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Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) is a multidisciplinary
field whose goal is to automate activities that presently require
human intelligence. Recent successes in A.I. include computerized
medical diagnosticians and systems that automatically customize
hardware to particular user requirements.
The major problem areas addressed in A.I. can be
summarized as Perception, Manipulation, Reasoning,
Communication, and Learning. Perception is concerned with
building models of the physical world for sensory input (visual,
audio, etc.). Manipulation is concerned with articulating
appendages (e.g., mechanical arms, devices) in order to effect a
desired state in the physical world. Reasoning is concerned with
higher level cognitive functions such as planning, drawing
inferential conclusions from a world model, diagnosing, designing,
etc. Communication treats the problem understanding and
conveying information Language.
Finally, Learning treats the problem of automatically
improving system performance over time based on the system’s
experience. Many important technical concepts have arisen from
A.I. that unify these diverse problem areas and that form the
foundation of the scientific discipline.
The AI systems function based on a Knowledge Base of
facts and rules that characterize the system’s domain of
proficiency. The elements of knowledge Base consist of
independently valid (or at least plausible) chunks of information.
Intelligence is an approach to make a computer, a rob
artificial to, or a product to think how smart human think. AI is a
study of how human brain think, learn, decide and work, when it
tries to solve problems. And finally this study outputs intelligent
software systems.
The aim of AI is to improve computer functions
which are related to human knowledge, for example, reasoning,
learning, and problem-solving.The intelligence is intangible. It is
composed of

 Reasoning
 Learning
 Problem Solving
 Perception
 Linguistic Intelligence
The objectives of AI research are reasoning,
knowledge representation, planning, learning, natural language
processing, realization, and ability to move and manipulate objects.
There are long-term goals in the general intelligence sector.
Approaches include statistical methods, computational
intelligence, and traditional coding AI. During the AI research
related to search and mathematical optimization, artificial neural
networks and methods based on statistics, probability, and
economics, we use many tools. Computer science attracts AI in the
field of science, mathematics, psychology, linguistics, philosophy
and soon.
Artificial Intelligence
While a number of definitions of artificial intelligence
(AI) have surfaced over the last few decades, John McCarthy
offers the following definition in this 2004 paper (PDF, 106 KB)
(link resides outside IBM), “It is the science and engineering of
making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer
It is related to the similar task of using computers to
understand human intelligence, but AI does not have to confine
itself to methods that are biologically observable.”
However, decades before this definition, the birth of the
artificial intelligence conversation was denoted by Alan Turing’s
seminal work, “Computing Machinery and Intelligence” (PDF,
89.8 KB) (link resides outside of IBM), which was published in
In this paper, Turing, often referred to as the “father of
computer science”, asks the following question, “Can machines
think?” From there, he offers a test, now famously known as the
“Turing Test”, where a human interrogator would try to distinguish
between a computer and human text response.

Importance of artificial intelligence

AI is important because it can give enterprises insights
into their operations that they may not have been n aware of
previously and because, in some cases, AI can perform tasks better
than humans. Particularly when it comes to repetitive, detail-
oriented tasks like analyzing large numbers of legal documents to
ensure relevant fields are filled in properly, I tools often complete
jobs quickly and with relatively few errors.

This has helped fuel an explosion in efficiency and

opened the door to entirely new business opportunities for some
larger enterprises. Prior to the current wave of AI, it would have
been hard to imagine using computer software to connect riders to
taxis, but today Umber has become one of the largest companies in
the world by doing just that. It utilizes sophisticated machine
learning algorithms to predict when people are likely to need rides
in certain areas, which helps proactively get drivers on the road
before them' re needed.
As another example, Google has become one of the largest
players for a range of online services by using machine learning to
understand how people use their services and then improving them.
In 2017, the company' s CEO, Sunder Pichai, pronounced
that Google would operate as an " AI first" company.
Today' s largest and most successful enterprises have
used AI to improve their operations and gain advantage on their
Applications of AI

1. AI Application in E-Commerce
Personalized Shopping Artificial Intelligence
technology is used to create recommendation engines through
which you can engage better with your customers.
These recommendations are made in accordance with
their browsing history, preference, and interests. It helps in
improving your relationship with your customers and their
loyalty towards your brand.
AI-powered Assistants
Virtual shopping assistants and chat bots help improve the
user experience while shopping online. Natural Language
Processing is used to make the conversation sound as human and
personal as possible. Moreover, these assistants can have real-time
engagement with your customers.
For example, did you know that on, soon,
customer service could be handled by chat bots?
Fraud Prevention
Credit card frauds and fake reviews are two of the most
significant issues that E-Commerce companies deal with. By
considering the usage patterns, AI can help reduce the possibility
of credit card frauds taking place. Many customers prefer to buy a
product or service based on customer reviews. AI can help identify
and handle fake reviews. 

2. Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Education

Although the education sector is the one most influenced
by humans, artificial intelligence has slowly begun to seep its roots
in the education sector as well. Even in the education sector, this
slow transition of Artificial Intelligence has helped increase
productivity among faculties and helped them concentrate more on
Some of these applications in this sector include:

Administrative Tasks Automated to Aid Educators

Artificial Intelligence can help educators with non-
educational tasks like task-related duties like facilitating and
automating personalized messages to students, back-office tasks
like grading paperwork, arranging and facilitating parent and
guardian interactions, routine issue feedback facilitating, managing
enrollment, courses, and HR-related topics. 
Creating Smart Content
Digitization of content like video lectures, conferences,
and text book guides can be made using Artificial Intelligence. We
can apply different interfaces like animations and learning content
through customization for students from different
grades. Providing audio and video summaries and integral lesson
Voice Assistants
Without even the direct involvement of the lecturer or the
teacher, a student can access extra learning material or assistance
through Voice Assistants. Through this, printing costs of
temporary handbooks and also provides answers to very common
questions easily.
Personalized Learning
Using AI technology, hyper-personalization techniques can
be used to monitor students’ data thoroughly, and habits, lesson
plans, reminders, study guides, flash notes, frequency or revision.
3. Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Lifestyle
Artificial Intelligence has a lot of influence on our
lifestyle. Let us discuss a few of them.
Autonomous Vehicles
Automobile manufacturing companies like Toyota, Audi,
Volvo, and Tesla use machine learning to train computers to think
and evolve like humans when it comes to driving in any
environment and object detection to avoid accidents.
Spam Filters
The email that we use in our day-to-day lives has AI that
filters out spam emails sending them to spam or trash folders,
letting us see the filtered content only. The popular email provider,
Gmail, has managed to reach a filtration capacity of approximately
Facial Recognition
Our favorite devices like our phones, laptops, and PCs use
facial recognition techniques by using face filters to detect and
identify in order to provide secure access. Apart from personal
usage, facial recognition is a widely used Artificial Intelligence
application even in high security-related areas in several industries.
Recommendation System
Various platforms that we use in our daily lives like e-
commerce, entertainment websites, social media, video sharing
platforms, like you tube, etc., all use the recommendation system
to get user data and provide customized recommendations to users
to increase engagement.
4. Applications of Artificial intelligence in Navigation
Based on research from MIT, GPS technology can
provide users with accurate, timely, and detailed information to
improve safety. The technology uses a combination of Convolution
Neural Network and Graph Neural Network, which makes lives
easier for users by automatically detecting the number of lanes and
road types behind obstructions on the roads.
AI is heavily used by Umber and many logistics
companies to improve operational efficiency, analyze road traffic,
and optimize routes.

5. Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Robotics

Robotics is another field where artificial intelligence
applications are commonly used. Robots powered by AI use real-
time updates to sense obstacles in its path and pre-plan its journey
It can be used for

 Carrying goods in hospitals, factories, and warehouses

 Cleaning offices and large equipment
 Inventory management

6. Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Human

Artificial Intelligence helps with blind hiring. Using
machine learning software, you can examine applications based on
specific parameters. AI drive systems can scan job
candidates' profiles, and resumes to provide recruiters an
understanding of the talent pool they must choose from.  

7. Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare

Artificial Intelligence finds diverse applications in the
healthcare sector. AI applications are used in healthcare to build
sophisticated machines that can detect diseases and identify cancer
Artificial Intelligence can help analyze chronic conditions
with lab and other medical data to ensure early diagnosis. AI uses
the combination of historical data and medical intelligence for the
discovery of new drugs.

8. Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture

Artificial Intelligence is used to identify defects and
nutrient deficiencies in the soil. This is done using computer
vision, robotics, and machine learning applications, AI can analyze
where weeds are growing. AI bots can help to harvest crops at a
higher volume and faster pace than human laborers.

9. Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Gaming

Another sector where Artificial Intelligence applications
have found prominence is the gaming sector. AI can be used to
create smart, human-like NPCs to interact with the players.
It can also be used to predict human behavior using which
game design and testing can be improved. The Alien Isolation
games released in 2014 uses AI to stalk the player throughout the
The game uses two Artificial Intelligence systems -
‘Director AI’ that frequently knows your location the‘AlienAI,’
driven by sensors and behaviors that continuously hunt player.

10. Applications of Artificial Intelligence in

Artificial Intelligence is used to build self-driving vehicles.
AI can be used along with the vehicle’s camera, radar, cloud
services, GPS, and control signals to operate the vehicle.AI can
improve the in-vehicle experience and provide additional systems
like emergency braking, blind-spot monitoring, and driver-assist

11. Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Social

Instagram on AI considers your likes and the accounts you
follow to determine what posts you are shown on your explore
Artificial Intelligence is also used along with a tool called
Deep Text. With this tool, Facebook can understand conversations
better. It can be used to translate posts from different languages
AI is used by Twitter for fraud detection, removing
propaganda, and hateful content. Twitter also uses AI to
recommend tweets that users might enjoy, based on what type of
tweets they engage with.
12. Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Marketing
Artificial intelligence (AI) applications are popular in
the marketing domain as well.

 Using AI, marketers can deliver highly targeted and

personalized ads with the help of behavioral analysis, pattern
recognition, etc. It also helps with retargeting audiences at
the right time to ensure better results and reduced feelings of
distrust and annoyance.
 AI can help with content marketing in a way that matches the
brand' s style and voice. It can be used to handle
routine tasks like performance, campaign reports, and much
 Chat bots powered by AI, Natural Language Processing,
Natural Language Generation, and Natural Language
Understanding can analyze the user's language and
respond in the ways humans do. 
 AI can provide users with real-time personalization’s based
on their behavior and can be used to edit and optimize
marketing campaigns to fit a local market's needs. 

13. Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Chatbots

AI chat bots can comprehend natural language and
respond to people online who use the " live chat"
feature that many organizations provide for customer service. AI
chatbots are effective with the use of machine learning, and can be
integrated in an array of websites and applications.

AI chatbots can eventually build a database of answers,

in addition to pulling information from an established selection of
integrated answers.
As AI continues to improve, these chatbots can
effectively resolve customer issues, respond to simple inquiries,
improve customer service, and provide 24/7 support. All in all,
these AI chatbots can help to improve customer satisfaction.

14. Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Finance 

It has been reported that 80 percent of banks
recognize the benefits that AI can provide. Whether its personal
finance, corporate finance, or consumer finance, the highly
evolved technology that is offered through AI can help to
significantly improve a wide range of financial services.
For example, customers looking for help regarding wealth
management solutions can easily get the information they need
through SMS text messaging or online chat, all AI-powered.
Artificial intelligence can also detect changes in
transaction patterns and other potential red flags that can signify
fraud, which humans can easily miss, and thus saving businesses
and individuals from significant loss. Aside from fraud detection
and task automation, AI can also better predict and assess loan
Types of artificial intelligence
Based on this criterion, there are two ways in which AI
is generally classified. One type is based on classifying AI and AI-
enabled machines based on their likeness to the human mind, and
their ability to “think” and perhaps even “feel” like humans.
According to this system of classification, there are four types of
AI or AI-based systems: reactive machines, limited memory
machines, theory of mind, and self-aware AI.
1.    Reactive Machines
These are the oldest forms of AI systems that have
extremely limited capability. They emulate the human mind’s
ability to respond to different kinds of stimuli. These machines do
not have memory-based functionality. This means such machines
cannot use previously gained experiences to inform their present
actions, i.e., these machines do not have the ability to “learn.”
The machines could only be used for automatically
responding to a limited set or combination of inputs. They cannot
be used to rely on memory to improve their operations based on
the same. A popular example of a reactive AI machine is IBM’s
Deep Blue, a machine that beat chess Grandmaster Garry Kasparov
in 1997.

2.    Limited Memory
Limited memory machines are machines that, in addition
to having the capabilities of purely reactive machines, are also
capable of learning from historical data to make decisions. Nearly
all existing applications that we know of come under this category
of AI. All present-day AI systems, such as those using deep
learning, are trained by large volumes of training data that they
store in their memory to form a reference model for solving future
For instance, an image recognition AI is trained using
thousands of pictures and their labels to teach it to name objects it
scans. When an image is scanned by such an AI, it uses the
training images as references to understand the contents of the
image presented to it, and based on its “learning experience” it
labels new images with increasing accuracy.

