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Directions: In a 1/4 sheet of paper, fill out the missing words

in the following statements.




Directions: In a 1/4 sheet of paper, fill out the missing words
in the following statements.
1. __________ is the study of human diversity in its linguistical,
cultural, material and physical forms.
2. _________ seeks to understand cultural diversity in
communities around the world.
3. _________ use material evidence to investigate prehistoric
societies and communities.
4. ________ looks at how human body evolves and adapted to
physical, social, cultural and political environments.
5. _____ looks at the relationship between language behavior
and culture, the human capacity to use symbols and
language and what makes us unique among higher primates.
6. Economics origin could be traced back to two ancient Greek
words: oikos (house) and ___________ (custom or law).
7. _________ focuses on small-scale market interactions that
transpire between individuals consisting of business firms and
8. __ focuses on analyzing the determinants of national income.
9. ____________utilizes economic theories and formulas to
real-world scenarios with the goal of predicting possible events
that would affect the individuals within the economic system.
10. _______ is a branch of economics that focuses on the
interconnection of concepts like institutions, history, and social
The various disciplines in the social sciences
and its relevant contributions and functions in the
Geography is the study of the earth’s surface; a
specialized investigation of the physical structure of the
earth, including its terrain and its climates, and the
nature and character of its contrasting inhabited
The word geography comes from the Greek word
“geo” (earth, land or ground) and “graphia” (to write,
an art, or a study).
The combination of the two words provides an
elementary definition of geography, which is the
study of describing the earth.
This study also accounts for the people living in it
and their interactions with the environment.
As an academic discipline, geography seeks to
answer old questions such as
• “Where am I in this world?”
• “Where am I in the context of the world?”.
As a social science, geography examines the
human or social aspects of these inquiries. Thus, we
can say that geography is an interdisciplinary study
that explores the relation between Earth, its human
inhabitants, and the changes and interplay that
occurred overtime.
Important Personalities in
Anaximander (610–546 BCE) a pre-Socratic Greek
philosopher, biologist and astronomer. He is also
considered as one of the first, if not the first,

Strabo (64–20 BCE) a Greek geographer who coined

the term Geographia, which was also the title of his
17-volume series on geographical studies.
Important Personalities in
Eratosthenes (276–194 BCE) using geometry, he
became the first to have calculated accurately the
circumference of Earth.
Ptolemy (100–178 CE) compiled and summarized in
Geographike Hyphegesis(Guide to Geography) all
known information of geography of his time. He
formulates of map coordinates by utilizing and
developing the concepts of latitude and longitude.
Important Personalities in
Edrisi an Arab geographer and descendant of
Prophet Mohammed, who collected all known
geographical information of his time.

Ibn Battuta (1304-1368 CE) was a Moroccan

explorer who published his 30-year journey in his
book Rihla (Journey). He travelled farther and
longer than Marco Polo by visiting all the places in
the known Muslim world, as well as non-Muslim
Fields of Geography
• Physical geography is a discipline which studies the
changes in the natural patterns and processes of
Earth’s surface over time.
• Human geography is a discipline which studies the
relationship of people, communities and cultures
across space and place.
• Integrated geography is a discipline which studies
how human activities impact the environment
through the analysis of the shifts in landforms and
cycles of natural resources.
Fields of Geography
• Geomatics is a discipline which focuses on the
scientific management of geographic data. It
involves the methodology by which data are
gathered, processed, stored, and delivered to users
using the aid of the latest computer software and
• Regional Geography is a discipline which focuses
on a particular region on the surface of the earth.
The field of geography was developed as a response to the
growing curiosity of human groups to understand the
variation in their environment and those people that inhabit
them. The interdisciplinary nature of geography allowed it
to collaborate with other disciplines in the social sciences
through shared methods and topics. In time when
environmental crises are prevalent and the earth’s surface
is experiencing drastic changes due to natural and man-
made causes, Geography all the more finds its relevance as
a field of inquiry in the social sciences.

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