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Coptic Churches

Early Christian churches

 The interior was the main focus.

 Images of theChrist , Mary , and saints  The exterior was mainly simple,plain, & austere

were all found in coptic churches.  The alternative form was common in both empires, but later the basilica was more popular.

 Latin cross, greek cross , polygonal, and rotunda were common in the early christian
 It has iconostasis (a screen bearing icons, churches.

separating the sanctuary of many eastern  Churches from the 1st to 3rd centuries took classical greek and Roman architecture as its
main influence.
churches from the nave)
 Didn’t have the shapes of “cross”
 Different orientation
 Has triconch
 Crypt (underground)
coptic Early christian

 mainly found in egypt.  in rome and areas around it.

 weren’t symmetrical  were axial spatial organization.

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