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Measurement and

Conversion of Units

General Physics 1-Quarter 1

Teacher: Ms. Wellah Marie S. Sandoval

Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC):
1. Solve measurement problems involving conversion of units, expression of
measurements in scientific notation. STEM_GP12EU-Ia-1
2. Differentiate accuracy from precision. STEM_GP12EU-Ia-2
3. Differentiate random errors from systematic errors. STEM_GP12EU-Ia-3
4. Estimate errors from multiple measurements of a physical quantity using
variance. STEM_GP12EU-Ia-5
5. Differentiate vector and scalar quantities. STEM-GP12V-Ia-8
6. Perform addition of vectors. STEM-GP12V-Ia-9
7. Rewrite a vector in component form. STEM-GP12V-Ia-10
At the end of the lesson, learners are expected to:

A. use significant figures and scientific notation as a mathematical expression;

B. identify and list the SI Base and Derive units of measurement as he
internationally accepted practical system of units of measurement;
C. convert units using prefixes, Metric system to English system and vice versa;
D. differentiate precision and accuracy;
E. calculate percent error;
F. identify scalar and vector quantities; and
G. calculate resultant vectors using graphical and component method.
I. Significant Figures

A significant figure is comprised of the fewest digits capable of expressing a measured

value without losing accuracy.
Here are the Rules for Significant Figures which will help you to understand them better.
a. All non-zero figures are significant.
b. All zeros between non-zeros are significant.
c. Zeros to the right of a non-zero figure but to the left of the decimal point are not
significant (unless specified with a bar).
d. Zeros to the right of a decimal point but to the left of a non-zero figure are not significant.
e. Zeros to the right of the decimal point and following a non-zero figure are significant.
f. Exponential digits in scientific notation are not significant.
I. Significant Figures

In mathematical operations involving significant figures, the answer

is reported in such a way that it reflects the reliability of the least
precise operation.
For addition and subtraction, look at the places to the decimal point.
Add or subtract in the normal fashion, then round the answer to the
LEAST number of places to the decimal point of any number in the
For multiplication and division, the LEAST number of significant
figures in any number of the problem determines the number of
significant figures in the answer.
II. Scientific Notation

Scientific notation or standard index notation is a way of writing any number

between 1 and 10 multiplied by an appropriate power of 10 notations. It is a
shorthand method of writing numbers that are very large or very small.
Scientific notation involves writing the number in the form M x 10n, where M is a
number between 1 and 10 but not 10, and n is an integer. Through the use of
exponents or powers of ten it is possible to simplify calculations. The convenient
way of expressing a very large and a very small numbers is called exponential or
scientific notation.
TAKE NOTE: An integer is a positive and negative whole number.
III. Precision and Accuracy
• Accuracy indicates the closeness of the measurements to the true or accepted
• Precision is the closeness of the results to others obtained in exactly the same
way. For example, the bull‘s-eye represents the accepted true value. Each dot
represents a repeated measurement of the same quantity.
•Scalars are quantities that are fully described by a magnitude (or numerical value) alone.
•Vectors are quantities that are fully described by both a magnitude and a direction. It is
represented by an arrow the length represents magnitude and arrowhead indicates

Methods of Vector Addition Graphical Method – also called the head-to-tail method, the tail
of the vector is the starting point of the vector, and the head (or tip) of a vector is the final,
pointed end of the arrow.
1. Choose a suitable scale for the vectors so that they can be plotted on the paper.
2. Draw an arrow to represent the first vector using a ruler and protractor.
3. To draw the second vector, place the tail of the second vector at the head of the first
vector. If there are more than two vectors, continue this process for each vector to be added.

4. To get the resultant or the sum of the vectors, draw an arrow from the tail of
the first vector to the head of the last vector.
5. To get the magnitude of the resultant, measure its length with a ruler.
6. To get the direction of the resultant, measure the angle it makes with the
reference frame using a protractor.
Pythagorean Theorem
The Pythagorean Theorem is a useful method for determining the result of adding
two (and only two) vectors that make a right angle to each other. The method is
not applicable for adding more than two vectors or for adding vectors that are not
at 90-degrees to each other.

Component Method – vector resolution using x and y components.


1.Find the x and y components of the given vectors using trigonometric functions:
x-component = A cos Ө and y component = A sin Ө.

2. Get the summation of x-components and y-components.

Component Method
3. Use the summation of x and y components as the legs of a right triangle.

4. Use Pythagorean Theorem to find the hypotenuse of the right triangle. This is
the magnitude of the resultant vector.

5. Use the arctangent or inverse tangent function to find an angle in the right
triangle. This will let you state the direction of the resultant.

Two systems of measurement are being used today. Most

countries use the metric system from England. Most countries use the
metric system in daily life and in scientific work. It has the advantage
of having a decimal basis, thus simplifying conversions and

Measurement is a process that brings precision to a description by

specifying the “how much” and “of what” of a property in a
particular situation.
Table 2.1 Systems of Units

Systems of Units Length Mass Time

FPS-English system Foot (ft) Pound (lb) Second (s)

Second (s)
MKS-Metric system Meter (m) Kilogram (kg)

Second (s)
CGS-Metric system Centimetre (cm) Gram (gm)
Mass is independent of the place at which observation is made,
and hence a system of units based on length, mass and time is termed
absolute system. In the choice of length, force and time: the force
is gravitational force is a gravitational force, or weight. Hence, the
system of units is termed gravitational system.


• Base Units
• Supplementary Units
• Derived Units

Some quantities need to be converted because there are some cases that these
quantities are found complicated to use in a problem. The ratio of a quantity
stated in another unit is called conversion factor.
Steps in converting units to another.
1. Multiply by the appropriate conversion factor so that the given units cancels
leaving the desired units in the final result
How many feet does a car go in a 100-m. dash?
2. If such conversion information cannot be found directly from a table, you may
use all known conversion factors so that all necessary cancellation of units will
take place.
How many centimeters are exactly in a mile?
Conversion factors: 1 mile = 1.61 km.
1 km. = 1000 m
1 m. = 100 cm
These are obtained from the base units. For example as we shall see later the
correct S.I. unit for velocity is:

second or meter per second
In this case we have one base unit (the metre)divided by another (the second)
and there are two commonly used short forms the resulting derived unit.

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