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Dangling and Misplaced

Mr. Torky

Edit and fix

identify what a
sentences with
dangling or
dangling and
misplaced modifier
misplaced modifier
problem is.
Modify = Change
A word or a phrase that changes, modifies or describes
another word/phrase in a sentence.
a boy
a fast boy

• The man’s broken computer was
Read the sentence.
Then decide whether • The broken man’s computer was
it contains a  fixed.
misplaced or 
dangling modifier:
Check it out

• Flashing, lightning and thunder, the little bunny struggled through the storm.

• Flashing, lightning and thunder, the storm raged as the bunny struggled.
Look at this:
• Running around on his hamster wheel,
Isaac watched his pet exercise.
• Running around on his hamster wheel,
the critter exercised while Isaac
• Two teams.
Game: Find • The teams must decide if there
is a misplaced or dangling
the modifier in the sentence.
Problem • The first team to raise their
card and correctly state if there
is a problem (including what the
problem is if there is one) gets a
• If a team raises their card first
but is wrong in their guess, they
cannot play in the next round. 
Having finished the assignment, Jill turned on the TV.

Though only in Grade 3, the school librarian realized that

Kristen could read as well as many junior high students.

Decide on Listening attentively to even the most long-winded guests,

our host managed to make everyone feel welcome.
the Dotting the skies over Dubai, the spectators gaped at the
following: brightly coloured hot-air balloons.

While driving along the narrow Scottish roads in his beat-

up Land Rover, a great idea struck him.

Although eighty years old, most household chores were

still easy for Minnie to perform.
Kahoot Time
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