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About AI

Artificial Intelligence is the driving force that will lead the future
generations. Selfdriving cars, widespread automation, robotic gadgets
will become an integral part of day to day life of the human race.
Trade, work, professions, employment will see a massive transformation.
Fast adaptability is crucial for the forthcoming cohort as they will be
widely affected by this change.
We will understand key concepts underlying this new technology- AI.
What is AI? This unit will lay down the foundations of AI by discussing
its history and setting ground for forthcoming units.
1. Understand the definition of Artificial Intelligence and Machine
2. Evaluate the impact of AI on society
3. Unfold the AI terminology - Machine Learning (ML), Deep Learning
(DL), Supervised Learning, Un-supervised Learning etc.
4. Understand the strengths and limitations of AI and ML
5. Identify the difference between AI on one side and Machine Learning
(ML), Deep Learning (DL) on other
What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)
1. What movies have you seen about artificial intelligence?
2. How intelligent will artificial intelligence become by 2030, any guess?
3. At present, in what activities are computers better at than humans
4. At present, in what activities are human better at than computers?
• AI is a technique that facilitates a machine to perform all cognitive
functions such as perceiving, learning and reasoning that are otherwise
performed by humans.
• “The Science and Engineering of making intelligent machines, especially
intelligent Computer programs is Artificial intelligence” –JOHN MC CARTHY
[Father of AI].
• Computers execute certain tasks way better than humans e.g.: Sorting,
computing, memorizing, indexing, finding patterns etc. While identifying
of emotions, recognising faces, communication and conversation are
unbeatable human skills. This is where AI will play a crucial role to enable
machines achieving equalling human capabilities.
• World Famous AI Machines [naming a few of them]:
IBM Watson
Google’s Driverless car
Sophia, the humanoid Robot
The assistant / Chabot - Alexa, Siri, Google’s Home
Honda Asimo
Boston Dynamics AI Robot
• Let’s get imaginative and create an intelligent motorbike. It is the year
2030, add features to create a machine that races against time.
History of AI
• In 1950’s The modern-day AI got impetus since 50s of the previous
centuries, once Alan Turning introduced “Turning Test” for
assessment of intelligence.
• In 1955 John McCarthy known as the founder of Artificial Intelligence
introduced the term ‘Artificial Intelligence’. McCarthy along with Alan
Turing, Allen Newell, Herbert A. Simon, and Marvin Minsky too has
the greatest contribution to present day machine intelligence. Alan
suggested that if humans use accessible information, as well as
reason, to solve problems to make decisions – then why can’t it be
done with the help of machines?
• In 1970’s 70 s saw an upsurge of computer era. These machines were
much quicker, affordable and stowed more information. They had an
amazing character to think abstract, could self-recognize and
accomplished natural language processing.
• In 1980’s These were the years that saw flow of funds for research and
algorithmic tools. The learning skills were enhanced and computers
improved with deeper user experience
• In 2000’s Many unsuccessful attempts, Alas! The technology was
successfully established by years 2000.The milestones were realised, that
needed to be accomplished. AI could somehow manage to thrive despite
lack of government funds and public appreciation.
Machine learning
Example 1: Let’s play a game. Find the missing number 2, 4, 8, 16, 32,?
And I am sure, you would have guessed the correct answer which is 64.
But how did you arrive at 64? This calculation must have taken place
inside your brain cells and the technique you used to decipher this
puzzle, has actually helped you to decode Machine Learning (ML).
That’s exactly the kind of behaviour that we are trying to teach the
machines. ‘Learn from experience’ is what we want machines to
Do you know this?
 Gmail automatically classifying emails as ‘Spam’ and ‘Not Spam’.
Spam emails being automatically sent to the Spam folder saving a lot
of your time.
YouTube recommending you to watch videos of certain genre and the
recommended videos matching your choice of videos to a great extent
Flipkart or Amazon recommending you to buy products of your
choice. How do they come to know your buying preferences? Did you
shop together?
“Machine Learning is a discipline that deals with programming the
systems so as to make them automatically learn and improve with
experience. Here, learning implies understanding the input data and
taking informed decisions based on the supplied data”.
• Activity Based on the understanding you have developed till now, how
do you think Machine Learning could help some of the problems
being faced currently by your school. Fill the problems in the blank
circles given below
• AI robots through machine learning acquire two important
processes namely planning and learning. Planning is like a
physical way of teaching robot that presumes the robots to
work on what pace it has to move every joint to complete a task.
For example, grabbing an object by a robot is a planning input.
Difference between Conventional programming and Machine
• Conventional programming and ML coding both are computer programs
but their approach and objective are different. Like your school dress and
your casual dress – both are clothes, made from threads but their purpose
is different.
• Conventional Programming refers to any manually created program which
uses input data, runs on a computer and produces the output. What does
it mean? Let us understand it by illustration below

