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Lesson 1

Phenomenon: Teen Survives Deadly Melanoma
Making Sense
of the

Work in pairs to Discuss & Answer the questions in

‘Making sense of the phenomenon’.

Let’s share our understanding of the

phenomenon !
Let’s first understand
what is
Normal Cell Division !
What are the

Stages of Division


Summing Up
Cell Division Cycle

The Cell Division Cycle is the process of growth and

division that leads to to the formation of new cells.

Cell Division Cycle - 3 Stages

1. Interphase
The first stage in which the cell grows, the DNA is made into two copies and more

organelles are made.

2. Mitosis
The second stage in which the nucleus divides inside the cell.

3. Cytokinesis
The final stage in which the cell splits into two identical daughter cells.
Cell Division Cycle - 3 Stages
Stage 1

Stage 3

Stage 2
Cell Division Cycle - 3 Stages
Stage 1: Interphase

Interesting things happen!

1 .Cell grows

2.DNA replicates (made into 2

3. More cell organelles are made
Stage 2: Mitosis (4 phases)

Nucleus divides into two in 4 phases:


1.Chromosomes thicken and shorten

(2 chromatids joined by a centromere)

2. Nuclear membrane disintegrate


1.Chromosomes arrange at the equator of

the cell

2. The spindle fibers attach to each pair of

chromatids that are arranged in the middle
of the cell.

1.Spindle fibres contract pulling

chromatids to the opposite poles of
the cell
2.Once separated they are referred

to as a chromosome

Now there are two nuclei !

1.Chromosomes uncoil

2.Nuclear membrane forms

Stage 3: Cytokinesis

Cell Divides in Two

Cell Division Cycle - 3 Stages


Lesson 2

How are cancer cells
different than
normal cells?
1. Your teacher will assign you the slides that follow, to analyze. Each group has a
unique slide with unique data set.

2. Each group will reflect on the questions, using the data provided.
3. Each group will share their analysis with the class.

4. Each group will then pull all the information together on the final slide to complete
the final slide.
Replace this text with your first and last name

Data Set/Group 1: Cell Reproduction

Cell Reproduction
● Normal Cells: New cells replace dead cells or the cells that become damaged. This
reproduction is important to maintain the cell population. Healthy cells reproduce
properly by mitosis, except for sex cells that reproduce through meiosis.

● Cancer Cells: When cells become cancerous, they begin to reproduce

uncontrollably mainly because they have chromosome mutations or gene
mutations. They are in control of their growth signals and continue to multiply.

● What specific aspect of cell data above did you find most surprising between normal cells and cancer cells?

● In your own words, give a brief description of this aspect you found surprising.

● Using the information you were given, how are cancer cells different from normal cells?

● Write 1 question that would help you better understand the differences between normal cells and cancer cells.
Replace this text with your first and last name

Data Set/Group 2: Cell Death

Cell Death
● Normal Cells: An important difference in the comparison of cancer cells vs. normal
cells is that normal cells self-destruct when they are diseased. This happens
through a process called apoptosis in which these cells break down and are then
eliminated by white blood cells.

● Cancer Cells: These cells do not have the ability to self-destruct, which is mainly
because of the mutations that let the damage in the cells go undetected.
● What specific aspect of cell data above did you find most surprising between normal cells and cancer cells?

● In your own words, give a brief description of this aspect you found surprising.

● Using the information you were given, how are cancer cells different from normal cells?

● Write 1 question that would help you better understand the differences between normal cells and cancer cells.
Replace this text with your first and last name

Data Set/Group 3: Cell Functioning

Cell Functioning
● Normal Cells: The comparison of cancer cells vs. normal cells shows that normal
cells are assigned a specific task and they always perform that task. For instance,
the function of normal white blood cells is to fight off infections, and they do it all
the time.

● Cancer Cells: These cells are usually dysfunctional. The numbers of white blood
cells increase exponentially in leukemia, but these cancerous white blood cells do
not function properly, if at all.
● What specific aspect of cell data above did you find most surprising between normal cells and cancer cells?

