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Department: Humanities

Subject: Business and academic

communication in a foreign language
(English) Azerbaijan
Faculty: Energy and Automation Technical
Specialization: Process automation University
Group: 272A2
Student: Elmin Abdullayev
Teacher: Huseynova Kemale
The term artificial intelligence was first used in 1956 by
John McCarthy. When he used this phrase, he called
artificial intelligence "the science and engineering of
making machines intelligent."

Written ideas about intelligent machines and other

artificial devices can be found as far back as ancient Greek
myths. Automated machines with intelligence have been
developed since ancient times by Heron, Al Jazeera,
Wolfgang von Kempelen, Jabir ibn Hayyan, Paracelsus
and other inventors. Aristotle, who lived in the 4th
century BC, laid the foundation for the theory of
syllogism, which is the basis of the thinking of artificial
intelligence. In 1275 Roman Llull invented his logical
apparatus called Ars Magna.
Machine learning loosely
refers to the acquisition of
knowledge of artificial
intelligence and its working
processes. This has been
central to the science of
artificial intelligence since its
early days. At the Darmund
Spring Conference in 1956,
Ray Solomonoff wrote a
paper on the possibility of a
self-teaching machine,
calling it the "Intuitive
Inference Machine". There
are two types of machine
learning; without a teacher
and with a teacher.
Teacherless learning allows
objects to be perceived as they
are. And tutored learning helps
with classification and
regression analysis.
Classification is used to clarify
which category an object
belongs to. Regression analysis
is used to predict the output
number by finding a function
using the input numbers in the
numerical series. During the
training process, the correct
answers of the machine are
rewarded, and wrong answers
are punished.
The answer to the question of what
artificial intelligence does is not completely
clear. Every writer approaches this science
from a certain aspect when writing a book
about artificial intelligence.

Philosophically, there is still no answer to

the question of the nature and origin of
human intelligence. There is no limit to
computer "consciousness", but the
creation of artificial intelligence has been
given a number of hypotheses, such as the
Turing test and the Newell-Simon
Therefore, there are two ways to
approach the problem of artificial

Top-down, semiotics – expert

systems, knowledge and logical
decision bases, creating systems that
mimic high-level mental processes,
such as thought, speech, art, etc.

Studying neural systems, performing

evolutionary computations, and
building neurocomputers and
biocomputers to model intelligences
based on bottom-up, biological
elements. This approach, given by
John McCartney, is not part of the
science of artificial intelligence, but
only has the same goals.
The field of robotics and the science of
artificial intelligence are closely related.
Using artificial intelligence in robotics
and creating intelligent robots creates a
new field of artificial intelligence science.
It is necessary to work on intellectuality
to manipulate objects, to find the
location, to analyze the surrounding
world and to plan the movement.
Examples of robots with artificial
intelligence are toy robots Pleo, Aibo,
Grio, etc. can be shown.
The role of artificial intelligence in performing various
difficult calculations and other tasks is great. Artificial
intelligence is a highly specialized field with many branches.
Often, one area ofS ​ I does not interact with another area.
Some of its areas have developed to such an extent that
they already function as a separate specialty. Creating an
intelligence stronger than human intelligence is one of the
main goals of AI.

There is no single answer to the question of what artificial

intelligence is. Almost every author who writes a book about
AI defines any opinion about AI by taking into account the
achievements of that science.

Philosophy does not resolve the issue of the image and

status of human intellect. Although a number of hypotheses
have been proposed, such as the Newell-Simon hypothesis
or the Turing test, there is no clear evidence that the
computer has developed to a "reasonable" level.
The development of the science of artificial
intelligence can be divided into two
directions: solving problems related to the
convergence of specialized artificial
intelligence systems with human abilities and
integrations that realize human nature;
Creating artificial intelligence based on
already created artificial intelligence systems
that can solve human problems. Currently,
there is interest in many topics in the field of
artificial intelligence, not fundamental, but
practical. Many approaches have been used
to create artificial intelligence, but no group
has yet succeeded in creating a perfect
artificial intelligence.

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