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Capacity Development Program

for CSOs in Local Development Councils


Session Objective

At the end of the session, the participants will be able to:

• Summarize and reflect on the lessons learned in the course

Course Summary
1. Development involves many dimensions, best summarized
in the 17 SDGs
2. By virtue of Sec 16 & 17 (LGC), LGUs are responsible for
delivering many of the services linked to achieving the
3. The LPA cycle is the organized process through which the
LGU tries to deliver on its commitments to promote
development in their jurisdiction
Course Summary
4. The LDC is a major player in the LPA cycle, as it has a major
role in planning, monitoring and evaluation
5. CSO reps to the LDC, therefore, have significant
opportunities to influence local development for the benefit
of the marginalized
6. To maximize this opportunity, CSO reps must know the
formal LDC processes, know where they can intervene, know
basic soft skills on how to influence others, analyze the
issues & concerns of their sector, and consult with their
respective sectors on what to advocate. 
• Sharing of participants’ learning
and reflections on the training
Thank you!

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