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Words and pictures
2. Write a word in each gap to complete the sentences. The first letter is given to help you.WB.

1. How many c_______ of this newspaper are sold every week?

2. Do you want me to p_______ all these pages?
3. Many R________ use online newspapaers because they’re faster and cheaper.
4. I’d like to i___________ you that you’ve got the job!
5. You have to be energetic to work in t______ m______ - news changes every m inute!
6. I love writing I think I’d like to be a j_________ one day.
7. The e________ of the newspaper decides which news stories to include every day.
8. If you c______ here you will see great video clips about today’s news.
Words and pictures
3. Read this article from a newspaper and for each question, choose the correct answer, A, B or C. (WB)

Thank you and Goodbye!

This is a short message from the (1) ____ of this
newspaper to all our wonderful (2) _____ who have
bought our newspaper for years. We are very sorry to
(3) _____ you of our sad news, but next week Will be 1. A copies B editor C print
the last week of this daily newspaper. We would like to 2. A readers B copies C the media
thank all the people who have enjoyed our newspaper 3. A inform B print C click
over the years, but it is time for a change. 4. A copy B inform C print
Unfortunately, we do not have a lot of money, and it is 5. A readers B copies C editors
too expensive to (4) ______ so many (5) _____ of our 6. A journalists B readers C inform
newspaper every day. Many (6) _____ who have worked 7. A editor B the media C print
with us for years have decided to stop working, but 8. A copy B inform C click
younger ones Will try to find other Jobs in (7) ____.
We hope that you Will use other news sites online,
where you can watch video clips and read the news
every day. It’s fast and easy – you just need to (8) ____
on a page and the news is there. Again, thank you for all
the years that you have been with us.
Words and pictures
Choose the correct word or phrase. (WB)

1. How many journalists / copies work for this paper?

2. If you want to write that story, talk to the editor / print first.
3. Look! That local newspaper has printed / informed an article about our school!
4. The magazine sells more than 40, 00 copies / editors every week.
5. Watch, if you want to open this page online, just copy / click here.
6. If you love photography and writing maybe you should try to get a job in the media / journalists.
7. This website was built to inform / copy readers about sports news.
8. The online news site has more than 50, 000 copies / readers a day.
Words and pictures
h. Think about the media. Discuss with your partners.

1. Would you like to work into media?

2. What would you do?

3. Would you like to work only at night?Wny? Why not?

Lee diversos tipos de textos en Inglés como lengua extranjera
N° Reflexiona y evalúa la forma, el Reflexiona y evalúa la forma,
DE contenido y contexto del texto. el contenido y contexto del
OR texto.
Opina en inglés de manera oral o Opina en inglés de manera
escrita sobre el contenido y oral o escrita sobre el
organización del texto escrito en contenido y organización del
inglés Read all about it así como el texto escrito en inglés Read all
propósito comunicativo y la about it así como el propósito
intención del autor a partir de su comunicativo y la intención del
experiencia y contexto. Compara autor a partir de su experiencia
textos entre sí para señalar y contexto. Compara textos
características comunes de tipos entre sí para señalar
textuales y géneros discursivos. características comunes de
tipos textuales y géneros

1. Responde preguntas abiertas y 2. Opina de manera oral o

cerradas sobre el contenido en un escrita de la lectura read all
cuestionario. about it sobre el contenido y
organización del texto escrito.

Promedio Promedio

1 AVILES SANCHEZ, Alexander Alberto 15 15

2 CABRERA MUÑOS; Camila Belen 17 17

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