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Christian Living 7 Quiz

_________1. It is the Latin word “Credo” means I
A. Trinitarian
B. Our Father
C. Creed
D. Faith
2. In our Christian faith, who is the one who need to be
center of our life?

A. Family
B. Jesus
C. Holy Spirit
D. Material things
3. It is promulgated by the first Council of
Constantinople in 381.

A. Nicene Creed
B. Apostle Creed
C. Our Father
D. Holy Mary
4. It is principal of Creed which is also called Roman
Creed and summary of faith of the Apostles.

A. Nicene Creed
B. Apostle Creed
C. Our Father
D. Holy Mary
5. It is believing or professing in the Dogma of the Holy

A. Trinitarian
B. Our Father
C. Creed
D. Faith
6. It is from the Greek word meaning “Christianos”
meaning followers of Christ.

A. Christians
B. Doctrine
C. Covenant
D. Pentecost
7. It is the promise of redemption in the future or the
promise of the coming of Messiah

A. Pentecost
B. Protoevangelium
C. Doctrine
D. Covenant
8. The Feast of the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the

A. Council
B. Covenant
C. Pentecost
D. Doctrine
9. It is the Agreement between God and His people

A. Covenant
B. Council
C. Doctrine
D. Promise
10. The meeting of College of Bishop under the
leadership of the Holy Father.

A. Creed
B. Council
C. Doctrine
D. Our Father
11. It refers to the accepted teaching of the Church.

A. Our Father
B. Creed
C. Council
D. Doctrine
II. Enumerate the Following

A. 12-14 The Three parts of Creed and its function.

12. ______________________ - ______________________
13. ______________________ -______________________
14. ______________________ - ______________________
B. 15-20. (2pts each) Three different ways God was presented in the Old
Testament and who’s story is the equivalent of each image of God.
15-16 ______________________ - ________________________________
17-18 ______________________- _________________________________
19-20 _____________________- __________________________________
III. Essay 5 pts. Select only one from 3 functions of Creeds and explain it.
(Summary of Beliefs, Pledge of Loyalty, and Proclamation of Identity.

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