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1. Quizmaster will read the questions 4. The EASY round is scored 2

twice, after which the contestants points, the average is scored 3 points
should write the answer on the 8. Those who will catch and the difficult round is scored 5
whiteboard provided. cheating or talking to someone points.
while the quiz is ongoing will be 5. In case of time, a clincher will be
2. In the EASY round the disqualified. given.
contestants are given 10 seconds
6. For any clarification, the
to write their questions TWICE, 9. Everyone is advised to use contestants may consult the
15 seconds for average and 20 headset /headphones quizmaster while the contest is
seconds for difficult. ongoing. Corrections and
3. Once you hear the buzzer or clarifications after the contest will
10. Unmute all your not be entertained.
when the time is up, stop writing microphones while the contest
and wait for the quiz master to is ongoing. 7. No parents are allowed at the back
say “BOARDS UP” – That is the or beside students and refrain
time the participants should raise yourself from standing while the
contest is ongoing.
their white board.

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