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What is negotiation?

 It refers to ability and skills to discuss critical issues in a calm and open way so as
to build consensus based on mutual understanding without taking advantage of
either side.This provides a way out of difficult situations.It is sometimes hard and
frustrating where one is being pressurized to do or take something against his/her
will.the teacher should therefore inculcate among the learners the values and skills
of negotiation as they deal with day-to-day issues and situations.
 Negotiation skills refer to the ability and willingness to discuss critical issues in a
calm and open way so as to build consensus or agreement based on mutual
understanding without taking advantage of either side. This provide a way out of
difficulty situations.

 Negotiation is at times hard and frustrating where one is being pressurised to do

or take something against his/her will. The teacher should therefore inculcate
among the learners the value and skills of negotiations as they deal with day to
day issues and situations.
Process of Negotiation

 Identify the issues of concern

 Identify the parties involved
 Presentation of ideas by concerned parties
 Consensus building
Situations that require negotiation

 Peer pressure
 When in risky situations
 Initiation into drugs
 Negotiations in business
 Negotiations for ones rights
 When experiencing conflicts in relationships
 Negotiations before and in a marriage
 When faced with harmful traditional practices
 etc
Importance of Negotiations

 Enhances interpersonal relationships

 Fosters co-existence
 Enhances conflict resolutions
 May lead to friendship formation and maintenance
 Emhances empathy
Factors that enhance negotiation

 Empathy
 Self awareness
 Calmness
 Assertiveness
 Readiness to compromise
 Level of knowledge on subject matter
 Effective communication
 Readiness for a win win solution
Factors that hinder negotiation

 Language barrier
 A limited knowledge of the subject matter
 Anger
 Prejudice
 Stereotypes on social, cultural, religious, gender etc
 Biased arbitration
 Socio-economic status
 Lack of empathy
 Age difference
Qualities of a good negotiator

 Effective communicator
 Assertive
 Empathetic
 Tolerant
 Knowledgeable on the subject matter
 Confident
 Self Controlled
 Patient
 Neutral, etc

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