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Prepared By
Student 1 name: Sujal Sevkani Student 3 name: Rehan Faizan Student 5 name: Mommadi Abhinav
Roll no:312 Roll no:314
Roll no: 327
Enrollment no:22002171210148 Enrollment no:22002171310063
Enrollment no: 22002171310137
Batch: B11 Batch: B11
Branch: CSE Branch: CST
Branch: CST

Student 2 name: Singh Gautam Student 4 name: Shah meet

Roll no:310
Roll no: 324 Enrollment no:22002171310125
Enrollment no:22002171310133 Batch: B11
Batch: B11 Branch: CST
Branch: CST
Idea of Car parking system
 Drivers can receive effective and practical parking solutions from a car parking system. Here
is a suggestion for a parking structure:
 Automated parking system: An automated parking system parks and retrieves vehicles from
a designated parking area using robotics and automation. It saves time and lowers the
danger of accidents by doing the parking and automobile retrieval without the need for
human interaction.
 Sensor-based parking system: A sensor-based parking system makes use of sensors to
determine whether parking spaces are available in a specific location. It can be used in
parking lots that are both indoor and outdoor. The sensors direct a car to the closest open
parking place as soon as they enter a parking lot.
Hard Ware
 Sensors: These are devices that detect the presence of a vehicle in a parking space. They
can be in a car parking system to communicate between different electronic components.
ultrasonic sensors, infrared sensors, or magnetic sensors.
 Barrier gates: These are physical barriers that prevent vehicles from entering or exiting a
parking space. They can be controlled by the parking system's controller.
 Display screens: These are used to display information to users, such as the number of
available parking spaces or the amount of time remaining on their parking session.
 I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) module: It can be used in a car parking system to
communicate between different electronic components.
Circuit diagram
Merits and Demerits of car parking system
 Merits  Demerits
1. Efficient use of space: A well-designed car 1. Cost: The cost of designing, installing, and
parking system can make efficient use of maintaining a car parking system can be
available space and can accommodate a significant, especially for large-scale
large number of vehicles in a relatively systems.
small area. 2. Environmental Impact: The construction
2. Convenience: A car parking system can and operation of car parking systems can
provide convenience to drivers by reducing have a negative impact on the environment.
the time and effort required to find a The construction of parking structures can
parking space. It can also offer additional contribute to the urban heat island effect
services such as valet parking, automated and reduce green spaces. The operation of
payment systems, and vehicle retrieval parking lots can generate noise, air
services. pollution, and congestion.
Future scope
 Integration with other smart city infrastructure: As cities grow more intelligent, it 
may be possible to combine parking  management
 systems with other smart city infrastructure, such as traffic control, public transp
ortation networks, and energy management systems. As a result, there may be a 
more effective use of resources,
 less traffic, and less negative environment effects.
 Usage of emerging technologies: The effectiveness and performance of parking sy
stems can be increased by utilising new technologies like artificial intelligence, ma
chine learning, and computer vision. Machine learning may be used to estimate 

parking demand and maximise the use of available spaces, while computer vision 
can be used to recognise and identifyvehicles and automate the parking procedur

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