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Going through this topic, you are expected to compare and
contrast different patterns of written texts including:
Comparison and Contrast
Cause and Effect
Problem Solution
Patterns give a sense of order. Understanding
and being able to identify recurring patterns
allows you to make educated guesses,
assumptions, and hypothesis as well as aid in
developing important skills of critical thinking
and logic.
They serve as your guide on how to outline
ideas and present them in an organized and
purposeful manner.
Narration is a kind of writing that
presents a story. It tells fictional and non-
fictional events. Non-fictional writing
includes personal narratives, biographies
and autobiographies. Fictional writing
examples are short stories, myths,
legends, and novels.
Narration includes elements of story
telling such as:
 Plot
 Character
 Setting
 Point of View
 Theme
Some signal word for narration are:
 before  to begin with
 meanwhile  subsequently
 afterward  previously
 at the same time
Description is common in writing. Its
purpose is to create mental images
among the readers. It requires careful
attention to details because it involves
showing and not telling. The main idea of
a descriptive paragraph is to provide an
impression about a subject.
Descriptive writing makes use of
devices called figures of speech. The
following are commonly used figures
of speech.
A simile is a figure of speech that compares
two things that are different from each other
but have similar qualities. These are generally
formed through the usage of the words ‘as’
or ‘like’. Some examples of similes in a
sentence include:
He is as brave as a lion.
Her expression was as cold as ice.
A metaphor is used for implying a
comparison between two things that have
something in common but are in general
different from each other. Some examples of
the usage of metaphors in a sentence is as
It is raining cats and dogs.
He is the star of our class.
Personification attributes human nature or
human qualities to abstract or inanimate
objects. For example, we often use the
phrases like the howling wind, dancing
leaves, time flies etc. Some examples of
personification in a sentence are:
The opportunity knocked at his door.
The plants in her house silently begged to be
Irony or sarcasm is a figure of speech in
which the usage of words conveys the
opposite of their literal meaning. These are
often used in a humorous manner. Some
examples of irony include:
Your hands are as clean as mud.
The dinner you served was as hot as ice.
A hyperbole is a figure of speech that
consists of an exaggeration. It is the usage of
exaggerated terms in order to emphasise or
heighten the effect of something. Some
examples of using hyperboles in a sentence
I have told you a million times to not touch
my stuff!
She has got a pea-sized brain. 
Signal words commonly used in descriptive
writing are:
o describe o for instance
o feature o such as
o part o to illustrate
o characteristics
Definition paragraph is definition
sentence developed into a paragraph
where it becomes an extended
explanation of the topic. There are
several ways to define a word or term.
1. Formal or Denotative Definition is a
type of definition that states the
category or genus in which the object
belongs to then discusses the specific
features that differs it from other
members of its class.
Psychology is the science that deals with
the study of behavior of man and
2. Informal or Connotative Definition is
a type of definition that shows the
broad and other associations made with
the word.
Love is an island of emotions
surrounded by an ocean of expenses.
3. Etymological Definition is a type of
definition that provides the origin of
the word.
Philosophy comes from two Greek
words “philos” which means love and
“Sophia” means wisdom.
4. Theoretical Definition is a type of
definition that presents an explanation
or illustration of the meaning of the
Wisdom is the ability to apply
knowledge to a situation. When a
person is faced with problems, one has
wisdom if he can make wise decision
based on his knowledge and experience.
Exemplification is a patternof
developmentin writing that provides vivid
and specific exxamples to add more
information that will support and solidify
the main statement. It makes the general
statement specific and easy to
Exemplification is usually introduce by the
expressions :
 for example  such as
 for instance
Verbs which are used in this connection
 illustrate  elucidate
 clarify
Waste materials, such as old rags, cotton
waste, paper, etc. should be moved from the
serving area.
• old rags, cotton waste, paper are examples
of waste materials.
In writing classification, you divide
members of a group of people, places, or
things that share similar characteristics.
The brain works in an order. It is natural
that with presented with various
concepts, an individual organizes them in
proper groupings.
In short classification is dividing things
and putting them in groups according to
their category.
Some useful expressions for classification
paragraphs are the following:
a kind of a part of

a type of fits into

be divided into group with

falls under relate to

belongs to associated with

Example: Classification of Different Types of
Comparison and Contrast
In making a comparison, similarities are
emphasized. In making a contrast,
differences are pointed out. This technique
in developing paragraph either compares
features between two or more persons,
objects or concepts that are similar, or
contrasts features that are different.
A paragraph can be developed by
using comparison and contrast or
by using either one.
There are two ways two organize
compare and contrast:
1. Block subject. This is used
Arrangement when you want to
elaborate more of
Discussing one the similarities of
subject before the two objects.
discussing aniother
It uses a lot of compare cue words
such as:
 like
 similar to
 also

Discusses only the similarities first

then more on differences after. This
arrangement emphasized more on
the differences using cue words
It uses a lot of contrast cue words
such as:
 differs
 unlike
 on the other hand
Example of Comparison and Contrast:
Faith can be compared to swimming; if you
struggle you will sink; if you rest you will
float. When you pray, don’t beg or struggle,
simply rest and believed in Him. That is how
faith works.
Cause and Effect
"Cause and effect" is a relationship
between events or things, where one is the
result of the other or others. This is a
combination of action and reaction.
Something happens (a cause) that leads to
an effect. Boost your understanding of this
important concept by reviewing some key
cause and effect examples.
For example:
If we eat too much food and do not
exercise, we gain weight.

Eating food without exercising is the

“cause;” weight gain is the “effect.” There
may be multiple causes and multiple
In composition, using a problem-solution
format is a method for analyzing and
writing about a topic by identifying a
problem and proposing one or more
solutions. A problem-solution essay is a
type of argument.
Environmental Problem: What should we do to
reduce the level of carbon dioxide in the
Solution 1: Use renewable energy to fuel your
home and vehicles.
Solution 2: Make recycling within local
communities mandatory.
Persuasive writing' is a form of writing in which
the writer uses words to convince the reader
that the writer's opinion is correct in regards to
an issue.
The has to be supported by sound
reasoning and solid evidences such as facts,
statistics, statements of experts, or even
personal experiences.
Performance Task No. 1
Interview an Overseas Filipino worker (OFW).
However, face-to-face interview is discouraged due to
CoViD-19 pandemic. You can carry out your interview
through other means such as reaching them through
phone, social media or any other means you can think
of. Ask them about why they decided to work abroad,
how they coped with the environment abroad and
being away with their family for a long time and how
they feel whenever they return home.
Content and organization------------------------------30
Development of ideas-----------------------------------20
Language (Grammar)------------------------------------20
Dynamics(meeting the requirements )--------------20
100 %
JANUARY 31, 2022

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