Laudina Gloria Mends 11/02/2022
Assignment 1 45
 Differentiate between a foundation and a footing

Deadline for submission: 26th September, 2022 at 10am to
Save file as: BCVE 301: Foundation Eng. Ass. 1_Agbemavi Gad

Ing. Laudina Gloria Mends 11/02/2022

Stress imposed by foundations 46
 The additional stress imposed on a soil by a foundation load
may lead to instability in an otherwise stable soil however the
foundation soil mobilises some amount of strength to contain
extra stress imposed on it.
 The strength mobilized by soils to support the additional stress
imposed on them by the foundation load is referred to as it’s
 The ultimate bearing capacity of a soil is the maximum
foundation stress that the soil can sustain
 The objective of a foundation design is to determine the
minimum foundation size that will lead to a foundation stress
much lower than the ultimate bearing capacity of the
foundation soil.
Ing. Laudina Gloria Mends 11/02/2022
Modes of failure of foundation 47
 Settlement:
 Elastic: elastic nature of soil
 Consolidation settlement: void redistribution
• Particles do not move relative to each other

 Bearing capacity: shear failure: particles do move relative to

each other

Ing. Laudina Gloria Mends 11/02/2022

Types of foundation failure 48

Shear plane extends all the way to the ground

surface. This normally occurs in dense sands

Soil becomes denser with shear

Geometry of plane changes with
Shear plane does not extend all the way to the ground
surface. This normally occurs in loose sands

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Terzaghi’s Bearing Capacity Theory 49

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Terzaghi’s Bearing Capacity 50

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Ultimate bearing capacity 51

The ultimate bearing capacity for is strip foundation according to

Terzaghi is given by
 (Strip Foundation)
 Where ultimate bearing capacity
 c = cohesion, q = (pressure from the soil above the base of the footing,
 in the third term of the equation refers to the unit weight of the soil
below the base of the footing i.e. (

 1.3 (Square Foundation)

 (Circular footing/foundation).
For circular footing, B= diameter of footing

Ing. Laudina Gloria Mends 11/02/2022

Ultimate Bearing Capacity 52

 Bearing capacity for local shear requires some modifications to

the earlier equations. These are the equations proposed by
 (Strip Foundation)
 (Square Foundation)
 (Circular footing/foundation).

 The angle of friction was also modified as:

 The coefficients can be read off the modified Terzaghi’s chart
for bearing capacity.

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Terzaghi’s Bearing Capacity Factors 53

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Terzaghi’s Modified Bearing Cap. Fac.

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Peck, Hansen and Thornburn (1953) 55

Alternatively, if one has

drained shear conditions (e.g
cohesionless soil or a cohesive
soil under long term loading),
one can use this plot. These
plots already account for both
local shear and general shear

Ing. Laudina Gloria Mends 11/02/2022

Estimating the angle of internal 56
friction angle from SPT-N values

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Factor of Safety 57
A factor of safety of 2.5 to 3 can be applied to the ultimate bearing
capacity before it is used for design. The bearing capacity
resulting from this is the allowable bearing capacity.

The allowable bearing capacity is given as:

Net ultimate bearing capacity =

Net allowable bearing capacity =


Ing. Laudina Gloria Mends 11/02/2022

Groundwater Considerations for B.C 58

If W.T is at ground surface, If W.T is at footing If W.T is less than B below

and level, the footing base, then

if W.T is above footing base:

If W.T is greater than B,
below the footing base,

Ing. Laudina Gloria Mends 11/02/2022

Exercise 59
A square foundation which carries a load of 400kN is to be placed
at a depth of 1.2m in a soil with the following strength
If the unit weight of the soil is 18.5kN/, determine:
a. the size of the foundation required for a factor of safety of 3
against bearing capacity failure in the soil by
i. General shear
ii. Local shear
b. The ultimate bearing capacity
c. The allowable ultimate capacity
d. The net allowable bearing capacity

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Ing. Laudina Gloria Mends 11/02/2022


Retaining Walls
Ing. Laudina Gloria Mends 11/02/2022

Ing. Laudina Gloria Mends 11/02/2022


Ing. Laudina Gloria Mends 11/02/2022

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