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Hari : Jumat, 8 Maret 2019
Pukul : 07.30 -08.30

1. Food and Drink
a. Vocabularies
Fried rice = nasi goreng Doughnut = donat
Fried Chicken = ayam goreng Milk = susu
Fried fish = ikan goreng Coffee = kopi
Meatball = bakso Iced tea = es the
Bread = roti Tea = teh
Cake = kue Juice = jus
Soup = sup Orange Juice = jus jeruk
Noodle = mie Chocolate = Coklat
Porridge = bubur Water = air
b. Grammar focus
- A glass of … = segelas - A bowl of … = semangkuk
- A cup of … = secangkir … - A can of … = sekaleng …
- A plate of … = sepiring …
 Like and do/does not like (suka / tidak suka)
Saya suka makan sepiring nasi = I like to eat a plate of rice
saya tidak suka minum segelas susu = I do not like to drink a glass of milk
Dita tidak suka makan semangkuk bubur = Dita does not like to eat a bowl of porridge
2. Things in the Kitchen
a. Vocabularies
Stove = kompor Knife = pisau
Oven = oven Dish rack = rak piring
Pan = panic Kettle = ketel
Fork = garpu Tea pot = teko
Spoon = sendok Fridge = lemari es
Glass = gelas Napkin= serbet
Frying pan = penggorengan Bowl = mangkuk
b. Grammar Focus
This / That (Ini/Itu) benda tunggal
This is a napkin. That is a bowl.
(Ini sebuah serbet) (Itu sebuah mangkuk)
These / Those (Ini/Itu) Benda Jamak/lebih dari satu
These are two spoons Those are two forks
Ini dua sendok Itu dua garpu
3. Tourism Places
a. Vocabularies
Zoo = kebun binatang Park = taman
Temple = candi Museum = museum
Lake = danau Beach = pantai
Mauntain = gunung Waterfall = air terjun
b. Grammar Focus
Yes/No Question

Is it a lake? (Apakah itu danau?) Is it a mauntain? (Apakah itu gunung?)

Yes, it is. (Iya) No, it is not (Bukan)

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