3.    Theory of Mind
While the previous two types of AI have been and are
found in abundance, the next two types of AI exist, for now, either
as a concept or a work in progress. Theory of mind AI is the next
level of AI systems that researchers are currently engaged in
A theory of mind level AI will be able to better understand
the entities it is interacting with by discerning their needs,
emotions, beliefs, and thought processes. While artificial emotional
intelligence is already a budding industry and an area of interest
for leading AI researchers, achieving Theory of mind level of AI
will require development in other branches of AI as well. This is
because to truly understand human needs, I machines will have to
perceive humans as individuals whose minds can be shaped by
multiple factors, essentially “understanding” humans.

4.    Self-aware
This is the final stage of AI development which currently
exists only hypothetically. Self-aware AI, which, self
explanatorily, is an AI that has evolved to be so akin to the human
brain that it has developed self-awareness. Creating this type of Ai,
which is decades, if not centuries away from materializing, is and
will always be the ultimate objective of all AI research.
This type of AI will not only be able to understand and
evoke emotions in those it interacts with, but also have emotions,
needs, beliefs, and potentially desires of its own. And this is the
type of AI that doomsayers of the technology are wary of.
Although the development of self-aware can potentially boost our
progress a civilization by leaps and bounds, it can also catastrophe.
This is because once self-aware, the AI would be capable
of having ideas like self- preservation which may directly or
indirectly spell the end for humanity, as such an entity could easily
outmaneuver the intellect of any human being and plot elaborate
schemes to take over humanity.
The alternate system of classification that is more
generally used in tech parlance is the classification of the
technology into Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI), Artificial
General Intelligence (AGI), and Artificial Super intelligence (ASI).
5.    Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI)
This type of artificial intelligence represents all the existing
AI, including even the most complicated and capable AI that has
ever been created to date. Artificial narrow intelligence refers to AI
systems that can only perform a specific task autonomously using
human-like capabilities.
These machines can do nothing more than what they are
programmed to do, and thus have a very limited or narrow range of
competencies. According to the aforementioned system of
classification, these systems correspond to all the reactive and
limited memory AI. Even the most complex AI that uses machine
learning and deep learning to teach itself falls under ANI.

6.    Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)

Artificial General Intelligence is the ability of an AI agent
to learn, perceive, understand, and function completely like a
human being. These systems will be able to independently build
multiple competencies and form connections and generalizations
across domains. Massive cutting down on time needed for training.

7.    Artificial Super intelligence (ASI)

The development of Artificial Super intelligence will
probably mark the pinnacle of AI research, as AGI will become by
far the most capable forms of intelligence on earth. ASI, in
addition to replicating the multi-faceted intelligence of human
beings, will be exceedingly better at everything they do because of
overwhelmingly greater memory, faster data processing and
analysis, and decision-making capabilities.
The development of AGI and ASI will lead to a scenario
most popularly referred to as the singularity. And while the
potential of having such powerful machines at our disposal seems
appealing, these machines may also threaten our existence or at the
very least, our way of life. At this point, it is hard to picture the
state of our world when more advanced types of AI come into
being. However, it is clear that there is a long way to get there as
the current state of AI development compared to where it is
projected to go is still in its rudimentary stage.
For those holding a negative outlook for the future of AI,
this means that now is a little too soon to be worrying about the
singularity, and there’s still time to ensure AI safety. And for those
who are optimistic about the future of AI, the fact that we’ve
merely scratched the surface of AI development makes the future
even more exciting.

Uses of artificial intelligence

Here we will discuss what are major things and fields AI is
used and under process to get fully implemented and launched in
upcoming years. This technology can be developed only
through computer vision machine learning training.
Here we will discuss mainly the fields or industries where AI
is used today and plays an important role in helping humans to
work with better performance and efficiency without the help of

Use of AI in Following Things/Fields/Areas:

 Virtual Assistant or Chat bots

 Agriculture and Farming
 Autonomous Flying
 Retail, Shopping and Fashion
 Security and Surveillance
 Sports Analytics and Activities
 Manufacturing and Production
 Live Stock and Inventory Management
 Self-driving Cars or Autonomous Vehicles
 Healthcare and Medical Imaging Analysis
 Warehousing and Logistic Supply Chain

AI in Virtual Assistance
Alexa, Siri and Google Assistance are the major examples
of virtual assistance while automated bots answering the questions
of customers are the example of AI-based chat bots working with
the best performance.AI techniques are used in Chat bots to
automate the customer support and assistance system more
expedient and trouble-free. Chatbots can transform your
business with multiple benefits keeping the client-customer
relationship more intact.