Input Program Output

• A programmer accepts the input, gives the instruction (through Code /
Computer language) to the computer to produce an
• Take a look at an example. Below are the steps to convert Celcius scale
to Fahrenheit scale
 Step -1: Take input (Celcius)
 Step-2: Apply the conversion formula: Fahrenheit = Celcius * 1.8 + 32
 Step -3: Print the Output (Fahrenheit) Did you notice, we are telling the
computer what to do on the input data i.e. multiply Celcius with 1.8
and then add 32 to obtain the value in Fahrenheit.
Machine learning
In this the input data and the output data are fed to an algorithm
(Machine learning algorithm) to create a program. Unlike conventional
programming, Machine Learning is an automated process where a
programmer feeds the computer with ‘The Input + The Output’ and
computer generates the algorithm as to how the ‘The Output’ was

Input Output Program

• Step 1: Feed lot many values in Celcius (i.e. -40, -10, 0, 8, 15, 22, 38)
Step -2: Feed corresponding Fahrenheit values (i.e. -40, 14, 32, 46, 59,
72, 100)
• Step -3: Pass these 2 sets of values to Machine Learning (ML)
• Step- 4: Now you ask the ML program to predict (convert) any other
celcius value to Fahrenheit, and program will tell you the answer. For
example, ask the computer to predict (convert) 200 Celcius to
Fahrenheit, and you will get the answer as 392.
How is machine learning related to AI?

• There is a lot of debate regarding the difference between Machine Learning and
Artificial Intelligence. But the truth is that Machine Learning and Artificial
Intelligence are not essentially two different things as it is understood to be.
Machine Learning is a tool for achieving Artificial Intelligence.
• AI is a technology to create intelligent machines that can recognize human
speech, can see (vision), assimilate knowledge, strategize and solve problems
as humans do. Broadly, AI entails all those technologies or fields that aim to
create intelligent machines.
• Machine learning provides machines the ability to learn, forecast and progress
on their own without specifically being programmed. In a nutshell, ML is more
about learning and nothing else. ML system primarily starts with a ‘slow state’
(like a child) and gradually improve by learning from examples to become
‘superior’ (like an adult).
• Imagine you have to make a robot that can see,
talk, walk, sense and learn. What application will
you apply? In order to achieve this task of
making such a robot, one have to apply
numerous technologies but for the learning part,
you will apply machine learning.

