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At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to:

Identify the uniqueness and similarities of Judaism,
Christianity, & Islam.
Classify the beliefs, origin and practices of Judaism,
Christianity, and Islam; and
Appreciate the uniqueness and similarities of Judaism,
Christianity, and Islam.

1.What is Religion?
2.Who is Abraham?

Think of your favorite

Bible verse, and explain
why it is significant into
your life.
1. What message does the song imply?
2. Is it possible that hatred and division
will be stopped? How?
3. How can religion be an instrument of
unity and peace instead of hatred and
Comparative Analysis of Judaism,
Christianity, and Islam
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, also known
as the three Abrahamic religions, originated
from Southwest Asia where people speak
the Semitic languages, particularly Hebrew,
Aramaic, and Arabic. All these three
religions are monotheistic in their belief—for
they believe that, there is only one God,
considering Abraham as the patriarch of the
Father of the faith.
The following tables discuss the beliefs, practices,
and uniqueness of the three Abrahamic religions:
CREED- Beliefs

TaNaKh Judaism professes

YHWH faith in one, supreme,
 They usually call  Torah- The Law
personal God, who
JUDAISM God Adonai or  Nevi’im- Prophets
created the universe,
Elohim  Ketuvim-Writings who has revealed His
 In observance of the Talmud will through Moses
Second and the other Prophets
 orally transmitted
and has intervened at
commandment, they interpretation of key moments in
are forbidden to Torah history to save His
utter the name of Halakha chosen people, Israel.
God, that is why the  basis of Jewish law
name YHWH does and tradition
not have vowels.
The core teaching of
The Holy Bible Christianity is that, out
Holy Trinity
  of intense love for
CHRISTIANITY • God, the Father  Old Testament sinful humanity, God
 New Testament chose to demean
• God, the Son Himself by becoming a
(Jesus Christ) human being in the
• God, the Holy person of Jesus to
Spirit redeem humankind
from sin and death.

Qur’an There is no God but

ISLAM Allah   Allah; Muhammad is
The Hadith the messenger of Allah.
CODE- Ethical Norms/ Morality

Based on the The Jews believe

covenant between in
God and predetermination
• The Ten particularly the wherein God
Commandments Jewish people who decides everything
are considered as that will happen to
 Mitzvoth- 613 the Chosen People man, although
Commandments of God, they man’s freewill is
should devote still the deciding
themselves in factor as to what
imitating God by will happen to
being holy just as him.
He is holy.
• To Love God “For God so loved
with all your the world, that
 The Ten heart, with all He gave His only
Commandments your mind, with begotten Son, that
CHRISTIANITY  Teachings of Jesus
all your soul and whoever believes
Christ with all your in Him shall not
 The Code of Canon strength. perish, but have
Law (Roman Catholic • To Love your eternal life.”
Church) neighbor as you John 3:16
love yourself.

Five Pillars of Islam A Muslim must Predestination is

ISLAM 1. The Creed (shahada) submit to Allah and more emphasized in
2. Obligatory prayer Islam. Muslims
(salat) recognize that
3.Poor tax (zakat) believe that they are
Muhammad is His given freewill by
4. Fasting (sawm)
5. Pilgrimage to Mecca
prophet Allah which is
(Hajj) governed by His will.
CULT- Religious Practices
JUDAISM The main rites of passage
are: • Pesach -Passover
 b’ritmilah- covenant of  Shavuot
circumcision  Rosh Hashanah
 bar mitzvah- ritual of  Yom Kippur
the coming of age for  Sukkot
boys  Shemini Atzeret
 Kiddushin- rite of  Simchat Torah
marriage  Hanukkah
 Purim
 K’vurah- burial or the
funeral service
The Seven
Sacraments  Advent
Christianity 1.Baptism  Christmas
2.Confirmation  Lent
3.Eucharist  Easter Sunday/
4.Penance and Dies Domini
Reconciliation (The Day of the
5.Anointing of Lord)
the Sick
7.Holy Orders
 Muharram (“The
Sacred Month”)
Five pillars of Islam  Rabai al-Awai
(“The Spring”)
ISLAM 1. The Creed (shahada)
 Ramadan (The
2. Obligatory prayer (salat)
Month of Great
3. Poor tax (zakat) Heat”)
4. Fasting (sawm)  Shawwal: (“The
5. Pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj) Month of Hunting”
 Dhu al-Hijja (“The
Month of Hajj”)
 Id al-Adha- The
Feast of the
Complete the Venn diagram below by writing down the
differences and similarities of Christianity, Judaism,
and Islam. Make a brief explanation of your work.

1. What makes Judaism, Christianity, and Islam

similar with each other?

2. How unique Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are

when it comes to the beliefs and practices?

3. Are there any possibilities for these three

religions to unite and relate with each other? How?
Write the letter of the correct answer, which corresponds to the
statements given below. Use your activity notebook.
a)Patriarchy b)Purdah c)Burka d)Hijab e)Polygamy f)Predestiny
g)Ummah h)Ishmael i)Isaac j)Jacob
1. Islamic practices of strict veiling.
2. A long loose covering used by Muslim women to hide their body including the face.
3. Head covering used by Muslim women.
4. The son of Abraham from Hagar, Sarah’s lady in waiting.
5. Belief that all events are determined in advance by divine will or fate.
6. Isaac’s son and the father of the 12 tribes of Israel.
7. Abraham’s son from his wife Sarah.
8. A system of society wherein the father or eldest male is considered the head of family and lineage is
traced through the male line.
9. A partnership wherein a man has many wives.
10. Concept of equality among all races, ethnicities, and gender.

What is Hinduism?
1. Give at least two Important Feasts/Day of the three Abrahamic
 Christianity –
 Judaism –
 Islam -
2. Enumerate the Five Pillars of Islam and explain each item.
3. Enumerate the Seven Sacraments of Christianity and explain each
4. Differentiate Christianity from Islam.
5. Similarities of Christianity and Judaism.

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