AI in Agriculture
In the agriculture sector, autonomous tractors and AI-base
drones monitoring are used to enhance the productivity and crop
yield offarmlands. Robots and automated machines are also used in
these fields to monitor crop health conditions and harvesting.

AI can help agriculture to boost crop productivity

with better plant health and weather monitoring systems while
making the entire process trouble-free. And data is also gathered to
further train such models to work in agricultural or farming-related

AI in Automotive
The Vehicles or Self-driving Cars are the other examples of
AI, fully integrated into such a system to make the machine work
automatically while understanding the nearby surroundings and
real-world scenarios.
AI-based face recognition and biometric systems help to keep
track the human beings and provide a safe zone to live in. Security
cameras surveillance equipment is widely used to keep the cities
and habitats safe.

AI in E-commerce
E-commerce-backed automated warehousing and supply
chain management is reducing the manpower and helping storage
companies to manage the huge amount of stock or inventory with
proper management and supply system. This system is also helping
the e-commerce sector to operate with better efficiency and
improve its operating margins.
The AI-based automated warehousing management
system is not only getting benefits but machine learning is
improving the online shopping experience of the customers.
Automated robots are handling the inventory performing various
tedious with better efficiency allowing humans to get involved in
decision-making tasks to improve the overall supply-chain and
logistics management.
This technology is also providing insights of customers to
companies using sentiment analysis to understand their feelings
and offer them better products and services to gain more market
share in the industry.

AI in Healthcare
Similarly, AI in healthcare sector is playing a vital role in
empowering the machines to diagnose, analyze and predict the
various types of diseases, and monitor the patient’s health
conditions.It is also helping scientists to explore the new drug
discoveries and medicine development providing the more
effective treatments for people to get well soon and avoid health
problems in their life.

AI supports medical imaging analysis

AI is used as a tool for case triage. It supports a clinician
reviewing images and scans. This enables radiologists or
cardiologists to identify essential insights for prioritizing critical
cases, to avoid potential errors in reading electronic health records
(EHRs) and to establish more precise diagnoses.
For example, Hardin Memorial Health (HMH) needed to
find a way to extract relevant data from EHRs in a concentrated
form for imaging professionals.
The hospital’s Emergency Room (ER) was handling more
than 70,000 patients per year and decided to partner with IBM to
implement “The Patient Synopsis”. This product identifies patient
information relevant to the imaging procedure conducted on that
AI in radiology is playing a crucial role in detecting
different types of critical diseases with the best level of accuracy
making the medical diagnosis and treatment process fasted.

There are many ways AI can be achieved

some of them are as follows:
1. Machine Learning (ML):
It is a method where the target (goal) is defined
and the step to reach that target is learned by the machine
itself by training (gaining experience).For example to
identify a simple object such as an apple or orange. The
target is achieved not by explicitly specifying the details
about it and coding it but it is just as we teach a child by
showing multiple different pictures of it and therefore
allowing the machine to define the steps to identify it like an
apple or an orange.

2. Natural Language Processing (NLP): 

Natural Language Processing is broadly defined as
the automatic manipulation of natural language,
like speech and text, by software. One of the well-known examples
of this is email spam detection as we can see how it has improved
in our mail system.

3. Vision:
 It can be said as a field which enables the machines to
see. Machine vision captures and analyses visual information using
a camera, analog-to-digital conversion, and digital signal
processing. It can be compared to human eyesight but it is not
bound by the human limitation which can enable it to see through
walls (now that would be interesting if we can have implants that
can make us see through the wall). It is usually achieved through
machine learning to get the best possible results so we could say
that these two fields are interlinked.

4. Robotics:
 It is a field of engineering focused on the design and
manufacturing of robots. Robots are often used to perform tasks
that are difficult for humans to perform or perform consistently.
Examples include car assembly lines, in hospitals, office cleaner,
serving foods, and preparing foods in hotels, patrolling farm areas
and even as police officers.
Recently machine learning has been used to achieve
certain good results in building robots that interact socially

Autonomous Vehicles: 
This area of AI has gathered a lot of attention. the list of
vehicles includes cars, buses, trucks, trains, ships, submarines, and
autopilot flying drones etc.

