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Photovoltaic solar energy is a renewable energy source that does not emit polluting
or greenhouse gases, since it is obtained from solar radiation, through solar panels that
transform that radiation into electrical energy. The process of capturing the resource
begins when sunlight is reflected in the photoelectric cell of the solar panels, producing an
electrical potential differential, causing the electrons to jump from one place to another,
generating electrical current that is then transported to the grid. distribution
Advantages of solar energy
Although there are other types of renewable energies (such as wind, hydraulic or geothermal), solar energy has become
popular as one of the easiest renewable energies to produce and has democratized access to green energy sources. Some of it’s
benefits are:
● an inexhaustible source (the sun will be with us for the next million years), and its transformation into thermal or
photovoltaic energy does not produce waste (unlike nuclear or fossil fuels).
● It is customizable. From private installations of a few square meters to large energy production areas located in solar
plants, solar energy adapts to all types of needs, land and societies.
● Significantly reduce carbon footprint
● It generates wealth, employment and contributes to sustainable development. The reconversion of the sector and the
development of careers related to solar energy are increasingly important, covering sectors ranging from engineering,
installation and operation.
Types of solar panels

The sun's rays hit plates made of semiconductor materials

that transform the energy received into electricity. Those
responsible for carrying out this transformation are called
solar cells. They form the solar panels and are small cells
made of crystalline silicon or gallium arsenide.
 photovoltaic solar panels – Transforms sun rays into
 thermal solar panels – Transforms sun rays into heat.
 hybrid solar panels – a combination of both.

 Electrification of homes far from the electricity grid.

 Agricultural and livestock applications (water pumping,
irrigation systems, greenhouse and farm lighting)
 Signaling and communications (air and sea navigation, road
markings, repeaters.)
 Public lighting (streets, monuments, bus stops.)
 Water purification systems
Solar energy In Guatemala.
 According to National Electric Energy Commission, solar energy represents 2% of the country's
 The country is in a strategic position to harness solar energy. According to the General Directorate of
Energy of the Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM) in its document Solar Energy in Guatemala.
 Some of Guatemala's active centrals are: 
Granja Solar La Avellana
Granja Solar Taxisco
Central Solar Fotovoltaica SIBO

Guatemala's biggest plant
Comparison with other energies
Solar energy is a new source of modern energy, which began to be studied in 1838, by Alexandre Edmond Becquerel, so its
implementation as a source for large cities is still in process, but when it comes to supplying in small doses, the energy solar, is one
of the most suitable, since it does not require as much space and its obtaining is during the sun is full, and its investment cost is
high only in its beginning and maintaining it is much cheaper than other types of energy , among its advantages can be mentioned:

 ecological
 Less environmental impact
 Reusable
 Democratic
 Adaptable
 cheap
 Renewable.
● A solar panel is a device that uses the sun's energy to generate heat or electricity. According
to these two goals, we may distinguish between solar collectors, which create hot water (often
for domestic use) using solar thermal energy, and photovoltaic panels, which generate
electricity using solar radiation that strikes the panel's photovoltaic cells.
● Solar energy is a clean, pollution free and renewable source of energy. Development of this
source of energy requires an accurate detailed long-term knowledge of the potential taking
into account seasonal variations.
● Solar energy works as a great source of renewable energy, which is of multiple benefits for the
planet, so generating and popularizing this type of energy guarantees its cheaper cost and
better quality, by providing new technologies for its maximum obtaining and wide market.



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