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Chapter: four

immune system or immunology

Objectives: by the end of these chapter the learners should be
able to:
Define immune system
Explain the function of immune defenses
Describe the types of immune system
Name and explain the cells kills invading Antigen
Define the function of antibodies
Explain active and passive immunity
Immunity : is the ability of the body to defense against it
is self from foreign substances those causes diseases .
Immunology: is the study of physiology defense by which
the body destroy foreign matters both living and and living
Immune system: is a group of organs work to gather to
defense the body against diseases
Immune responses: are reactions of the body by foreign
substance inter the body ( E.g bacteria and virus)
Immune defenses performs
1) Protect against infection cause by microbes such
as( viruses ,bacteria, fungi and parasites)
2) Isolate or remove non- microbial foreign
3) Destroy cancer cells that arise in the body that
function known as(surveillance)
Immunity classified two categories

1.Innate immunity 2.Acquired immunity

Innate immunity :also called non –specific immunity
This immunity the body is born the ability of the body
recognize and rabidly destroy foreign substances, has no
specific and memory ,the response is the same each time
because there is no of previous encounter ,can acts against
bacteria in general
Acquired immunity: also called specific immunity .
This immunity have ability of the body recognize and destroy certain
foreign substances improves each time , has specific and memory ,
Can distinguish between different kinds of bacteria
Four types of innate or non-specific immunity

1.Barries to entry microbes

Skin and mucous membranes lining the respiratory system, digestive
system and urinary tracts serves as mechanical barriers to entry the
Oil glands by skin: secretion by chemicals that contain weaken or kill
bacteria in the skin
Upper respiratory tract is lined by ciliated cells that sweep mucus
and trapped up in to throat ,where they can swallowed
Stomach: has an acidic HCL which inhibit or kills the bacteria
2.Inflammatory reaction: When ever tissues are damaged ,a series of
events occurs that is known as (inflammatory reaction)
3.Natural killer cells: (NK) are cells kill the virus- infected cells and
tumor cells they are granular lymphocytes.
4.Protective proteins
 Complement proteins: are a group of(21 )proteins found in plasma
part of blood
 Interferon proteins: are proteins that protect the body against viral
Skin and other external barriers : the
first line of Defense
Skin: is the largest organ of our body the outer layer of skin is
(epidermis) which as a barrier to the microbes.
Mucus membranes: found in the body cavity like the mucus
membrane of nose has mucus –coated hairs that traps and
filter dust and microbes from inhaled air
The fluids produce by various organs in the body and
Tear :the lacrimal glands of the eyes produce tear which
remove dust and microbes
Answer these questions
1.Define the following terms
B.Immune system
D.Immune response
2.Define inflammatory reaction?
3. Name the two mucus membranes in your body?
4. Tell two types of immune system?
5. What is the function of HCL acid?
6.Define pathogens or microbes?
7.Tell two function of immune system?
8.Name the other name of innate immunity?
9. What is the function of ciliated cells in some
membranes your body?
Saliva: salivary glands produce saliva. It washes the
microbes from the surface of the teeth and mucus
membrane of the mouth .
Urine :cleaning of the urethra by the flow and slows down
urine microbial growth by the (urinary system)
Sebum : sebaceous ( oil) glands secrete and oily substance
called (sebum) that protective the covering the surface of
skin to dry
Blood clothing: helps the blood vessels to repair after
damage or wounds
Cellular counterattacks : the second line defense

Second line of defense : are group of cells ,tissues and organs

that work to gether to defense the body. The second line
defense include signals that produce inflammation ,fever
response white blood cells and proteins
Five kinds of leukocytes ( WBCS)
1) Neutrophils :are the most common type of WBCS,those kill bacteria
and fungi
2) Basophils: release histamine and other chemicals that promote the
3) Eosinophils : release chemicals that reduce inflammation
4) Lymphocytes:are the smallest of WBCS
5) Monocytes: are the largest of WBCS
Five kinds of white blood cells
Inflammatory response
Inflammatory response: is localized ,nonspecific response to infected by
pathogen ,the tissues release chemical signals called Histamine . That
initiates a series of reactions that makes damaged area to become
red, painful and swollen. This cause increase permeability of capillaries
Mechanism of
phagocytes( phagocytosis)
1. chemotaxis: is the process by which cells are attracted to the
bacteria .this is caused by the produce opsonin which is type
2. Attachment: phagocyte and bacteria attached together
3. Endocytosis: the formation of false feet ( pseudopodia) or simple
membrane that being to engulfed the bacteria
4. Vacuole formation: forms around the bacteria
Mechanism of
phagocytes( phagocytosis)
5.killing/lysis: this can done Hydrogen peroxide or other lysins ,so
bacteria other foreign engulfed by using aerobic process
6.Digestion: lysosomes attached to the phagocytic vacuole and reales
their content in side them
Third line of defense: Acquired
The third line defense called adaptive immunity or acquired immunity .
It involved the production of type white blood cells which dived two
lymphocytes( B and T cells) which are specific .
B cells and T cells : responsible for cell- mediated immunity, develop
mature the bone marrow ,help the fight of cancer cells
Cells in the immune system
Antigen: is a substance that is foreign to the body to stimulates
immune response
Antibody: is a protein(immunoglobulin) made up plasma cells derived
from B lymphocytes ,secreted in response to fight antigen
Immune response: is the action of lymphocytes in response to enter
antigen to body
Antibodies( immunoglobulins Igs)
Antibodies: are globular proteins and from group of plasma protein
called immunoglobulins. The basic molecule common to all antibodies
consists of four polypeptide chain two long gain ( heavy chain ) two
short ( light chain)also Disulphide brideges hold the chains to gether
Each antibodies molecule has two identical antigen binding sites which
are formed by both light and heavy chains
The sequences of amino acids in these region make the specific three
dimensional shape, also have variable region which every antibodies
different the other one
Antitoxin antibody: are group of antibodies which block the toxin
release bacteria such as those cause (diphtheria and tetanus)
Active and passive immunity
Active immunity : is the immunity gained when antigen enters the
body ,an immune response occurs then produced antibodies by
plasma cells
Passive immunity : is the gained with out an immune
response ,antibodies are injected ( artificial) or pass from mother to
child across the placenta or in breast milk (natural)
Natural immunity and Artificial immunity

Natural immunity: is the immunity gained by infected (active ) or by

receiving antibodies from the mother cross placenta or breast milk
Artificial immunity: is the immunity gained either by vaccination
( active) or by injecting antibodies ( passive)
School bursede secondery

Grade :form four

Subject biology
Chapter :four immune system or immunology

Teacher : zainab cabdilaahi muxumed

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