• Data Modern day scholars have coined the phrase ‘Data is

the new oil’. If everyone is talking so highly about data, then
it must be something precious! But what is this data?
Activity Let us create a students’ dataset for your class (the
one given below is a sample, you can create one of your own)
What is Data?
Data can be defined as a representation of facts or instructions
about some entity (students, school, sports, business, animals
etc.) that can be processed or communicated by human or
machines. Data is a collection of facts, such as numbers,
words, pictures, audio clips, videos, maps, measurements,
observations or even just descriptions of things.
• Data can be sorted into one of the two categories stated below: 
Structured Data  Unstructured Data.
• ‘Structured data’ is most often categorized as quantitative data, and
it's the type of data most of us work with every day.
• Structured data has predefined data types and format so that it fits
well in the column/ fields of database or spreadsheet. They are highly
organised and easily analysed
• In above Activity- name, age, address etc. are examples of ‘Structured
data’. The data is structured in accurately defined fields. The data that
can be stored in relational databases or spread sheets (like Excel) is
the best example of structured data. However, for the field of ‘Type of
Facebook posts’ - Do you have any predefined data type? In fact, your
Facebook post can carry anything – text, picture, video, audio etc. You
can’t have one fixed data type for such data and that’s why you call it
‘Unstructured data’ - where neither size is fixed not datatype is
• ‘Unstructured data’ is most often categorized as qualitative data, and
it cannot be processed and analyzed using conventional relational
database (RDBMS) methods.
• Examples of unstructured data include text, video, audio, mobile
activity, social media activity, satellite imagery, surveillance imagery
and the list goes on. Unstructured data is difficult to deconstruct
because it has no pre-defined model, meaning it cannot be organized
in relational databases.
• Machine Learning “Machine learning is the science of getting
computers to act without being explicitly programmed.” – Stanford
University “Machine learning algorithms can figure out how to
perform important tasks by generalizing from examples.” – University
of Washington
Types of Machine learning
• Machine learning is often divided into three categories – Supervised,
Unsupervised and Reinforcement learning.
• . Supervised Learning
• As the name specifies, Supervised Learning occurs in the presence of
a supervisor or a teacher. We train the machine with labeled data (i.e.
some data is already tagged with correct answer). It is then compared
to the learning which takes place in the presence of a supervisor or a
teacher. A supervised learning algorithm learns from labelled training
data, and then becomes ready to predict the outcomes for
unforeseen data
Step 1: You provide the system with data that contains photos
of apples and let it know that these are apples. This is called
labelled data.
Step 2: The model learns from the labelled data and the next
time you ask it to identify an apple, it can do it easily.
• For instance, suppose you are given a basket full of different kinds of
fruits. Now the first step is to train the machine to identify all the
different fruits one by one in the following manner:
•  If the shape of the object is round with depression at the top and its
color being Red, then it will be labelled – Apple.
•  If shape of object resembles a long-curved cylinder with tapering
ends and its colour being Green or Yellow, then it will be labelled –
If somebody gives you a basket full of different fruits and asks you to
separate them, you will probably do it based on their colour, shape
and size, right? Unsupervised learning works in the same way. As you
can see in the image:
Step 1: You provide the system with a data that contains photos of
different kinds of fruits and ask it to segregate it. Remember, in case
of unsupervised learning you don’t need to provide labelled data.
Step 2: The system will look for patterns in the data. Patterns like
shape, colour and size and group the fruits based on those attributes
• Reinforcement Machine Learning Wikipedia defines Reinforcement
learning as “Reinforcement learning (RL)” as an area of machine
learning concerned with how software agents ought to take actions in
an environment in order to maximize some notion of cumulative
reward. Reinforcement learning is one of three basic machine
learning paradigms, alongside supervised learning and unsupervised
Deep learning & neural networks
• Deep Learning is inspired from human brain and the neurons in the
human brain. Therefore, in order to understand Deep Learning, we
will first need to know about ‘neurons’. A small child learns to
distinguish between a school bus and a regular transit bus. How?
• How do we unconsciously perform complex pattern recognition tasks?
• How do we easily differentiate between our pet dog and a street dog
• The answer is we have a vast biological neural network that connects
the neurons to our nervous systems. Our brain is a very complex
