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Graphite Pencil

Angie Rivadeneira

- Graphite is found in three countries, Turkey, China,

and Brazil
- Together all three countries form 72% of the
estimate world graphite reserves
- Turkey has the largest reserves of graphite
- Turkey Graphite Mine

- China Graphite
Mine site
- Brazil Graphite
Mine Site
Process of Graphite into a Pencil

- The graphite is ground down and

mixed with powdered clay and
water to make a thick paste
- This paste is then fired in a kiln
- The result is a strong lead core
that’s difficult to break and
extremely smooth for writing on
The Wood Process
- 1 tree can make up 300,000 pencils
- Sawmills pre-cut wood into squares
that are uniform in size. These
wood slats are then shipped to a
- Each wood square is treated with a
wax and stain, Grooves are also cut
along the edges, which later on
help the graphite stay in place
(Grooves are filled with glue)
- Graphite gets baked 1500 F
Finally Part

- An automated arm puts the graphite into the woods slat with the glue, flipping
the wood slat over stacking them creating a graphite sandwich
- Then later getting squeezed with over 2,000 pounds of pressure
- After the glue takes about an hour to dry, later on getting cut into pencils
- Pencils go under a shower head that sprays them with lacquer
- The metal ferrule and rubber eraser are added to the top of the pencil
- Later th pencils have an image or text printed on the barrel
- After the whole process the pencils are ready to be packaged and shipped

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