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My Favorit Food

and Drink
Makanan dan Minuman Favoritku
Kind of Food
Kind of Drink
Classifier adalah penggolongan suatu kumpulan benda sejenis
dengan sebuah nama satuan khusus.
For example:

1. a bar of chocolate/soap = sebatang coklat atau sabun

2. a glass of water = segelas air

3. A cup of tea = secangkir teh

4. a leaf of bread = sepotong roti

5. a bottle of milk = sebotol susu

6. a piece of cheese/paper = sepotong keju atau kertas

7. a spoon of sugar/syrup = sesendok gula atau sirup

8. a jar of jam/honey = setoples selai/madu

9. a plate of rice = sepiring nasi

10. a bowl of soup = semangkuk sup

11. a sack of cement = sekarung semen

12. a tube of toothpaste = secepuk pasta gigi

13. a packet of tea = sebungkus teh

14. a roll of paper = segulung kertas

15. a carton of pounder milk = sekantong susu bubuk


1. I have a plate of fried rice

2. He has a bowl of noodle

3. Do you want a glass of fresh water?

4. Does father drink a cup of coffee in the morning?

5. She eats a bowl of noodle

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