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Kinds of crust
Plate Tectonics a theory which
suggests that Earth’s crust is made up
of plates that interact in various ways,
thus producing earthquakes,
mountains, volcanoes, and other
geologic features
soft, weak upper
portion of the
mantle where
the lithospheric
plates float and
move around
the topmost,
solid part of the
Earth that is composed of
several plates
The entire lithosphere of the Earth
is broken into numerous segments called plates
There are seven
major plates:
African, Antarctic,
Eurasian, Indo-
Australian, North
American, Pacific
and South American
The plates move very slowly but constantly,
and this movement is called tectonics;

Tectonics -branch of geology that

deals with the movements that shape
the Earth’s crust
One of the consequences of moving crustal plates
which is crucial in studying plate tectonics:

Earthquake vibration of Earth due to

the rapid release of energy
Seismology is the study of
earthquakes and seismic waves that
move through and around the
A seismologist is a scientist who
studies earthquakes and seismic
Seismographs are
instruments used to
record the motion of the
ground during an
Seismic waves are caused by
the sudden movement of
materials within the Earth,
such as slip along a fault
during an earthquake

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