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Apply styles to table

To Centre align a table in a window(code)

• To centre align table within the window, two more style properties
must be used with the table tag. These are to set the margin to the
left to automatic and the margin to the right automatic.
Using expression
Table header 1 table row
with 2 table
Table body

2 table rows,
each with 2
cells of data

Table footer 1 table row

with 2 cells
of data
To align cell content Horizontally(code)
Using expression
Table border using code in css
Table Borders using expression
To align cell content vertically
• You can align cell content either by using css code or using expression
• By using code it would be
Vertically Align table cell content(bottom)
Vertically Align table cell content(middle)
Create a new web page that look like this,set both row
height to 60px,centre align content,use vertical alignment
for each one

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