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Save plant

Name – Abhijeet Bhardwaj Registration No – 12107116

Program – BBA
 The fresh air we breathe, the beauty of nature that we enjoy shows us the importance of tree
plantation. The trees provide us our life’s two basic nee I.E, food and oxygen. During
photosynthesis, trees generate enough oxygen that helps both humans and animals to survive.
They provide us food, wood, fresh air and they also provide shelter to animals and birds. As a
result, our basic needs are fulfilled by trees and we are totally dependent an them and this
dependence helps us realize the importance of tree plantation.

 Benefits of tree plantation -

 Tree plantation is given so much importance because of its varied benefits. Some of the
significant benefits are-

1. Trees inhale carbon dioxide and various other harmful gases and exhale oxygen which is needed
for human beings and animals to survive.
2. Trees act as the source of food and shelter for birds, animals and also human beings.
3. Due to trees the cycle of seasons runs appropriately.
4. Many medicines are prepared from trees.
5. Trees protect our land from erosion and maintain the fertility of the soil.
6. Planting of trees saves water and brings rainfall.
7. Trees protect us from the greenhouse effect.
8. Importance of tree plantation is tremendous to maintain the biodiversity and balance the
Problem identification and cause of the problem

Problem cause to adopt of plant are seen in my village is that many

people are planting the tree but they did not care the plant that’ s
why the plant did not take a propre growth .And also in busy life
people did not care them that’s why know days the environment are
not clean. People are not take a proper oxygen. many country
people are carry oxygen cylinder with us .so we have to save the
plant and make the evergreen environment. That’s why we can leave
a long life and our next-generation are also survive without any
difficulties .government also take many steps to for cutting the trees.
The main aims and objectives of plantation is to make environment clean and pollution free.
To save the endangered environment and to beautify our life. According to our beneficial
project work we plant many trees from a high value of objectives like purifying air, cooling
down the streets, natural air conditioning, saving water, preventing water pollution,
renewable energy resource etc… After planting plant or tree we also achieved my objective
by making a contribution in it. the main thing we have achieved is the trees contribute
directly to the environment by providing o2, improving air quality, climate amelioration, etc.
during the process of photosynthesis trees take In co2 and provide o2 we breathe. we can
say that we achieved ”life” by planting trees.
There are large number of welfare scheme given by government and ecosystem. The
overall objectives of national afforestation program (NAP) scheme is ecological
restoration of degraded forests and to develop the forests resources with peoples
participations, with focus on improvement in livelihood of the forest fringe
communities, especially the poor. The welfare program is implemented since year
The main objectives of afforestation program to increase forest
cover, planting more trees increase oxygen production and air quality .Rehabilitation of
degraded forests to increase carbon fixation and reducing carbon dioxide from
atmosphere .In simple word “In the act or process of establishing of forest specially on
land not previously forested .Due to all this above we also take a small part of this
scheme by planting one trees near me because plantation is highly important to
maintain the biodiversity . Afforestation no doubt a positive practice to save our
environment & our plants.
There are large number of various steps taken to achieve
objectives of planting trees. Some of them are following :
1. Planning: Right Tree at Right Place
Know our property and what space we have. Determine which areas we can most effectively
shade, and then select the right tree for that location.
“Right tree” means the species and full-grown size of the tree is best suited for our home and the
area we have available to plant the tree. we can reference our Yard Tree List to determine how tall
our new tree will grow and how the species will mature over time. Keep the full-grown size of our
tree in mind when selecting the right tree for our property.
“Right place” means the tree has enough space to grow to its full, mature height, and its root
system has the space it needs to grow fully without interfering with surrounding infrastructure or
underground pipes or utility lines. Don’t forget to plant to the west or east of our building to help
reduce energy costs and save energy.
2. Dig a proper planting hole.
Once we select the prepare place and gather equipment to dig a planting hole. When preparing any
hole for planting, make it three times wider than the current root mass but never deeper than the
plant was growing in its previous environment.
An even better guide with trees is to look near the soil level. Don’t place the tree in the planting hole
so deep that any part of that flare is covered with soil. The truth is, even nurseries sometimes put
plants in containers too deeply. Make a habit of checking this.
3. Don’t amend the soil.
Contrary to traditional planting methods, contemporary research indicates that we should not amend the hole with additional
organic material (unless we intend to amend the entire area where roots will eventually grow). Roots growing in amended soil
rarely venture into harder native soil. The long-term affect is a smaller root system, reduced growth and a less hardy plant.
Instead, simply break up the clumps in existing soil, remove the rocks and back fill. Studies show plant roots growing in only the
native soil did a better job at establishing and expanding beyond the original hole.

