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Factors Affecting

Reading Development
Physical and Clinical Factors

 Good health
 Clear vision
 Auditory
 Physical discomfort
 Motor control
 Speech defects
 Ability to attend to a task
 Neurological disorder
Predictors of School Entry

 Formal school readiness

 Social skills
 Interest in reading
 Emotional problems
 Preparatory instruction
Acquired Knowledge of Literacy

 Intellectual development
 Good language background
 IQ level
Family Based Risked Factor

 General atmosphere at home

 Parental support
 Family members’ encouragement to read
 Exposure to books/printed materials at home
 Kinds of reading materials read at home
 Economic condition
Neighborhood, Community, and School –
based Factors
 School environment
 Teachers’ competence ( emotional maturity and social
sense )
 Community support on literacy
 Reading material in the schools/libraries
 Policies and projects that support developmental
reading programs
Identify the factor that causes the given reading
problem. Write your recommended solution. ( 10 pts)
“Filipinos prefer to feed their mouths first
by earning a living rather than feed their
minds by reading.” – Castillo, Edwin
Cause of reading problem ______________________
Recommended solution ________________________

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