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Historical facts about


Tyr Chatenay
The Republic of Ireland ( Eire, south Ireland )

The Republic of Ireland ( Eire, south Ireland )

got independent in 1921.
It has a population of around 4.4 million people.
And they are 91% Catholic
The emblem of the Republic of Ireland ( Eire,
south Ireland ) is the shamrock
Northern Ireland ( Ulster )

Northern Ireland is the part of Ireland that is still part of the

It has a population of around 1.8 million people
53% of them are protestants.
Protestants are against
Northern Ireland being a part of the UK.
Irish facts:

● The patron saint of Ireland is Saint Patrick

● There are around 4.7 million sheep ( almost more sheep than people )
● There is evidence of the human presence in Ireland dated 12,000 BC.
This was proven by a bear bone that was found in a cave. The bear bone
had clear cut marks from stone tools.
● Ireland has some names that are pretty strange and difficult to
pronounce for some of its towns, villages and cities. The longest name
of them all is Muckanaghederdauhaulia. ( Gaelic )
The great famine

Also known within Ireland as the Great Hunger or simply the Famine
and outside Ireland as the Irish Potato Famine, it was a period of
starvation in ireland from 1845 to 1852.
During the great famine the country’s population fell by 20-25%
The cause of this famine was a mushroom named “potato blight” that
infected potato crops throughout Europe during the 1840’s, the
strained relations between many Irish and their ruling British
government worsened further because of the famine.
The Irish revolution

From 1912 to 1923

The revolution resulted in Ireland getting split apart into
south Ireland ( Ulster ) and the Republic of Ireland
( south Ireland, Eire ).

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