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The purpose of this review is to

yschoscial,and biologic factors
found to show statistically
significant associations with
current and persistent cigarrete
smoking in order to make
research recomendation
concerning which covariates are
important in the study of the
human phenotype of cigarrete
CIGARETTE SMOKING, hereafter reffered to as "smoking",is the
largest single risk factor for premature death in developed
countries. Smokers of cigarretes increase smoking
intensity,smoking rate, or inhalation to maintain levels of
nicotine,as measured by plasma levels of nicotine in both and
libitlum and laboratory smoking settings.A 2009 study found out
that the most common factor leading people to smoke are their
parents, siblings,friend and cigarette adverstisements.
Is nicotine that highly addictive? The answer is 'yes'.
Why? When taken in small amounts nicotine creates
a pleasant feeling which makes the smoker want to
smoke more. Moreover, when a smoker tries to quit,
he suffers from physical withdrawal symptoms such
as nervousness, headaches and trouble sleeping. It
also affects the chemistry of the brain and central
nervous system. Ultimately the smoker finds it hard
to quit.
• This image is talking about the raise in tax on
• Its referring to people saying they need a cigarette,
instead the cigarettes are saying they could really
kill someone right now because they are not being
purchased as much as they were before the tax
• The author is using irony in his cartoon, using the
cigarettes as a center focus on the tax raise.
The image is showing concern for cancer.
The meaning behind the cartoon is showing that
many have to deal with breast cancer because they
have to not because they could have prevented it.
The cigarette that is twisted into the breast cancer
symbol is expressing people who smoke are giving
themselves cancer by smoking they have a choice to
stop smoking and prevent the cancer.
This image is showing the addiction that comes with
smoking cigarettes.
In the Image it shows a man holding a pack of
cigarettes and at the bottom of the cartoon it says “till
death do we apart.” This quote from the cartoon is
also used during marriage ceremonies because the
two individuals are saying they will dedicated their
lives to one another. They will be a couple forever..
“until death do us part.”This is referring to his
addiction and how he is going to smoke for the rest of
his life.
Cigarette smoke leaves an after smell on everything
around you: your clothes, car and home.
You may not be able to breathe properly.
A feeling of dizziness after smoking cigarettes too fast
Cigarettes may leave you flaunting yellow skin, teeth
and fingernails.
The sense of smell and taste may diminish.
Smoking is waste of your hard earned money and
What are the type of cigarette
-First hand smoke: smoked inhaled by smokers

-Second hand smoke: smoked exhaled by smokers

-Third hand smoke: toxic subtances left on object

Smoking Motives,Personality
Factors,and Nicotine dependence
-Personality and behavioral studies have suggested why some
people are more likely to smoke and what smokers percieve that
they derieve from smoking tobacco. Research in motives for
smoking posits a limited number of factors based on responses to
questions concerning hyphothesized reasons for smoking.These
factors have been constructed from psychosocial models of various
motives for smoking,such as smoking to modify affect,smoking to
relax,food substitution smoking.Investigation of the correlation
structure among these hyphothesized motives for smoking provided
consistent and statistically significant support for six of these
GENT,and SENSORIMOTOR Manipulation.
What are the some consequences
of smoking?

• stroke
• stomach cancer
•bladder cancer
•throat cancer
•lung cancer
•heart disease

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