network comprising of about 10 billion neurons each connected to 10
thousand other neurons.
• In short, Deep Learning consists of artificial neural networks designed
on similar networks present in the human brain. The idea of ANN in
Deep Learning is based on the belief that human brain works by
making the right connections, and this pattern can be imitated using
silicon and wires in place of living neurons.
• Artificial Neural Network ‘Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) can be
described as layers of software units called neurons (also called
node), connected with different neurons in a layered manner. These
networks transform data from one neuron to another neuron until
they can classify it as an output. Neural network is again a technique
to build a computer program that learns from data.
Neural network consists of three separate
nodes known as input, hidden and output.
• Input Node: This is the layer where information or initial data from the
real world gets introduced into the neural network. The information is
then passed onto the hidden node where computations can begin.
• Hidden Node: There is no connection to the real world at this stage.
This is the point where the machine uses the information received from
the input node, it carries out computation and processing on it. There
can be more than one hidden layer.
• Output Node: This is the final stage where the computations conclude,
and data is made available to the output layer from where it gets
transferred back into the real-world environment.
Example of Artificial Neural Network
A school has to select students for their upcoming sports meet. The
school principal forms a group of three teachers (a selection jury) and
entrusts them with the responsibility of selection of students based on
the following criteria:
• Students’ Marks (in Grade X)
• Students’ Gender
• Students’ Age
• Students’ Emotional stability
• The school has a history of fair selection procedure and therefore only
talented and bonafide students are able to secure a place in the
sports team. In order to continue the same standard and selection
procedure, the principal decides to share (with the jury) data of about
50 previous students’ (who were selected) cases to study.
• The principal feels this will give the jury an opportunity to practice,
which will eventually help them make a fair selection.
•  Every jury member is given a maximum of 10 points (weight) on
which they rate a student. They need to distribute the 10 points
across the four criteria of marks, gender, age and emotional stability.
•  The cut-off average required for a student to qualify is fixed at ‘6’.
So, a student needs to have an average score of ≥ 6 to reserve his/her
spot in the sports team.
•  After the jury gives their verdict on a particular student (using the
above four criteria), the principal will reveal whether their verdict of
"Selected" or "Not Selected" matches the original selection outcome.
• Teacher 1: For me ‘Grade X Marks’ is most important and I am
assigning this criterion the most weight and other criteria are not
important. Accordingly, I’m giving a score of ‘7 points’ to Student.
• Teacher 2: I think differently…’Marks’ are important, however I am
also considering ‘Gender’ and ‘Age’ and I’m assigning each of the
three criteria equal weight. So I’m scoring Student # 1 ‘2 points for
Marks’, ‘2 points for Gender’ and ‘2 points for Age’.
• Teacher 3: For me only ‘Gender’ and ‘Emotional Stability’ count and
I’m assigning equal weightage to both these criteria. Accordingly, I will
score Student # 1 with ‘5 points for Gender’ and ‘5 points for
Emotional Stability’.
Average score of student 1(7+6+10)/3
Teacher 1 Teacher 2 Teacher 3
Grade X marks 7 2 0
Gender 0 2 5
Age 0 2 0
Emotional stability 0 0 5
• The selection criteria (marks, age, gender and emotional stability), is what
we call the ‘Input Layer’ in a neural network – the input to the network,
which will be assigned weightage and eventually decide an outcome
•  The decision/prediction is what we call the ‘Output Layer’ in a neural
network. In this case, ‘Selected’ and ‘Not Selected’ is the output layer. It
should be noted that it can either be a continuous outcome (regression,
as in a number like 3.14 or 42) or categorical outcome (true/false, yes/no,
selected/not selected etc.)
•  The jurors (group of teachers) form the ‘Hidden Layer’. It's called
‘hidden’ because no one besides them know how much weightage they
are attaching to each criteria (or input). To the input and output neuron,
the hidden layer is a ‘black box’ that simply listens and jointly decides an
Deep learning
• . Deep Learning Deep learning is a branch of machine learning which
is completely based on artificial neural networks, as neural network
mimics the human brain so deep learning is also a kind of imitation of
the human brain.
• In deep learning, we don’t need to explicitly program everything”. It is
important to know that in deep learning, we do not need to explicitly
program everything
Machine learning Deep learning
Works on small amount of Dataset for accuracy Works on Large amount of Dataset.
Dependent on Low-end Machine. Heavily dependent on High-end Machine
Divides the tasks into sub-tasks, solves them Solves problem end to end
