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Disc ussions on se xua l it y shoul d be gi n wi th t he a wa re ne ss tha t t hi s t opi c is
c onsi de re d se nsi ti ve by most pe opl e e spe c ia l ly for e a st e rn soc ie t i e s.
The information available on this portal has been extensively referenced by
a committee comprising educators, health experts, religious representatives and non -
governmental organizations (NGOs) involved in sexuality education for adolescents.
What is sexuality?
Sexuality is an expression of gender identity (male and female).

It is also a personal feeling where it involves self- understanding of reactions and

emotions to sex.

These feelings involve personal values and beliefs, which interact with general concepts
about sex. For example: sex and love orientation.
4 aspects of sexuality (biology, psychology, social culture, spirituality)

There are many forms of sexuality in life. It consists of aspects:

Psychological logic
3R concepts and sexuality



Human rights
Every individual has the right to accurate information about sexuality.

You have the right to decide.

Your decision should not bring any problems to yourself and others.

You have the right to health care assistance.


You need to respect the rights of yourself, parents, special friends, peers and society.

Every individual has a responsibility to themselves, their families and the community.

You are also responsible for reaching your potential and self -development.

You are also responsible for avoiding self -harm such as:

Unwanted pregnancy Having an abortion Sexually transmitted infections


Before your sexual rights are respected by others,

you must show responsibility for yourself, family and community .
For example: You are responsible if you did not have sex with your partner before marriage.

This commitment is a symbol of your respect for your partner

It is your responsibility to respect the human rights of the community
For example: You may feel it is your right to dress as you please.

Your community, however, has values ​that you need to respect

You as a person who is responsible and respects others,
you will not wear eye -catching clothes in public
What is sexual health and behavior?

Sexual health doesn’t just cover sexual intercourse.

It is a broad concept, involving a person’s physical, mental, emotional and social.

It involves:

Healthy body.

A healthy and intelligent mind

Healthy emotions

A healthy community
Healthy sexual health improves:



Relationships with others

Family planning

Healthy and prosperous condition

Sexual feelings
The increase in libido involves one or more stages of sexual response.

Usually it involves feeling attracted to the other party.

It may be followed by fantasies of sexual activity .

This is normal, but if it causes anxiety, seek help from a professional.

For example counselors, psychologists, doctors.

See self -awareness

What are Sex Organs?

The sexual organs consist of the breasts and genitals.

Male genitals - penis, testicles.

Female genitals - vagina, labia minora (inner lip) and labia majora (outer lip), clitoris
Is that sex?

Sex means engaging in sexual activity.

Sexual activity includes the stimulation of sexual feelings in the following ways:
Touch - for example caressing, hugging
Stimulation of the genitals –for example touching the genitals
Oral stimulation - for example a kiss
Body movements – for example sexy dance
Speech-for example seductive words in person or over the phone
General concepts about sex
It is a natural reproductive urge (to start a family).

Basic attraction to different couples who are part of an intimate relationship.

Personal feelings - sexual attraction that is usually shared between married couples.

Most people are uncomfortable discussing this in public.

All major religions in Malaysia do not allow sex before marriage because it
reflects the irresponsible attitude of an individual.
Is sexual activity risky?
Yes !!

Engaging in sexual activity can lead to risky consequences.


Unwanted pregnancy
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)
Injuries related to sex, for example tearing of the hymen, foreskin in the penis
Depends on the partner emotionally

Addiction to sex/ pornography

Guilt/self -hatred


Self -injurious behavior due to guilt

Sexual harassment

Sexual abuse



Feelings of prejudice and social stigma, for example, are called exiles
Why is sexual health important?
It can prevent unhealthy situations such as:

Unwanted pregnancy

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)

Unnatural sexual behavior (not acceptable to the community)

Sexual abuse
It can improve your quality of life by improving:

Self worth


Family relationships, friends, loved ones and more

Am I a sexually healthy teenager?

Yes, if you have the following characteristics:

See Sexually healthy adolescent relationships

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