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▪ Perioperative nursing is a nursing specialty that works with
patients who are having operative or other invasive procedures.
Perioperative nurses work closely with surgeons, anesthesiologist,
nurse anesthetist, surgical technologists, and nurse practitioners.
▪ The 3 phases of perioperative nursing care
▪ The perioperative period is the time lapse surrounding the surgical
act. It is subdivided into three stages: 
▪ preoperative,
▪ operative
▪ postoperative.
▪ Perioperative period is a term used to describe the three distinct phases of
any surgical procedure, which includes
▪ 1. Preoperative phase - begins with the decision to have surgery and ends
when the patient is wheeled into surgery.
▪ 2. Intraoperative phase - involves the surgery itself. It starts when the
patient is wheeled into the surgical suite and ends when the patient is
wheeled to the post anesthesia care unit
▪ 3. Postoperative phase -is the period immediately following surgery. As
with the preoperative phase, the period can be brief, lasting a few hours,
or require months of rehabilitation and recuperation.1
▪ Why Perioperative nursing is important?
▪ The key responsibility for the perioperative nurse is to maintain a sterile
environment for the patient and surgical team before, during, and
after surgery. Consequently, the nurse often has multiple responsibilities,
especially where there are shortages of skilled health workers
▪ Pre-verification Checklist
• Patient identification: ... - List of medications
• Surgical consent: ... - allergy
• History and Physical Examination: ... - devices
• Blood specimen: ...
• X-ray: ...
• Anesthesia interview:
▪  Classification of Surgical Procedure
▪ .  According to PURPOSE: Diagnostic – to establish the presence of a
disease condition. ( e.g biopsy ) Exploratory – to determine the extent of
disease condition
▪ Curative – to treat the disease condition.
▪ * Ablative – removal of an organ “ectomy”
▪ * Constructive – repair of congenitally defective organ “plasty, oorhaphy,
▪ * Reconstructive – repair of damage organ Palliative – to relieve
distressing sign and symptoms, not necessarily to cure the disease.
▪ Types of Anesthesia
• General Anesthesia.
• IV/Monitored Sedation.
• Regional Anesthesia. ...
• Local Anesthesia.

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