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Interview filming

Basic life

politics Topic ideas

Social media

Technical skills
setting up lighting and setting up the room/background, the direction that the subject is facing compared to the
camera and whether they are eye level to the camera or not. The post editing prosses things that needed fixing
from the filming like the lighting balance.
The lighting is going to be simple I'm going to have one light on the subject and the celling lights on, the
background is going to be a simple white wall with a few objects in the background but its going to be out of
focus. The subject is going to be sat on a stool with no table Infront of them and the camera is going to be eye
Risk assessment
The dangers of filming an interview are there are many wires that could
be easily tripped over or if you use a light, it could overheat. The
camera could fall from the tripod if its too heavy.
• The setting up prosses was simple we found a white brick wall and set
a stool in front of it. We had 3 light pointed at the subject as well as
celling lights. The interview was simple we just asked a few questions,
the interview could have been a bit longer. I didn’t edit it because it
was already too short to cut scenes out, but the lighting was preface
and so was the backdrop although the background could have had a
few blurred out objects in view to make it seem less of a studio.

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