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● Assertiveness training is a form of behavior therapy designed to help
people stand up for themselves—to empower themselves, in more
contemporary terms.
● Assertiveness is a response that seeks to maintain an appropriate
balance between passivity and aggression.
● Assertive responses promote fairness and equality in human
interactions, based on a positive sense of respect for self and other.
● The purpose of assertiveness training is to teach persons appropriate
strategies for identifying and acting on their desires, needs, and opinions
while remaining respectful of others.
● Assertiveness training was originally developed as an offshoot of the
women’s movement of the 1970s and it was designed to help women
learn to stand up for themselves in situations where typically they
hadn’t in the past like in the workplace or in higher education
● Today both women and men who are shy, or never learned how to
appropriately and respectfully set boundaries and prioritize their
own needs go through assertiveness training to learn better ways to
communicate in all facets of their lives including personal
relationships, work relationship, and educational relationship.
1. Gathering information exercise
2. Role-plays
3. Feedback
4. Role-play is repeated again.
Role-plays often include examples of aggressive and passive
responses, in addition to the assertive responses, to help
participants distinguish between these extremes as they learn a
new set of behaviors.
● Fogging
● The Stuck Record Technique
● Positive and Negative Enquiry
● Acknowledge That You Can't Control Other
People's Behavior.

● Be Factual About What You Don't Like

● Don't Judge or Exaggerate
● Use “I" Messages
● List behavior, results, and feelings.
● Assertiveness training teaches people how to handle tense situations or
awkward situations without being confrontational but also without
giving up their personal autonomy.
● Assertiveness training encourages people to speak up for themselves and
make their feelings known.
● Assertiveness training can help you navigate situations like:
Asking for a raise, Dealing with an unpleasant or combative coworker,
Clarifying communication with a toxic friend, speaking in public,
Communicating with a spouse or partner, And many other everyday
situations that previously caused you stress or anxiety.
● Gain self-confidence and self-esteem
● Understand and recognize your feelings
● Earn respect from others
● Improve communication
● Create win-win situations
● Improve your decision-making skills
● Create honest relationships
● Gain more job satisfaction
Learning to be more assertive can also help you effectively express your
feelings when communicating with others about issues.
Good interpersonal skills mean you need to be aware of the
different ways of communicating and the different response
each approach might provoke. The use of either passive or
aggressive behaviour in interpersonal relationships can have
undesirable consequences for those you are communicating
with. Thus Assertiveness skills in an significant factor for
communication and interpersonal skills.

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