individually and finally combine the results
Takes less time to train. Takes longer time to train
Testing time may increase. Less time to test the data
•  Automated Driving: Automotive researchers are using profound
learning to robotically spot entities such as stop lights and traffic
signals. In addition, deep learning is also used to detect pedestrians,
reducing the incident of accidents.
•  Aerospace and Defence: Identifying objects from satellites and
locate safe and unsafe zones for troops is another area where Deep
Learning is playing major role.
•  Medical Research: Deep Learning is used by cancer researchers to
automatically detect cancer cells.
•  Industrial Automation: Deep learning is helping to improve worker
safety around heavy machinery by automatically detecting when
people or objects are within an unsafe distance from the machines.
What machine learning can & cannot do
• The first thought that arises in one’s mind after learning about AI and
ML is if they will replace humans. In which case, what are humans
• Humans as the Commander-In-Chief know ‘what to count”, whereas
computers know “how to count”. Smart machines can be put to best
use only when we understand what it can do and cannot do.
• AI and ML are tools, like a calculator, that help us in solving complex
problems which otherwise are complicated for the human brain to
solve. For instance, we would not use a calculator to multiply “4 x 2”,
and would not when we have to multiply “798 x 347”
• 1. Virtual Personal Assistant like Siri, Alexa, Google Home etc.
• 2. Predictions while commuting - like Traffic Forecasts on Google
• 3. Video Surveillance systems nowadays are powered by AI that
makes it possible to detect crime before they happen. They track
unusual behaviour of people like standing motionless for a long time,
stumbling, or napping on benches etc.
• 4. Social Media Services
•  Facebook Friend Suggestion: Facebook continuously notices the
friends that you connect with, the profiles that you visit very often.
On the basis of continuous learning, list of Facebook users is
suggested that you can become friends with.
•  Face Recognition on Facebook: When you upload a picture of
yourself with a friend does Facebook instantly recognizes that friend?
Facebook checks the poses and projections in picture, notices the
unique features, and then matches the same with the people in your
friends list.
• Email spam and malware filtering - Emails are arranged according to
some standards as per email spam. Mail filtering manages received
mails, detects and removes the ones holding malicious codes such as
virus, Trojan or malware.
• Product recommendations - You often receive emails from similar
merchandizers after you have shopped online for a product. The
products are either similar or matches your taste, it definitely refines
the shopping experience. Did you know that it is Machine Learning
working its magic in the back?
• Online Fraud Detection Machine learning is lending its potential to
make cyberspace a secure place by tracking monetary frauds online.
Take for example PayPal is using ML for protection against money
laundering. Even with the advancements we have made in ML over
the years, there are instances where a Grade 2 student has been able
to beat a computer by solving a problem faster.
• 1. Any problems or questions which require social context will take
longer for a machine to solve
• 2. Particularly with respect to text analytics, there are two main
challenges. First is “Ambiguity” - this means that the same word can
mean many things. Second is “Variability” - indicating the same thing
can be said in many different ways.
• 3. Machine learning can’t solve ethical problem. If a self-driving car
kills someone on the road, whose fault is it
Jobs in AI
• 1) Creative Jobs Professionals like artists, doctors, scientists are only a
few which can be labelled creative. Such category of jobs is only going
to get refined and advance by use of AI. The number of such
professionals required will not increase. But AI will make certain parts
of these jobs less complex for humans, so it will become easier in the
future to learn the skill in lesser time and flourish.
• Management Jobs Management jobs cannot be replaced by artificial
managers. Human managers have to manage artificial managers.
Managing is a very complex task which involves deep understanding
of people and communication.
MANUAL 30 job. So, if you’re interested in this kind of job, you can
learn to use them and gain some advantage in the field.
• Tech Jobs Programmers, data scientists, people who work on the
creation and maintenance of AI systems are the jobs of the future and
they will be very important for humanity to make the next large step
of its evolution.
• They too should undergo certain changes. Few of the tech jobs which
are in demand today may become less common, while others may
become more vital.
• Few of the jobs title, which can be expected to appear by 2030:
1. Chief Bias Office
2. Data detective
3. Man – Machine teaming manager
4. AI business development manager
5. AI assisted medical professional (this I am sure, will appear before
6. AI tutor

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