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Every nouns that can be count directly.
For example: one apple, two apples, etc
Countable nouns can also use article a and an or
for plural form such as: person, box, coin,
animal, cup, etc.
Countable Nouns
Example of countable nouns sentences.
- I have a car and two motorcycles
- She has a burger and an apple for her lunch
- Do you like these pictures?
Uncountable Nouns
Uncountable nouns or we can call it mass
nouns is a noun that cannot be counted.
Bear in mind that uncountable noun is also a
noun that only has one form. Eg. Water. Water
cannot be said a water or two water, but we can
still use it by adding another noun. For example
a glass of water.
Uncountable Nouns
In uncountable nouns, there are also nouns that
refer to abstract ideas and emotions such as:
 Fun
 Advice
 Knowledge
 Love
 happiness
Uncountable Nouns
Example of Uncountable Nouns :
- Rice - Money
- Love - Tea
- Sugar - Music
- Assistance - Art
- Cheese - Sand
- Coffee - Water
- Etc.
Uncountable Nouns
Example of Uncountable Nouns Sentences
• She has some money
• Can you give me some information about your
The Usage of Much, Many, Few and Little on
Countable and Uncountable Nouns
1. Much and Many
---Both have the same meaning--
Much  is used to express uncountable nouns
Many  is used to express countable nouns
• I have so much water in my bottle
• I love her so much so I can’t think of anything else
• How many years have you lived in Jakarta?
• We need so many books to be donated to the remote
• 2. Number dan amount
• Number dan amount memiliki arti yang sama yaitu ‘berjumlah’ atau ‘sejumlah’. Yang membedakan dari keduanya adalah mengenai penggunaanya dalam sebuah kalimat bahasa Inggris. Jika Anda menggunakan countable
nouns, maka Anda harus menggunakan number. Sebaliknya, jika Anda menyusun kata yang memiliki uncountable nouns, maka Anda harus menggunakan amount dibandingkan number. Untuk lebih jelas, Anda bisa
melihat contohnya di bawah ini:
• We have been friends for a number of years.
• Our school has a large number of students compared to the other school.
• They are taking huge amounts of our money.
• Hey, you should put a little more amount of time in the pot before it boiling.
• 3. Few dan little
• Keduanya memilik arti yang sama yaitu sedikit. Lalu apa yang membedakan penggunaan kedua kata ini di dalam bahasa Inggris? Kata few digunakan untuk countable nouns dan sedangkan kata little lebih merujuk
pada uncountable nouns.
• Contoh :
• There is a few men in the party.
• Donald only has a few friends in Jakarta.
• I need a little help now.
• I have a little time only to come here.
• 4. Fewer dan less
• Fewer dan less memiliki arti yang sama yaitu ‘lebih sedikit.’ Penggunaan kedua kata ini memiliki prinsip yang sama seperti few dan less. Dimana fewer digunakan untuk countable nouns, sedangkan less digunakan
untuk uncountable nouns. Contoh :
• A secretary makes less money than a manager.
• Today I can spend less time eating and have more exercise.
• A secretary makes less money than a manager.
• Compared to Science, there’s fewer student who likes Math.
• 5. Some dan any
• Some dan any mempunyai arti yang sama, yaitu beberapa. Kedua kata ini biasa digunakan untuk menyatakan kata benda yang memiliki jumlah tak tentu pada countable nouns jamak atau uncountable nouns.
• Contoh :
• She has some questions.
• There are some reasons I can tell you why I should be worry right now.
• I owe any money.
• You could tell me any reasons, but I still won’t believe it.
• Itulah perbedaan countable nouns dan uncountable nouns di dalam bahasa Inggris yang bisa Anda pelajari beserta kata-kata yang tepat untuk menjelaskannya. Jangan sampai tertukar ya. Selamat belajar!
• Kosakata Kekinian dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya
• Vocabulary

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