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• These family contains tapeworms which adapt
to parasitic life. They form chains or segments
known as strobila
Rostellum hook
• Cestodes are under the phylum
platyhelmithes the
• They are tape –like and segmented body
• They are hermaphroditic
• Lack a digestive track
• Do not have a body cavity
• They have a head with
suckers( sometimes hooks as well)
• Each segment has a complete set of
female and male system capable of
prodigious reproduction.
• The parasite absorbs nutrient from the
gut using scolex-sucker which at the
same time it uses to attach on the wall of
the gut.
• Does not have a mouth or alimentary
• An adult worm is usually found in
the intestine with all its stages
being parasitic
• The larvae develop in the tissues
of various intermediate hosts, a
vertebrate or invertebrate host
This genus have two species that affect human
• i. Teania saginata- beef tape worm
• ii. Teania solium-pork tape-worm
• Other tape worms are:
• Echinococcus granulosus- dog tapeworm
• Hymenolepis nana
• Hymenolepis dimiuta
• Diphhyllobothrium latum- fish tape-worm
Teania saginata
• Commonly known as the beef
tape worm
• It is zoonotic tapeworm
• It an intestinal parasite humans
• Causes teaniasis and cysticercosis
in cattle
Life cycle of Teania saginata
1. the adult releases gravid segments (proglottids
filled with eggs)that are carried away by digestive
tract and released into the environment via faeces
2.the proglottids are ingested by the cattle through
contaminated vegetation or grass and they enter
into digestive tract of its intermediate host. The
enzymes and acids breakdown the protective
barrier of the proglottids in the intestinal tract and
release up to 100,000 eggs into the bovine system.
3. The eggs develop into oncospheres
covered larvae that break through the
intestinal epithelium and travel through
the circulation of the bovine. The larvae
end up up in the muscle of the tissue and
the oncosphere filled with fluid become
4. Man becomes infected by eating undercooked
beef meat and it enters the digestive system.
The digestive system break down the
cysticercus and the larvae cyst is released then
the scolex is able to come out and attach to
the host intestine . Teania saginata is then able
to grow , within 5 months is able to reach 5
metres long. At this point of maturity , the
tapeworm is then able to release the
proglotids and restart the lifecycle
Laboratory diagnosis
• Stool is the specimen-checked
microscopically for characteristic
• Tape worm segments can be seen
macroscopically on faeces
Teania saginata
Teania solium
• It commonly called pork tapeworm
• Family Teanidae
• Human is the definitive host and pigs as
the intermediate host
• Teania solium teaniasis is less frequently
symptomatic than Teania saginata
• The main symptom is the passage of
Life cycle of T.solium
• Humans may develop intestinal infection with
adult worm after ingestion of contaminated
pork or may develop cysticercosisafter ingestion
of eggs ( making humans intermediate hosts)
• 1. human ingest raw or undercooked pork
containing cysticerci ( larvae)
• 2. After ingestion, cyst evaginate, attach to the
small intestine by the scolex, and mature into
adult worms in about 2 months
• tape worm produce proglottids, which
become gravid , the detach from the tape
worm and migrate to the anus
• 4. detached proglottids , eggs or both are
passed from the definitive host (human) in
• 5. pigs or humans get infected by ingesting
embryonated eggs or gravid proglottids in
contaminated food. Autoinfection may occur
in humans if proglottids pass from the
intestine to the stomach via reserve peristalsis
• 6. eggs are ingested , they hatch in the
intestine and release oncospheres, which
penetrate the intestine wall
• 7. oncospheres travel through the blood
stream to striated muscles and to the
brain, liver and other organs , where
they develop into cysticerci. Cysticercosis
can result
• As like of that of T. saginata
• The main difference between T.
saginata and T. solium is on Uterine
branches. T. saginata has more than
T. solium ( check exact number)
Echinococcus granulosus
• Under normal circumstances , Echinococcus is
a tape worm usually found on dogs and other
carnivores. Other animals are infected by by
the eggs from the host passed into the grass
• In the herbivore gut the eggs hatch and
release hexacanths, that penetrate the gut
and enters various body tissues such as
musles , the liver, the brain and other viscera
where the larvae mature into huge , fluid filled
cysts in which thousands of future scolecces
form (hydatid cyst)
• The cysts are infective to the
dogs that eat the viscera od
diseased sheep or cow.
Humans contract the disease
hydatidosis from food
contaminated by dog faeces
Hymenolepis nana
• H. nana can be acquired from mice
and human can transmit to other
• READ ABOUT H. diminuta
Diphhyllobothrium latum
• Commonly called fish tape worm. It
affects human and other fish eating
• Diphhyllobothrium is a genus of the
tapeworms which can cause
diphyllobothriasis in humans . The
common species is D. latum
Life cycle of D. latum
• The life cycle involve two intermediate hosts.
• These are a copepod cyclops and fish
• Immature eggs are passed in faeces
1. Under approbriate conditions the eggs mature ( 18-
20 days)
2. yield oncospheres which develop into coracidia
3. After ingestion by suitable fresh crustacean
( copepod the first intermediate host) the coracidia
develop into procercoid larvae
4. The cycle then restarts
5. Following ingestion of the copepod by
suitable second intermediaten host
typicall fish of the fresh waters . Thes
small fish can be eaten by larger predator
species eg perch and others
The plerocercoid larvae are the infective
stage to human. Man becomes infected
by eating undercooked fish
5. The ingestion of the plerocercoid the develop into
immature adults and then mature adults tape
worms which will reside in the small intestine.
6. The adults of D.latum attach themselves into the
intestinal mucosa by the aid of two bilateral grooves
(bothria) of their scolex
7.The adult can be as long as 10 metres long with more
tham 3,000 proglottids. Immatuer eggs are
discharged from the proglottids ( up to 1,000,000
eggs by a day by a worm,

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