The fields above in simple terms can be shown as below and we

can see why machine learning plays a major role in achieving AI.

Artificial intelligence use cases

Applications of AI can be seen in everyday scenarios
such as financial services fraud detection, retail purchase
predictions, and online customer support interactions. Here are just
a few examples: 

 Fraud detection. The financial services industry uses

artificial intelligence in two ways. Initial scoring of
applications for credit uses AI to understand
creditworthiness. More advanced AI engines are employed
to monitor and detect fraudulent payment card transactions
in real time.
 Virtual customer assistance (VCA). Call centers use VCA to
predict and respond to customer inquiries outside of human
interaction. Voice recognition, coupled with simulated
human dialog, is the first point of interaction in a customer
service inquiry. Higher-level inquiries are redirected to a
 When a person initiates dialog on a webpage via chat
(chatbot), the person is often interacting with a computer
running specialized AI. If the chatbot can’t interpret or
address the question, a human intervenes to communicate
directly with the person.
 Advancements in AI for applications like natural language
processing(NLP) and computer vision (CV) are helping
industries like financial services, healthcare, and automotive
accelerate innovation, improve customer experience, and
Reduce costs.gartner estimates to 70%of people will interact.

Advantages and Disadvantages of

Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence is one of the emerging
technologies which tries to simulate human reasoning in AI
systems. John McCarthy invented the term Artificial Intelligence
in the year 1950.
He said, ‘Every aspect of learning or any other feature of
intelligence can in principle be so precisely described that a
machine can be made to simulate it. An attempt will be made to
find how to make machines use language, form abstractions, and
concepts, solve kinds of problems now reserved for humans, and
improve themselves.’


 Reduction in human error

 Takes risk instead of human
 Available 24*7
 Helps in respective jobs
 Digital assistantce
 Faster decision
 Daily applications
 New inventions

1) Reduction in Human Error:

The phrase “human error” was born because humans
make mistakes from time to time. Computers, however, do not
make these mistakes if they are programmed properly. With
Artificial intelligence, the decisions are taken from the previously
gathered information applying a certain set of algorithms. So errors
are reduced and the chance of reaching accuracy with a greater
degree of precision is a possibility.
Example: In Weather Forecasting using AI they have
reduced the majority of human error.

2) Takes risks instead of Humans:

This is one of the biggest advantages of Artificial
intelligence. We can overcome many risky limitations of humans
by developing an AI Robot which in turn can do the risky things
for us. Let it be going to mars, defuse a bomb, explore the deepest
parts of oceans, mining for coal and oil, it can be used effectively
in any kind of natural or man-made disasters.
Example: Have you heard about the Chernobyl nuclear
power plant explosion in Ukraine? At that time there were no AI-
powered robots that can help us to minimize the effect of radiation
by controlling the fire in early stages, as any human went close to
the core was dead in a matter of minutes. They eventually poured
sand and boron from helicopters from a mere distance.
AI Robots can be used in such situations where
intervention can be hazarder.

3) Available 24x7:
An Average human will work for 4–6 hours a day
excluding the breaks. Humans are built in such a way to get some
time out for refreshing themselves and get ready for a new day of
work and they even have weekly of fed to stay intact with their
work-life and personal life. But using AI we can make machines
work 24x7 without any breaks and they don’t even get bored,
unlike humans.
Example: Educational Institutes and Helpline centers are
getting many queries and issues which can be handled effectively
using AI.

4) Helping in Repetitive Jobs:

In our day-to-day work, we will be performing many
repetitive works like sending a thanking mail, verifying certain
documents for errors and many more things. Using artificial
intelligence we can productively automate these mundane tasks
and can even remove “boring” tasks for humans and free them up
to be increasingly creative.
Example: In banks, we often see many verifications of
documents to get a loan which is a repetitive task for the owner of
the bank. Using AI Cognitive Automation the owner can speed up
the process of verifying the documents by which both the
customers and the owner will be benefited.

5) Digital Assistance:
Some of the highly advanced organizations use digital
assistants to interact with a user which saves the need for human
resources the digital assistants also used in many website to
provide things users also used in many websites to provide things
that users want. We can chat with them about what we are looking
for. Some chatbots are designed in such a way that it’s become
hard to determine that we’re chatting with a chatbot or a human
Example: We all know that organizations have a customer
support team that needs to clarify the doubts and queries of the
customers. Using AI the organizations can set up a Voice both or
Chatbot which can help customers with all their queries. We can
see many organizations already started using them on their
websites and mobile applications.

