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Definition(Closure of a set):

Let (X,T) be a topological space and let 𝐀⊆𝐗, then:

i.e. 𝐀̅=𝐬𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐞𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐀

Let 𝐗={𝟏,𝟐,𝟑},𝐓={𝐗,∅,{𝟏},{𝟏,𝟐}}
𝐀={𝟏,𝟑},𝐁={𝟐,𝟑},𝐂={𝟏,𝟐}. Find 𝑨̅,𝑩̅,𝑪̅

𝐅 = , 𝐗 , {2,3} , {3} }
𝐀̅=𝐬𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐞𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐀= X
̅=⋂{𝐅⊆𝐗|∈𝐓B⊆𝐅} = {2,3} ⋂ X = {2,3}= B
If A is closed set = A
Let (X,T) be a topological space and let A⊆X , the
Note that 𝐴⋃𝐴′ is closed
closure set of A is denoted by cl(A), 𝐴̅ and defined
by: 𝐴̅=𝐴⋃𝐴′ . 𝐴′= d(A)
Let (X,T) be a topological space, and A,B be two subsets of X, then:
1) 𝐀⊆𝐀̅
2) 𝐀⊆𝐁⟹𝐀̅ ̅̅ ⊆𝐁̅ 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐀̅⊆𝐁̅⇏𝐀⊆𝐁 ̅̅
̅ ̅̅
3) (𝐀⋂𝐁)̅̅̅⊆𝐀̅̅̅ ⋂ 𝐁̅ 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐀̅ ⋂ 𝐁̅ ⊈ (𝐀⋂𝐁)̅
4) (𝐀⋃𝐁)̅̅=𝐀̅⋃𝐁̅
5) ∈𝐓⟺𝐀=𝐀̅
6 ̅=𝐀̅, ̅=𝐗 , =∅
1) Since A⊆A⋃A′
⟹A⊆A̅ (since A̅ =A⋃A′)

2) Let A⊆B to prove A̅ ⊆B̅

A⊆B⟹A′⊆B′ (By properties of A′)
⟹A⋃A′⊆B⋃B′ (By properties of ⋃)
⟹A̅ ⊆B̅ (By definition of cl(A)&cl(B))
Note that ̅ ̅⊆̅⇏̅⇏⊆̅𝐀 ⊆ ̅𝐁 in general For example:
In ( ℝ, Tu), let A={0},B=(0,1) A̅ ={0}̅̅,B̅ =(0,1)̅̅̅=[0,1]
Note that A̅ ={0}̅̅⊆[0,1]= B̅ but A⊈B.
3) To prove ̅̅⊆A̅ ⋂B̅
Since A⋂B⊆A
̅̅ and A⋂B⊆B ̅̅ (By properties of intersection)
⟹(A⋂B)̅̅⊆ A̅ and (A⋂B)̅̅̅⊆B̅ (By A⊆B⟹A̅ ⊆B̅ )
⟹̅̅ ⊆A̅ ⋂B̅ ̅̅̅
Note that𝐀̅⋂𝐁̅⊈(𝐀⋂𝐁)̅̅ in general ̅̅̅
For example In (ℝ , Tu), let A=(2,3),B=[1,2] ⟹A⋂B=∅⟹(A⋂B)̅̅=∅̅=∅ A̅ =[2,3],B̅ =[1,2]
⟹A̅ ⋂B̅ ={2}⊈∅=(A⋂B)

4) We have to show that:̅̅

̅⊆A̅ ⋃B̅ & A̅ ⋃B̅ ⊆(A⋃B)̅̅̅
Since A⊆A⋃B̅ and B⊆A⋃B ̅̅
⟹A̅ ⊆(A⋃B)̅̅̅ ̅and̅̅ B̅ ⊆(A⋃B)̅̅̅ (By A⊆B⟹A̅ ⊆B̅ )
⟹A̅ ⋃B̅ ⊆(A⋃B)̅̅̅…(1)
Since A⊆A̅ ∧B⊆B̅ (By (1) of theorem)
⟹A⋃B⊆A̅ ⋃B̅
And since A̅ ,B̅ are two closed set (By A̅ =smallest closed set ∋A⊆A̅ )
⟹A̅ ⋃B̅ is closed set (the union of finite number of closed set is closed)
A̅ ⋃B̅ is̅ closed set containing A⋃B
(A⋃B)̅̅̅⊆A̅ ⋃B̅ …(2) ̅̅̅
By (1)&(2) we get (A⋃B)̅̅=A̅ ⋃B̅
∈ T ,To prove A=A̅
A⊆A̅ …(1) (By (1) of theorem)
To prove A̅ ⊆A
Let x ∈ A̅ ⟹∀U∈T∋ x∈ U ,U ⋂ A≠∅
If x ∉ A ⟹x ∈ ∈ T
⟹ ⋂A≠∅ which is contradiction
X ∈ A ⟹ A̅ ⊆A …(2)
By (1)&(2) we get A=A̅
Let A= A̅ , To prove ∈T
Since A̅ is closed set
⟹A is closed set (since A⊆A̅ )
⟹ is open set ⟹ ∈T

6) Since A̅ is closed set

⟹=A̅ (By ∈T⟺A̅ =A)
Since X is closed set
⟹X̅ =X (By ∈T⟺A̅ =A)

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