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Institute for excellence in

higher education
Name Simran pawar
Class MSc physics
Subject Condensed matter physics
Topic Elastic constants
Submit to: Submitted by:
Dr. S.K jain Simran pawar
Roll no: 722156

1. Elastic property of matter

2. Stress components .
3. Strain components Stress strain relation and elastic constants.
4. Reduction in the number of elastic constants due to existence of
the potential of elastic forces .
5. Isotropic and anisotropicbody.
7. Bulkmodulus and compressebility for cubic crystals.
Elastic property of
 Stress
 Strain

Stress: the force acting on a unit area in

the solids is defined as the stress.

Stress =force/area

Stress is a tensor quantity of rank 2 nd

So there are nine stress components

The capital letter shows the direction of force

Capital letter is indicating in which direction we are applying force and small letter is
indicating in which plane we are applying force

The force acting on a unit area in the solid is

defined as stress. There are nine stress
components X_{x} X_{y} X, T_{x}, Y_{y}, Y ,
Z_{x} , z_{y} , Z_{z} The capital letter indicates
the direction of force, and the subscript
indicates the normal to the plane to which the
force is applied. Thus the stress component
X_{1} represents a force applied in the x-
direction to a unit area of a plane whose
normal lies in the x-direction; the stress
component X_{y} represents a force applied in
the x-direction to a unit area of a plane whose
normal lies in the y-direction.
Xy = the stress component represents a force applied in the X
direction and whose normal lies in Y plane
the no of independent stress component is reduced from nine
to six by applying to am elementary cube the angular
acceleration vanish and hence the total torque must be zero
Yz = Zy , Zx = Xz , Xy = Yz
the six independent stress component may be
Components of strain
If external force is applied on material than its
shape ,size ,length change due to external force than
fractional change in shape ,size, length is known as
Change in configuration /original configuration
Strain is also a tensor of rank 2nd
It has 9 components
a b c


stress and strain alone cannot be instrumental in solving the physical problems
of the theory of elasticity concerning deformations that are produced in an
elastic body under the action of external forces applied to it until stresses
and strains have been connected by a physical law.
The theory of elasticity treats this law in the most general form i.e.,general
form of functions relating stresses to strains is ascertained .
Xx = f1[exx ,eyy,ezz eyz,ezx ,ezx,exy]
Yy = f2[exy,eyy,………………….,exy]
Zz = f3[exx,eyy,………………….,exy] 1 1

Xy = f6[exx,eyy,…………………..,exy]
 It is readily established that in then case of small
deformations the simplest and most rational form of
(1) is a linear form .After that the values of the
coefficients of function (1) are determined for
various cases of an elastic body. Denoting the
coefficients by Cij,, we represent the first function of
(1) as follows:

1. Xx = c11 exx +C3 eyy+c13ezz + c14 eyz +c15 ezx +c16

exy where the quantities C11,C3….Cij are called the
ealstic stiffness constants or moduli of elasticity.

 These have dimensions of [force]/[area] or

This linear form formulates in its very essence the principle of
superposition (the law of independence of effects of forces ) implying, for
example , that the stress Xx developed in the presence of several
components exx ,eyy,…….exy is equal to the sum of stresses caused by
each of these components seperately . The relations corresponds to the
physical conditions of the problem and it reflects correctly the physical
phenomenon under investigation .Relations are written as

X X = C11 exx + C3 eyy + C13 ezz + C14 eyz + c15 e zx + c16 e xy

Yy = C21 exx +C22 eyy + C23 ezz +C24 eyz + C25 ezx + C26 exy

Zz = c31 exx + c32 eyy + c33 ezz + c34 eyz + c35 ezx + c36 exy
Yz = c41 exx + c42 eyy + c43 ezz + c44 e yz + c45 e zx + c46 e xy

Zx = c51 exx + c52 eyy + c53 e zz + c54 e yz + c55 ezx + c56 e xy

Xy = c61 exx + c62 eyy + c63 ezz + c64 eyz + c65 ezx + c66 e xy
The considerations supporting the justification of our
choice are as follows :
1) The linear form of the relation is in good agreement
with experimental results for many materials under simple
tension or compression , where it is observed as having
direct proportionality between stress and unit elongation
(Hook’s law ) .
 2) To given strains exx,,eyy,ezz, eyz, ezx,exy, at a given point there
should correspond just one system of stresses Xx,Yy,Zz, Yz , Zx, Xy, and
conversely , given stresses entail exactly one system of strains.
These conditions are satisfied by a linear form of relations .Further if we
solve equations with respect to strains ,we shall also obtain linear
expressions for them in terms of stresses as given below:

The quantities S11,S3……,sij are called the elastic constants or elastlic

complice constants.
These have the dimensions of [area]/[force]/[energy
 Reduction in the number of elastic constants
due to existence of the potential of elastic
 Anisotropic body
 Equation 3 contain 36 constant coefficients Cij called the elastic constants .They
characterise the elastic properties of a body and by they are quite analogous to
the moduli of elasticity E and G .the number of elastic constants of a body , in
general ,as we see is very great ; however ,it is reduced considerately when the
potential of elastic forces exists.
 Indeed take a partial derivative of the potential energy with respect to any of the
strains ,for example with respect to eyy , on the basis of equations we have
 ∂W/∂eyy =Yy = C21exx +C22 eyy+ C23 ezz + c24 eyz + c25 ezx +C26 exy……….(1)
 Taking a partial derivative of both members once more , for example , with respect
to exx we get
 ∂ ^2W/∂ezx∂eyy=C25………….(2)
 Now find the same second derivative by differentiating in reverse
 ∂W/∂ezx=Zx, ∂^2W/∂ey∂zx =∂Zx/∂eyy=C52…………(3) since the
magnitude of the a derivative doesnot depend on the order of
differentiation we compare equations and find C25 =C25 ; the same
can be proved of course ,for any two coefficients Cij and Cji such that ,
 cij = Cji
 In the most general cases 36 elastic constants
C11,C22,C33,C44,C55,C66Which are located along the diagonal and 36-6/9=15
among the remaining constants : making altogether 6+15=21
 Only the most anisotropic bodies exhibiting entirely different elastic
properties in different directions can posses such a large number of
elastic constants .
 Isotropic Body Physical non-isotropic bodies (crystals) usually reveal greater or smaller symmetry of

 structure, as a result of which the number of elastic constants is considerably reduced. We shall consider
here only the case of an isotropic body whose elastic properties are the same in all directions. For such a
body equation (10.3) must not alter under any transformations of coordinates whatsoever. Hence we can
easily reduce the elastic constants to 9 if we take into account the rule for shearing strains; it follows from
this rule that a shearing strain (e.g. c x*nu ) preserves its magnitude but changes the sign if we reverse the
direction of one of these axes in the plane of which the shearing strain occurs. (Fig. 9).

 e x * y' >0

 c_{m} < 0

 Fig. 9.

 ...(114)
 Take, for instance, the first of equations (10.3)

 149

 X x =c 11 e xx +c 3 e yy +c 13 e 3 +c 14 e 37 +c 15 e xx +c 16 e xy
 and reverse the direction of the axis Oy, i.e., we rotate the axis through 180 This will obviously have no
effect on the left-hand member of the equation, the first three terms in the right-hand member
(containing elongations) will remain unaltered; the fifth term will not change either, the fourth and sixth
terms preserving the magnitude will change the sign, hence the equality between left-hand and right-
hand members will be violated, this will not happen only when c_{14} = 0 and c 16 = 0i .e , these two
coefficients .
Ifwe reverse the direction of the axis O_{1} shall find in the same way that c_{14} = 0,
c_{15} = 0 thus we draw general conclusions that c_{14} = c_{15} = c_{16} =0 c. n the
normal stress X_{x} is not connected with shear deformations. In view of equality of the
co-ordinate axes in an isotropic body this conclusion also applies to the, other two
normal stresses Y_{y} and Z_{z}*t . epsilon ,
 c_{24} = c_{25} = c_{26} = 0 c_{34} = c_{35} = c_{36} = 0 on the basis of equation (11.4), Le, c ij =c g we note that the symmetric co-efficients in the last three equations of
(10.3) become zero,

 c_{41} = c_{42} = c_{43} = 0

 c_{51} = c_{52} = c_{53} = 0 la

 c_{61} = c_{62} = c_{63} = 0 .