4. Eliminate air pockets

While we could lightly tamp or hand-pack the soil around the plant roots to ensure good soil-to-root contact, I prefer to add a
stiff spray of water to the hole after back filling halfway. Not only does it provide needed moisture, but the water also helps
eliminate air pockets that could otherwise result in dead roots or worse (without compacting the soil too much). Finally, water
again gently but thoroughly once all the soil is in place.
5. Mulching
Helps save water and promotes healthy root growth. Placing mulch like wood chips around the base of your tree has many
benefits, from reducing temperature, to keeping out weeds, to protecting from moisture extremes. It’s best to place mulch 2 – 4
inches deep and cover as much of the tree’s root system as possible. Keep mulch 4 – 6 inches away from your tree’s trunk.
6. Water Properly Until Established.
The most important job we will have after planting is to keep plants and trees well-watered until established. This can take
weeks to months, to even a year or more in some cases. But don’t worry. You can put this part of the process on autopilot.
The key to proper watering and establishment is slow and deep irrigation. It’s not practical to do that by hand. The only way to
establish trees properly through irrigation is with soaked hoses or drip irrigation.

I water newly planted trees every day for about the first week. For the next two weeks, I ease off to about every other day. Then
gradually ease back from there.
There are large no. of effective benefit of my project adopt of plant. We plant a large no,
of trees to make environment green & tree from pollution. The main effectiveness of my
project planting trees is it creates jobs, provide flower, fruit fodder, and fuel to
communities and living creatures, offers shade to nomads and their livestock, give
shelter to birds and animals, preventing soil erosions and flooding improve water level,
generate oxygen reduce pollution and posterity while decarbonising the atmosphere.
As according to the situation of environment we have to encourage this
phenomenon in many way. Because of this we have to survive sustainably otherwise we
all have to die due to many effective diseases caused by air or any other, so we all have
to plant tresses many more.
We conclude that trees should be regularly planted to save the mankind and the animal world. Tree plantation and its
after care is a pleasing work too. we can get much pleasure in planting trees and in taking care of them. Students should
plant trees in their school compounds and their front yards, backyards and side yards of their schools and near their
own houses and in other places wherever possible. They should explain to their neighbours the goodness of tree
plantation and encourage them to plant and care new trees. We should consider the fact that we all need trees and
trees are important to us humans. Save them and they will save us in returns. Plant more trees and as we plant tree we
are planting life too because of the fact that they are giving us fresh air, woods that we people use to build our houses.
They stand as our shelter most specially to the animals, a shield to heat. We should protect them because they are
helping us. Sometimes we are being rude to them we cut them without replacement and we are reason why they are
being fewer. Have mercy on them because they are one of the reasons why we still have fresh air now.
Wherever we live in the province, trees are
essential to our health and well-being. Trees shade our homes, add beauty to our communities and countryside, and
protect biodiversity by providing food and habitat for birds and animals. Trees are natural air filters taking in carbon
dioxide and releasing oxygen. Trees protect sources of drinking water by preventing soil erosion. Trees absorb and store
greenhouse gases from the atmosphere as they grow making them an essential tool in ontario fight against climate
change. We can all contribute to healthy natural environment by planting trees. Before planting, it’s important to
research a variety of trees species, or talk to an expert, to find out which trees grow best in our part of the province .
Certificate are given Ngo for adopt of
plant project.
Some photo’s are…NGO STUDENT ARE

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