● In your own words, give a brief description of this aspect you found surprising.

● Using the information you were given, how are cancer cells different from normal cells?

● Write 1 question that would help you better understand the differences between normal cells and cancer
Replace this text with your first and last name

Data Set/Group 4: Evading Growth Suppressors

Evading Growth Suppressors
● Normal Cells: There are growth or tumor suppressors that control normal cells.
Certain proteins handle this process, and these proteins are coded for by various
types of tumor suppressor genes. Some tell cells when to stop dividing, others
help fix damage in cells, and the last type takes care of the apoptosis.

● Cancer Cells: These cells are the result of mutations in any of the growth or tumor
suppressors that help regulate the functioning of normal cells. These mutations
allow cancer cells to grow uncontrollably.

● What specific aspect of cell data above did you find most surprising between normal cells and cancer cells?

● In your own words, give a brief description of this aspect you found surprising.

● Using the information you were given, how are cancer cells different from normal cells?

● Write 1 question that would help you better understand the differences between normal cells and cancer cells.
Replace this text with your first and last name

Data Set/Group 5: Cell Growth Rates

The Rate of Growth
● Normal Cells: Cells can reproduce, but normal cells stop this process once there
are enough cells present. Usually, once cells are contacted on all sides by other
cells, they stop diving. This is known as contact inhibition.

● Cancer Cells: Unlike normal cells, cancer cells don’t stop reproduction once
contacted by other cells and they continue to reproduce. This causes them to pile
up on top of each other forming a tumor.
● What specific aspect of cell data above did you find most surprising between normal
cells and cancer cells?

● In your own words, give a brief description of this aspect you found surprising.

● Using the information you were given, how are cancer cells different from normal cells?

● Write 1 question that would help you better understand the differences between normal
cells and cancer cells.

Let’s share the Analysis of our Data Sets !

Final Analysis- Group 1: Pulling it all together
Let's identify the key characteristics of a cancer cell in order to determine what really makes cancer cells unique. To explain the key cancer characteristics, complete
the following CER using the analysis done by all the groups.


Claim (Remember your claim should answer the driving question on Slide 27 ):

Evidence that supports your claim from each of the data sets:

Reasoning: Use all data sets in your reasoning to provide clear understanding of how cancer cells differ from normal cells.
Final Analysis- Group 2: Pulling it all together
Let's identify the key characteristics of a cancer cell in order to determine what really makes cancer cells unique. To explain the key cancer characteristics, complete
the following CER using the analysis done by all the groups.


Claim (Remember your claim should answer the driving question on Slide 27 ):

Evidence that supports your claim from each of the data sets:

Reasoning: Use all data sets in your reasoning to provide clear understanding of how cancer cells differ from normal cells.
Final Analysis- Group 3: Pulling it all together
Let's identify the key characteristics of a cancer cell in order to determine what really makes cancer cells unique. To explain the key cancer characteristics, complete
the following CER using the analysis done by all the groups.


Claim (Remember your claim should answer the driving question on Slide 27 ):

Evidence that supports your claim from each of the data sets:

Reasoning: Use all data sets in your reasoning to provide clear understanding of how cancer cells differ from normal cells.
Final Analysis- Group 4: Pulling it all together
Let's identify the key characteristics of a cancer cell in order to determine what really makes cancer cells unique. To explain the key cancer characteristics, complete
the following CER using the analysis done by all the groups.


Claim (Remember your claim should answer the driving question on Slide 27 ):

Evidence that supports your claim from each of the data sets:

Reasoning: Use all data sets in your reasoning to provide clear understanding of how cancer cells differ from normal cells.
Final Analysis- Group 5: Pulling it all together
Let's identify the key characteristics of a cancer cell in order to determine what really makes cancer cells unique. To explain the key cancer characteristics, complete
the following CER using the analysis done by all the groups.


Claim (Remember your claim should answer the driving question on Slide 27 ):

Evidence that supports your claim from each of the data sets:

Reasoning: Use all data sets in your reasoning to provide clear understanding of how cancer cells differ from normal cells.

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