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Daryna Chyrina
1. Anger is not bad

Anger itself isn’t a bad or even a dangerous thing, but it always

needs consideration. As with any emotion, understanding why
it is felt is the first step to reaping its benefits.

Consideration – рассмотрение
Reaping benefits – извлекать пользу
2. One benefit of anger is motivation

Motivating ourselves to enjoy life more and stress less is one of

the best benefits of anger. At first, knowing how best to act is
difficult, but in time the emotion of anger can drive us to create
something innovated to solve a problem.

Benefit - преимущество
Drive to create – побуждение творить
3. Humor can diffuse anger

The first step comes from the understanding that anger is an

emotion that men and women feel differently, and anger does
not have to control us. The simple act of laughing at anger can
diffuse it. In an argument, one person can defeat the mounting
anger with a joke.

Diffuse – рассеять, размыть

4. Uncontrolled anger and angry outbursts
are linked to stroke and heart attack.
When you just can’t shake the anger and it feeds off itself for too
long, you will either find yourself making yourself physically sick
or your outburst can land you in jail. Smoking, poor diet and lack
of exercise can exacerbate the effects of anger, putting you at an
increased risk for cardiovascular events.

Outburst – вспышка
Stroke – инсульт
Jail - тюрьма
Exacerbate – усугубить
5. A plan for relaxation can combat anger

We plan as much as we can for work, for our families and for our
futures, but when we forget to plan to relax we give rise to anger.

Combat – побороть
Give rise to - порождать
6. Aggression is anger in action

Aggression is when we act on our anger, and aggression can land

us in jail. When anger must be released in a physical form, try
mixed martial arts or boxing lessons to control the aggressive

Jail – тюрьма
Martial - боевой
7. Anger teaches us about our ability to cope

Anger teaches us about our ability to cope because we can easily

and objectively look at ourselves and answer a few questions. Am I
feeling angry? Sometimes, we feel pressured or rushed and that
leads to anger.

Rushed – спешка
Lead - приводит
• What drives people to create something innovative and
solve their problems?
• Can humor diffuse anger?
• What is anger in action?

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