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Types of Paragraph


mga Gwapo

Reading And Writing


Jan Matutes Pete Johanseen Jade Cayangho

Member 1 Member 2 Member 3
What is Paragraph Development?

• An expression of the rationale or the explanation

that the writer gives for how the reader should
interpret the information presented in the idea
statement or topic sentence of the paragraph.

• Example: Making ideas clearer by giving examples or

by using diagrams or pictures .
7 Types of Paragraph Development

• Definition - the topic is developed by defining a term connected to the


• Example, Illustration, or Exemplification - This is the method that illustrates the idea being
developed. The statement that gives example helps reinforce the statement or makes the
ideas clear.

• Persuasion - Persuasion is always coupled with argumentation. Argumentation

makes use of these three (3) appeals to strengthen its claim: logos, pathos, and ethos.
• Analogy, Comparison, and Contrast - Analogy for citing similarities; Contrast for citing differences of
either object to make the idea clear; and Comparison for comparing object or idea to another by
pointing out similarities and differences.

• Cause and Effect - This is usually adopted in dealing with events or issues.
Here you may present the causes towards the effects or begin with the effects
and proceed towards causes. You may not have an expressed topic sentence
when you use this method of paragraph development.

• Explanation or Discussion - This aims at the reader’s understanding.

This has a variety of functions: giving directions, explaining a process,
comparing or contrasting two (2) objects or ideas, interpreting a
statement or explaining a theory.
• Classification - This is done by grouping items into categories, such as characteristics,
types, factors, and other classes or divisions. A classification paragraph describes various
classes related to one category of things. The paragraph’s main subject appears in the
paragraph’s topic sentence.
Thank You References:
Bargo, D. D. (2014). Writing in the

For Listening
Discipline. Quezon City. Great Books
Sa mga Ala-Ala Publishing.
Causal Chains. (n.d.) Retrieved on August
9, 2016 from
Rose. (n.d.) Retrieved on July 26, 2016
Synonym. (n.d.). Retrieved on July 26,
2016 from
Tiongson, M.T. & Rodriguez, M. R. C.
(2016). Reading and Writing Skills.
Manila. Rex Book Store. Inc. Reading And Writing

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