 Le, shearing stresses are not connected with elongation. The number of elastic constants has been reduced to 3 and equations (10.3) have fallen into two independent

 X x =c 11 e xx +c 3 e yy +c 13 e zz Y 2 =c 44 e yz +c 45 c 2x +c 46 e xy Y y =c 21 c xx +c 22 c yy +c 23 e zz . Z 2 =c 54 e yz +c 55 e 2x +c 56 e xy

 Z z =c 31 c xx +c 32 e yy +c 33 e zz , x y -c 61 e yz +c 65 e zz +c 66 e xy Let us turn to the last three equations. If the direction the , the sign of the last two terms in the
fourth equation will be changed to its opposite, the left hand member will remain unaltered and, as before, we therefore, conclude that. c_{45} = c_{46} = 0

 and further on reversing the axes Oy and Oz respectively, we have from the fifth and sixth equations

 c_{54} = c_{56} = 0 c_{64} = c_{65} = 0

 The number of elastic constants has been reduced to 3 - 3 = 9

 X x =c 11 e xx +c 3 e yy +c 13 e zz
 Y y =c 21 e xx +c 22 e yy +c 23 e zz
 Z z =c 31 e zx +c 32 e yy +c 33 e zz
 Yz = c 44 eyz
 Z x = c55ezx
 Xy =C66xy
The transformations of co-ordinates which we have so far
employed came to a rotation of particular axis through
180°. Now we employ a rotation of axes through 90° by
replacing Oy by Oz. Oz by Ox and Ox by Oy. We take the
first of equation (11.5) and interchange the axes Oy and
Oz This will have no effect on the left-hand member of the
equilibrium in view of the isotropy of the body; in the
right-hand member, however, the elongations e yy and e
zz will be interchanged consequently, the equality will not
be violated only when c_{12} = c_{13} likewise in the
second and third equations we must have c_{21} =
c_{23}*c_{31} = c_{32} and finally on the basis of equation
(11.4). Le., c ij =c ji we have,
c_{12} = c_{13} = c_{23} = c_{21} = c_{31} = c_{32}

Now successively replacing one axis by another and keeping in mind that the form of
equations (11.5) must not be altered, we come to the conclusion that

c_{11} = c_{22} = c_{33} / c_{44} = c_{55} = c_{66}

Hence equations (11.5) become,

Xx =c 11 e xx +c 12 (e yy +e zz )
Yy =c 11 e yy +c 12 (e zz +e xx )
Z2 = c_{11}*e_{22} +c 12 (exx + eyy )
Yz =c 44 e yz
Zx =c 44 e zx
Xy =c 44 e xy.
Thus the number of elastic constants has been reduced to three

c_{11}, c_{12}, c_{44}

We have achieved this result by fulfilling the requirement that the form of relations
not change with the rotation of co-ordinate axes through 90° and 180°X
 The cubic crystals possess symmetry elements and so the number of independent elastic
Constants in their case is reduced to three only. We choose the three coordinate axes parallel
to the three sides of the cube.

 Since a cube has got a four fold axis normal to each face, the three axes will be equivalent,
and can be replaced by one another by a rotation of 90° Then from equations (10.3), we
have, as in the case of isotropic bodies above,

 c11 = c22 = c33 and c44 = c55 = c66

 There is also a mirror plane normal to each axis in a cubic crystal and so if we reverse the
direction of any axis, Le., we rotate the axis by 180, the shearing stresses remain unchanged
and are unconnected with elongations.

 Hence from the equations (10.3) we get.

 c14 = c15 = c16 = 0 , c24 = c25 = c26 = 0 and C34= C35 =C36
 Applying the restriction (11.4) to above, we get

c41 = c42 = c43 = 0 , C51} = c_{52} = c_{53} = 0 and
Using the above conditions from (3.1) * to (3.3 in equations (10.3) we get the values of the
stress components as given by equations (11.6) and the values of the elastic stiffness
constants for a cubic crystal are reduced to the matrix


c_{61} = c_{62} = c_{63} = 0

k_{j} = [[c_{1}, c_{3}, 0, 0, 0, 0], [c_{2}, c_{1}, c_{22}, 0, 0, 0], [c_{2}, c_{3}, c_{22}, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0,
0, c_{44}, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, c_{44}, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, c_{44}]]


showing that the number of elastic constants in the case of cubic crystals is reduced to only
three, viz., c_{11} , c_{3} and c_{44} By evaluating the inverse matrix to (3.4) it can be shown
that for cubic crystals we have
Elasticity and Elastic Waves

c 44 = 1 s_{11} - c_{3} = (s_{11} - s_{3}) ^ - 1, c_{11} + 2c_{3} = (s_{11} + 2s_{3}) ^ - 1.

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