6) Faster Decisions:
Using AI alongside other technologies we can make
machines take decisions faster than a human and carry out actions
quicker. While taking a decision human will analyze many factors
both emotionally and practically but AI-powered machine works
on what it is programmed and delivers the results in a faster way.
Example: We all have played Chess games in Windows. It
is nearly impossible to beat CPU in the hard mode because of the
AI behind that game. It will take the best possible step in a very
short time according to the algorithms used behind it.

7) Daily Applications:
Daily applications such as Apple’s Siri,
Window’s Cortana, Google’s OK Google are frequently used in
our daily routine whether it is for searching a location, taking a
selfie, making a phone call, replying to a mail and many more.
Example: Around 20 years ago, when we are planning to
go somewhere we used to ask a person who already went there for
the directions. But now all we have to do is say “OK Google where
is Visakhapatnam”. It will show you Visakhapatnam’s location on
google map and the best path between you and Visakhapatnam.

8) New Inventions:
AI is powering many inventions in almost every domain
which will help humans solve the majority of complex problems.

Example: Recently doctors can predict breast cancer in the

woman at earlier stages using advanced AI-based technologies.

 High costs of creations
 Making human lazy
 Unemployment
 No Emotions
 Lacking out of box thinking

1) High Costs of Creation:

As AI is updating every day the hardware and software
need to get updated with time to meet the latest requirements.
Machines need repairing and maintenance which need plenty of
costs. Its creation requires huge costs as they are very complex

2) Making Humans Lazy:

AI is making human laziness, Addicted to these inventions
in future generation.

Humans tend to get addicted to these inventions which can cause a

problem to future generations.

3) Unemployment:
As AI is replacing the majority of the repetitive tasks and
other works with robots, human interference is becoming less
which will cause a major problem in the employment standards.
Every organization is looking to replace the minimum qualified
individuals with AI robots which can do similar work with more

4) No Emotions:
There is no doubt that machines are much better when it
comes to working efficiently but they cannot replace the human
connection that makes the team. Machines cannot develop a bond
with humans which is an essential attribute when comes to Team

5) Lacking Out of Box Thinking:

Machines can perform only those tasks which they are
designed or programmed to do, anything out of that they tend to
crash or give irrelevant outputs which could be a major backdrop.

Future of Artificial Intelligence

Regarding focused on the future of AI, it is said that
there is modeling and the growth in the Artificial Intelligence and
the increase is seen in the period over the next ten years. However,
there are various companies that are trying to change people’s
opinions as people of the modern world are thinking that AI is
good or bad, thus there could be the growth and decay in this field.
Consequently, there are various factors contributing to
increasing the performance of the companies in the AI field as that
people could use AI in the better way and can gain the advantages
(Zhou, Zhang, Huang, & Yu-FengLi, 2012).
Companies are showing completion in the next 25 years
so that there could be growth aspects in the different variables.
However, regarding predicting the future, the companies need to
do change the variables so that the robot can be mad according to
the technology and there could be the increase in the technology.
There can be positive or negative growth in the IT or
robotic technology because people perceptions can be changed
over time. It is anticipated that AI can take the position if human
because AI can perform better than people and if there could be the
increase in the AI then people livelihood can be suffered because
maximum jobs or benefits will be given to the robots or AI.

To better prepare for the future society in which
artificial intelligences (AI) will have much more pervasive
influence on our lives, a better understanding of the difference
between AI and human intelligence is necessary. Human and
biological intelligence cannot be separated from the process of

Therefore, a fundamental gap exists between human

intelligence and AI until AI acquires artificial life. Humans’ social
and met cognitive intelligence most clearly distinguish human
intelligence from nonhuman intelligence. Although advances are
likely to improve the functioning of AI, AI will remain a function
of human activity. However, if AI can learn to self-replicate and
thus become a life form, albeit a man-made one, outcomes become
1. Artificial Intelligence Concepts&Applications-
Lavika Goel
2. Artificial Intelligence Basics-Tom Taulli
3. Artificial Intelligence-Sumith
4. Hands-On Artificial intelligence for Android-Vasco
Correia Veloso


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