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Abdul Chalik Laode / 06120210012
Annisa Ighza Syaari Cahyadi / 06120210031
Nuril Arya Hirman / 06120210030

Panai is money or property given by the male side to the female side as a substitute or payment in
the traditional marriage of the Bugis tribe in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. It is considered a symbol
of respect and honor towards the female family who gives their blessing for the marriage.
In the Bugis tribe tradition, Panai can take the form of cash, gold, jewelry, livestock, or even land.
The value of the Panai is usually determined by the receiving female family, but it can also be
given in the form of an agreement between both parties.
Panai also has symbolic value in Bugis culture, which considers marriage a very important and
sacred event. Additionally, it becomes an indicator of the social and economic status of the male
family who gives it because the higher the value of the Panai given, the higher the social status of
the family in the eyes of the community.

Panai can be analyzed in terms of the social role it plays in Bugis society. The tradition of
Panai is one form of the customary system that regulates social and familial relationships in
Bugis society. Panai is also a part of the marriage system in Bugis society.
The giving of Panai can be considered an investment for the man because after marriage, the
woman’s family will become part of the man’s family and will help in maintaining and
expanding the family’s assets.
■ Some criticize this tradition as it is considered to belittle women by treating them as
objects that can be bought. However, on the other hand, the tradition of Panai also plays an
important role in providing protection for women and their families in the event of divorce.
■ Social Status Vs Agama

The solution to the Uang Panai problem, which has become a Bugis tradition, is not to
charge the groom a price that is too high because their intention to propose is a form of their
sincerity in establishing a relationship to a more serious level. Instead, the bride’s side
should appreciate and give Uang Panai at a price that raises the value and dignity of the
bride and can make it easier, not harder, for the groom’s party.

That way, a peaceful agreement can be made, in accordance with religious law, and also in
accordance with the culture and traditions of the Bugis-Makassar tribal community.

Panai is a form of payment or gift given by the male side to the female side in traditional
Bugis marriage ceremonies in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. It is a symbol of respect and
honor towards the female family who gives their blessing for the marriage, and has
symbolic value in Bugis culture. However, the value of Panai has increased over time and
has become a financial burden for some families, leading to controversy and criticism of the
tradition. Despite this, Panai remains an important part of Bugis society and serves as a
form of investment for the man, while also providing protection for women and their
families in the event of divorce. The solution to the Panai issue is for the bride’s side to
appreciate and give Panai at a price that raises the value and dignity of the bride, making it
easier, not harder, for the groom’s party, thus achieving a peaceful agreement in accordance
with religious law and the traditions of the Bugis-Makassar community.



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