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By Ashutosh, Soham and Aditya.


The classification of electromagnetic waves

according to frequency is the Electromagnetic
These are produced by accelerated motion of charges
in conducting wires.

Ranges from 500KHz to 1000MHz

Radio AM(amplitude modulated) band is from 530KHz to


waves TV waves range from 54Mhz to 890Mhz.

FM(Frequency modulated ) band extends from 88MHz

to 890MHz

Commonly used by cell phones to transmit voice

Produced by
special vacuum
Frequencies are in tubes called
gigahertz klystrons,
magnetrons and
Gunn diodes.

Due to their short We can see the
wavelength, they domestic
are suitable for applications of
radar systems used these waves in
in aircrafts . microwaves ovens,
What do you mean by heating something?

• Heating is basically when the temperature of an object rises and the random
motion of the molecules or atoms increases causing the molecules or atoms
to vibrate and rotate with higher energies

• Note: The frequency of rotation of water (H2O molecules) is about 3

Gigahertz (GHz)
How does a Microwave work?

• We know all food items have constituent water molecules present in them.
• If we can provide water the same frequency as the frequency required for it to
vibrate (ie 3 GHz) then the water molecules absorb this radiation and starts vibrating
which is equivalent to heating the water, as these molecules vibrate, they transfer this
energy to neighboring molecules causing the food to heat up

• Note: Only use porcelain vessels and not metal vessels as there is a chance to get a
shock due to accumulation of charges on metal, as well as a high chance that the
metal might melt. While the porcelain vessel remains unaffected as it’s large
molecules vibrate at lower frequencies and does not absorb radio waves
Also referred to as heat
waves beacuse the water
molecules present in most
These are produced by hot materials readily absorb
molecules. infrared waves,. After

absorption their thermal
motion increases, and hence
heat up the surroundings.

Waves. Infrared lamps are used in

Infrared radiation plays an
important role in
physical therapy. maintaining the Earth’s
It is the only part of the spectrum that
can be detected by naked eyes as our
eyes are sensitive to this range of

Visible light emitted from objects around

us give us information about the world!
LIGHT!! Wavelength lies between 4 x 10^14Hz to
7 x 10^14 Hz
Prolonged exposure to UV rays show increased
production of melanin, which causes tanning of the
Ultraviolet Radiation is an electromagnetic skin. However, nearly all of the UV rays that passes
radiation produced by special lamps and through ordinary glass gets absorbed by it. This
extremely hot bodies! The sun itself means that one cannot get sunburned or tanned
radiates UV rays! through ordinary glass windows! (Ordinary glass is

Ultraviolet Rays
(4 x 10^-7 m to 6 x 10^-10 m)

When welders use welding arcs, they wear special

glasses or face masks(with small glass windows) to
Ozone layer is important as it absorbs a lot
protect their eyes from large amount of radiation of the UV radiation produced by the sun!
produced by welding arcs. UV radiations are also That is why ozone depletion has become an
used in LASIK eye surgery as well as to kill germs international concern.
in water purifiers!
Wavelengths range from 10^-8 m to 10^-13 m


Are used as diagnostic If we bombard a metal

board with high energy
tools and to treat certain electrons, we can generate
forms of cancer x-rays
Produced in
nuclear Wavelengths –
reactions and 10^-10m to
emitted by 10^-14m
Are also
used in
medicine to
cancer cells

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