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This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY.


BY: Jaeda Nesnick
Who, what, when,
where, why
■ John Wayne Gacy
■ He raped, tortured, and murdered around 33 boys that
we know of by the time he got caught.
■ Gacy went on a spree from January 3, 1972-----
December 11, 1978.
■ John killed all his victims in a village in Norwood park
Township in Surburban Chicago.
■ John Wayne Gacy did what he did was because of
his mental state. When he got his last divorce his body
count went from 3 to 30 in a little bit, he was abused
physically and verbally by his alcoholic father, 
Johns' childhood

■ John Wayne Gacy was born into an upper-middle-class family in Chicago in

March 1942. His father, John Stanley Gacy, was an auto-repair machinist who
named his son after John Wayne, a Hollywood icon who starred in Westerns
and was considered a paragon of American masculinity.
■ But in his father’s eyes, John Wayne Gacy never came close to living up to
his name. He was overweight and unathletic. He would dress in his mother’s
underwear, “depended on his mother for any nurturing he could get.” Gacy
started experiencing blackouts in the fourth grade and was hospitalized for
seizures and a burst appendix

■ John Stanley, by contrast, was the punitive parent: he drank heavily and often
demeaned his son, calling him a “sissy.” These humiliations and abuses often
took place in the basement, where John Wayne was berated for his clumsy
attempts at helping his father on home improvement projects. At times, John
Stanley even beat John Wayne, or his mother. This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND.
Johns' childhood
■ While John Wayne denied having suffered any sexual abuse at the hands of his father, he
claimed to be the victim of several non-consensual sexual assaults in his childhood.

■ The first incident, according to Gacy, occurred when he was five years old. While with his
mother was at another family’s home, a 15-year-old girl brought Gacy upstairs into her
room, where she began fondling him. After the two mothers discovered the children
together, the girl’s mother struck her in front of Gacy.

■ When he was 8 years old, Gacy says he was again fondled and assaulted—this time by a
contractor in his mid-thirties who had struck up a casual friendship with Gacy’s father. The
contractor would take Gacy out for ice cream, and then show him “wrestling holds.” After a
few such incidents, young Gacy told his father that he didn’t wish to be alone with the
contractor and their contact ended.

■ Back in the day abusive and drunk parents were normal but not to this sort. Neither was this
normal nor abnormal until you get the part where john gets sexually abused/assaulted by
only the age of 5 years old.
What crimes are
■ The crimes john Wayne Gacy committed are
nothing subtle. He was a sex offender who raped,
tortured, and murdered at least 33 young men.
Gacy's victims included male prostitutes as well as
teenagers who worked for his company. Typically,
he lured his victims back to his home and tricked
them into being handcuffed or having a rope tied
around their necks. Afterward, he'd knock them
out with chloroform and then rape, torture and
murder them. Some of his victims would be raped
not only by him but with sex toys as well. Ex:
Anal beads, 12-inch dildo, handcuffs, etc.

■ Johns' crimes were organized. He knew to make

sure he was a well-known man for doing good,
knew how to lure the men/boys in, knew how to
make some of them keep a secret, knew who and
when to take them, then hid them well, 

■ The picture is a photo from the crime scene of

people tearing the floor to get to the crawl space
where the bodies were
Criminal behavior

■ John would typically lure his victims back home, tricked them into being handcuffed or
having a rope tied around their neck. After he would knock them out with chloroform and
then torture, rape, then eventually murder them.

■ Johns' actions after he was arrested was rather calm, he had about 2 and a half months to
produce a theory for his defense. At first, he told his lawyer that he didn’t have any
recognition of him killing the boys, he said in one article ""I went to bed, I was hammered, I
woke up, and there's a dead body in my house, So I assume I killed them, I just don't
remember killing them.". then after that confession he wanted to take a lie detector test,
which came up a negative, then he wanted to do a second one and that one came up as
negative as well. After this he did start to confess everything to his lawyer. He drew what his
basement looked like with the bodies, 

■ John felt remorse but in a completely different way you would think. In an
article he said, "No, but you want to know something, I can recall that more than once I
wanted to pray," Gacy replies. "Not pray for me, but pray for them, for being such a lost
soul, for being so stupid."

■ I personally do not think Gacy

could be rehabilitated because
knowing him as much as I do,
he's smart with what he does. I
believe Gacy would pretend to
do everything right. So, when
he gets out, they will think he's
a changed man, but he would
go back to what he did best but
different so he wouldn’t get
caught again, 
Applicable theory

■ Biological theory- the genetic disposition/disorders is

responsible for criminal behavior. Someone having a mental
illness that affects him to think straight. Gacy could be affiliated
with this theory because he had ASPD (anti-social personality

■ Psychological theory-  the psychological characteristics such as

personality, early life experiences, ego and thought patterns.
Gacy could also fall under this theory because he was abused
physically, verbally, and sexually. He got hit in the head with a
seesaw when he was younger so that could have affected his
brain. Gacy also witnessed his mother being emotionally and
verbally abused by this father.
psychopath, or
■ John could be affiliated with being a Sociopath,
and a Psychopath.

■ Psychopath- is a person who is selfish, self-

centered, and self-motivated to secure his or her
self-interest. Gacy did not care what the
boys/men thought, Gacy did what he wanted

■ Sociopath- people incapable of experiencing

guilt, remorse, or moral sensitivities, but can
portray these feelings to suit their purposes.
John did not feel any remorse, Gacy felt like he
needed to pray one day not because of them
dying, but because they were stupid. Gacy was
able to convince a whole community that he
was an all-out American man. Yet, he was far
from it. Gacy would put on a façade being
Pogo the clown, he would act like he's just a
nice clown going to birthday parties but under
that he would be stalking out on who his next
victim should be.

■ Johns' method of approach was to give the boys alcohol back at his place, so
they all willingly go to his house, rather than him kidnapping them.

■ MOA is let them drink then when their loose and easier to control, drug them
with chloroform, tie them up with a rope around their neck or handcuff them,
then torture, rape, and murder them. 

■ Their personality is messed up, I know most serial rapist killers were abused or

something bad happened to them, but it's still sick on how they would do this
and rarely feel any remorse. Gacy has Anti-Social Personality Disorder on top
of all the messed-up stuff going on with his head. ASPD is a mental disorder in
which a person consistently shows no regard for right and wrong and ignores
the rights and feelings of others.

■ The victims were at first chosen by their background. Gacy mainly chose the
kids who didn’t have anyone to run back home to and the ones who wouldn’t be
missed. The only one that messed his flow up was a kid named Robert priest,
he was missed, and his mother realized he was at a construction job last, which
was Johns' business. 

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