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The Amish (/ˈɑːmɪʃ/; Pennsylvania German: Amisch; German: Amische) are a group of traditionalist Christian church
fellowships with Swiss German and Alsatian Anabaptist origins. They are closely related to Mennonite churches. The
Amish are known for simple living, plain dress, Christian pacifism, and slowness to adopt many conveniences of modern
technology, with a view to not interrupt family time, nor replace face-to-face conversations whenever possible.

The history of the Amish church began with a schism in Switzerland within a group of Swiss and Alsatian Mennonite
Anabaptists in 1693 led by Jakob Ammann.Those who followed Ammann became known as Amish. In the second half of
the 19th century, the Amish divided into Old Order Amish and Amish Mennonites. The latter do not eschew motor cars,
whereas the Old Order Amish retained much of their traditional culture. When people refer to the Amish today, they
normally refer to the Old Order Amish.

In the early 18th century, many Amish and Mennonites immigrated to Pennsylvania for a variety of reasons. Today, the
Old Order Amish, the New Order Amish, and the Old Beachy Amish as well as Old Order Mennonites continue to speak
Pennsylvania German, also known as "Pennsylvania Dutch", although two different Alemannic dialects are used by Old
Order Amish in Adams and Allen counties in Indiana.
Cover of The Amish and the Mennonites, 1938
Amish lifestyle is regulated by the Ordnung ("order"),[11] which differs slightly from community to community
and from district to district within a community. What is acceptable in one community may not be acceptable
in another. The Ordnung is agreed upon – or changed – within the whole community of baptized members
prior to Communion which takes place two times a year. The meeting where the Ordnung is discussed is called
Ordnungsgemeine in Standard German and Ordningsgmee in Pennsylvania Dutch. The Ordnung include
matters such as dress, permissible uses of technology, religious duties, and rules regarding interaction with
outsiders. In these meetings, women also vote in questions concerning the Ordnung.
The Amish are known for their plain attire. Men wear solid colored shirts, broad-brimmed hats, and suits that
signify similarity amongst one another. Amish men grow beards to symbolize manhood and marital status, as
well as to promote humility. They are forbidden to grow mustaches because mustaches are seen by the Amish
as being affiliated with the military, which they are strongly opposed to, due to their pacifist beliefs. Women
have similar guidelines on how to dress, which are also expressed in the Ordnung, the Amish version of
legislation. They are to wear calf-length dresses, muted colors along with bonnets and aprons. Prayer caps or
bonnets are worn by the women because they are a visual representation of their religious beliefs and
promote unity through the tradition of every woman wearing one. The color of the bonnet signifies whether a
woman is single or married. Single women wear black bonnets and married women wear white.
Amish farm near Morristown, New York

Amish cuisine is noted for its simplicity and traditional qualities. Food plays an important part in Amish
social life and is served at potlucks, weddings, fundraisers, farewells, and other events.Many Amish foods
are sold at markets including pies, preserves, bread mixes, pickled produce, desserts, and canned goods.
Many Amish communities have also established restaurants for visitors. Amish meat consumption is
similar to the American average though they tend to eat more preserved meat.

Over the years, the Amish churches have divided many times mostly over questions concerning
the Ordnung, but also over doctrinal disputes, mainly about shunning. The largest group, the
"Old Order" Amish, a conservative faction that separated from other Amish in the 1860s, are
those who have most emphasized traditional practices and beliefs. The New Order Amish are a
group of Amish whom some scholars see best described as a subgroup of Old Order Amish,
despite the name.
Amish couple in horse-driven buggy in rural Holmes
County, Ohio, September 2004
Amish school near Rebersburg, Pennsylvania
An old Amish cemetery in Lancaster County,
Pennsylvania, 1941

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