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How Are Diseases

1. Person-to-person
Infectious diseases are commonly
transmitted through direct person-
to-person contact. Transmission
occurs when a person with an
infectious disease touches or
exchanges body fluids with
someone else.
Sexually transmitted diseas
 (STDs) and 
gastrointestinal infections
 can be transmitted this
Pregnant people can also transmit
infectious diseases to their unborn fetuses
via the placenta. Some
STDs, including gonorrhea, can be passed
from Gestational parent to baby during
2. Droplet spread
The spray of droplets during
coughing and sneezing can
spread an infectious disease.
You can even infect another
person through droplets created
when you speak.
Infectious diseases can
also be spread
indirectly through the air
and other mechanisms.
1. Airborne transmission
Some infectious agents can travel long
distances and remain suspended in the
air for an extended period of time. You
can catch a disease like measles by
entering a room after someone
with measles has departed.
2. Contaminated
Some organisms can live on objects
for a short time . If you touch an
object, such as a doorknob, soon
after a person with an infectious
disease, you might be exposed to
Transmission occurs when
you touch your mouth,
nose, or eyes before
thoroughly washing your
Germs can also be spread
through blood products and
medical supplies Containing the
virus or bacteria.
3. Food and drinking
Infectious diseases can be
transmitted via food and water
containing the virus or bacteria.
E. coli is often transmitted
through improperly handled
produce or undercooked meat.
Improperly canned foods can
create an environment ripe
for Clostridium botulinum, which
can lead to botulism.
4. Animal-to-person
Some infectious diseases can be
transmitted from an animal to a person.
This can happen when an animal with
infection bites or scratches you, or
when you handle animal waste.
The Toxoplasma gondii parasite can be
found in cat feces.
5. Animal
Animal-to-animal disease
transmission can sometimes
transfer to humans. Zoonosis
 occurs when diseases are
transferred from animals to
Zoonotic diseases include:
anthrax (from sheep)
rabies (from rodents and other
plague (from rodents)
6. Insect bites (vector-borne
Some zoonotic infectious agents are
transmitted by insects, especially those
that suck blood. These include
mosquitos, fleas, and ticks
The insects become infected when
they feed on infected hosts, such
as birds, animals, and humans.
The disease is then transmitted
when the insect bites a new host.
7. Environmental
Soil, water, and vegetation
containing infectious
organisms can also be
transferred to people.
Hookworm, for
example, is transmitted
through infected soil
Stages of
1. Incubation stage- it is
when a person acquires
the pathogen until the
appearance of the first
sign. (silent stage)
2. Prodromal stage- it is
when there are non-specific
signs and symptoms
appearing. (headache, runny
nose, slight fever)
3. Illness or clinical stage- it is
the time when illness reaches
its highest point of
development. (severe ache,
vomiting, high fever, sore
throat, sinus congestion)
4. Recovery or convalescence
stage- this is the time when
recovery seems complete
although the disease is still
communicable. (pathogen has
mostly eliminated)
Morbidity and Mortality
Morbidity- is any physical or
psychological state
considered to be outside the
realm of normal well-being.
Mortality- the state
or condition of
being subject to

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