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1. Dolphins are MAMMALS.
2. They are CARNIVORES.
3. Dolphins are believed to be very intelligent.
4. Dolphins use their blowholes on top of their heads to breath.
5. Dolphins have excellent eye sight and hearing.
6. They have the ability to use echolocation to find food and objects.
7. ECHOLOCATION means they use sound waves to detect things.
8. Dolphins eat fish and squids.
9. Dolphins squeak, whistle and click to call each other.
10. A group of dolphins are called ‘school’ or ‘pod’.
11. Bottlenose dolphins are the most common type of dolphins.
12. Male dolphins are called ‘bulls’.
13. Female dolphins are called ’cows’.
14. Young dolphins are called ‘calves’.
15. The biggest dolphin is the killer whale also known as orca.
16. It is called the killer whale because of its size and killer appetite.
17. It can grow to about 9.5 m and weigh about 6000kg.
18. The smallest dolphin is called Maui’s dolphin or Popoto.
19. It is only 1.2m long and 40kg.
Dolphin’s Body Parts
1. The melon of the dolphin is made of fat tissue.
2. It is found on the forehead of the dolphins and whales.
3. It helps the dolphins and whales in their vocalization. (sending out sound
4. It is the main organ involved in communication and echolocation. Echolocation
is using sound waves to find something.

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