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 NAME – Abhijeet Bhardwaj
 Reg.No -12107116
 ROLL NO – RQ2104b50
 SECTION – Q2104
 Course code – mgn231

 Trees have numerous benefits and it can hardly be overstated.

They support the environment in various ways and without
them; life on earth would be impossible. For instance, think of
the increasing global temperatures. It is simply a result of
destruction and cutting down of trees because trees act as
carbon sinks. Trees also continue the water cycle, control soil
erosion, and have significant economic value.Since the
beginning of evolution, trees have been a symbol of wisdom,
fertility, life, and culture across the world. Accordingly, planting
trees is a necessity so as to safeguard and improve our

 The main aims and objectives of plantation is to make environment clean and pollution
free. To save the endangered environment and to beautiful our life.According to our
beneficial project work we plant many trees from a high value of objectives like
purifying air, cooling down the streets,natural air conditioning,saving water,preventing
water pollution,renewable energy resource etc… After planting plant or tree we also
achieved my objective by making a contribution in it. The main thing we have achieved
is the trees contribute directly to the environment by providing O 2, improving air
quality,climate,etc… during the process of photosynthesis trees take in CO 2 and provide
O2 we breathe. We can say that we achieved “life” by planting trees.

 There are various number of achieve steps taken to achieve objective of

planting trees . Some of them are following :
 Planning : Right tree at Right place
 Dig a proper planting hole
 Don’t amend the soil
 Mulching
 Water properly until established
percentage of deforestation in india

scrub; 1.26
open forest; 8.77

moderately forest; 9.71

very dense forest; 2.54

Non forest; 77.72

What is the main reason of deforestation?

 The most common pressures causing deforestation and severe forest degradation are agriculture, unsustainable
forest management, mining, infrastructure projects and increased fire incidence and intensity.
Some infrastructure activities, such as road building, have a large indirect effect through opening up
forests to settlers and agriculture. Poor forest management and unsustainable fuelwood collection degrade forests
and often instigate a "death by a thousand cuts" form of deforestation. 
 Agriculture
 Logging
 Mining
 Rapid growth in the industries
 Froest fire
 Global warming
 Floods
 Soil erosion
How to save the plant ?

 The death of the forest is the end of our life.

Quick Navigation for 15 Strategies to Reduce Deforestatio
 1. Plant a tree
 2.Use less paper
 3. Recycle paper and cardboard
 4. Use recycled products
 5. Buy only sustainable wood products
 6. Don’t buy products containing palm oil
 7. Reduce meat consumption
 8. Do not burn firewood excessively
 9. Practice eco-forestry
 10. Raise awareness
 11. Respect the rights of indigenous people
 12. Support organizations fighting deforestation
 13. Join a community forestry project
 14. Help restore degraded forests
 15. Fight governmental corruption

 Social Benefits :- Trees make life nicer. It has been shown that spending time
among trees and green spaces reduces the amount of stress that we carry
around with us in our daily lives.
 Communal Benefits :- Tree can complement the architecture or design of
building or entire neighborhoods.
 Environmental Benefits :- Trees improve our air quality by filtering harmful
dust and pollutants such as ozone, carbon monoxide, and sulfur dioxide from
the air we breathe.

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